Flag: Canada
Registered: November 29, 2021
Last post: December 4, 2024 at 3:54 PM
Posts: 1602
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GE took texture and threw him on KJ for SKRossi to play Jett. I don't hate india, I hate on GE for trying to be a gimmick roster. If you are going to be a bad team, then at least help develop your scene. Is a team like DFM the best? No, but they are doing their best by repersenting and fielding from their own region. At least with Bleed I can see the potential and what they wanted from the roster, I just can't imagine the potential from either of the GE abominations they created.

posted 7 months ago

Japan is a good place to go to but bad to live in. The work environment is so fucked compared to other first world countries. I would love to go to japan for like 3 months and just exist, but you could not find me a job that is better to do in Japan than jn other first world contries.

Like, it isn't even close to how bad it would be to live in a 3rd world country as an average citizen, but for modern standards living in Japan would be undesirable. Japan is #51 in happiness score, for referance: Brazil is #44, the US is #23, Canada is #15, and the top 3 are Iceland, Denmark, and Finland.

Is Japan a cool country? For sure. Is Japan the best? Definitely not. Maybe if you're a weeb'd up val man child with an asian fetish you'd be able to get over the downsides, but for me the glorious trains and infustructure isn't enough.

posted 7 months ago

Inaccurate is crazy

posted 7 months ago

Bad night to be a T1 fan, bout to get 4-0'd by Gen.G in multiple Esports.

Meteor > Baitaplayer
Chovy (Real goat) > F0ker (old guy with good teams)

posted 7 months ago

I said 2 different, 1 way more wack thing. What part do you disagree with.

posted 7 months ago

25% of the regions players.

80% of the regions skill.

posted 7 months ago

T1 is still like a top 5 team in Pacific.

That's like Heretics vs KC or 100T vs Lev

Yes, I'd rate KC and Lev around 4/5th in their regions, but the example stands. These mfs are still damn good.

posted 7 months ago

I just realized that on that last round (the wo0t 3k) G2 lost the round because Trent missed his dizzy. He threw it so his team could peek while TH were blind, but it missed off the edge of the window. Just adds a little more unfortunace to the game.

posted 7 months ago

I think we inflate the power of other teams and deflate the firepower of Canada. While Canada is probably the lowest in firepower (My roster is FNS, Tenz, JonahP, Eeiu, and Mada), i think they lowkey clear the other teams in terms of how the team would flow. All the other rosters are getting IGL diffed. Eeiu and JonahP are two of the best initiators in America's. Mada is a better Victor in terms of his dive ability with superior firepower to vic.

Tl;dr you are giving FNS an upgrade in every position of player he's ever had (excluding Tenz for s0m but I'd mark that as equal). They may be outaimed by turkey or brazil, but they could beat both through how much better Canada would be in strategy.

Korea clears tho, as the second best strats team and way hugher firepower because of the Gen.G GOATS.

posted 7 months ago

Idk if content creators have shown it off, but any agent is able to jump from the defense A site box in the corner around and into A main, on that big ass lip off the map. Might be good against an aggressive comp to catch a timing if the other team isn't used to anyone going around there. I assume it's on some content creators vid, but who knows. I just did it a few times. Fun gimmick.

posted 7 months ago

I think the IGL buffer than Canada has makes this a game. Redgar is a serial inter. Mada is also at the level of a tier 1 duelist imo, give him 2 of the best flex players in AM and we got probably the best system you can make from any single-nation team. I think it could be a close series for either way.

Plus if you want a pure power roster, Turkey clears Russia.

posted 7 months ago

As long as loud don't fumble a game vs Lev or EG, they should make playoffs. +pancada and the young goat tuyz on duelist is going to go fucking hard.

posted 7 months ago

Meteor has been my favourite player since watching him in Japanese Split 2 of 2022 when he got Nth to Copenhagen. Now seeing him be so successful in 2024 after such a rough 2023, It just makes me so happy.

My eternal king is now an eternal world champ. :)

Btw, Gen.G have only lost to a single team on the international stage all year.

Yall better hope the vibes merchant comes back cause dietboo (not refering to weight, just a common fraise to mean "cheaper version) ain't gonna do shit in them beating the Golden Tigers.

We also won MSI.

Is Chovy the Meteor of LoL?
Is T3xture the Canyon of LoL?
Is Lakia the Lakia of Valorant?
Is Grand Finals wo0t the 2024 Yay of Valorant?
All will be revealed eventually my children, stay patient.

Goodnight and rest well to all of you out there.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Russia has good bones and an excellent coach, but lack quality IGL's like a lot of the european teams. Sweden is similar.

I'd say the top 3 (100% with some bias) are the USA, Canada and Turkey.

First off, Canada. FNS is still the best IGL to touch this game, I'd give him a roster of Tenz (Primary Smokes), JonahP (Flex), Eeiu (Info Initiator) and I like the Mada duelist. Another bias statement, but T2 NA duelists can 100% hang in tier 1 and I feel Mada is towards the top of those T2 NA duelists. Jusy based on mechanics, that is an upgrade in every position for an FNS team outside of s0m - whom I would say Tenz is at worst a single step below our W stripper.

Next is America, based on a very similar reason. Boostio is another genuine top tier IGL in the game, plain and simple. Give him Zekken, Zellsis, s0m/bang (relative peaks, streamer more consitent peak but bang and boostio are like besties) and trent. Another allstar lineup backed by a top IGL.

I'd just like to reiterate that it isn't just skill that would make these teams work, it's the backbone of those teams and how they flow - the intagibles outside of shooting a gun.

With that being said, my vote is Turkey. Maybe Russia could run no igl, maybe brazil could, blah blah blah. Turkey could run with 4 players and they'd still make top 4.
ALFAJER, WO0T, RIENS, CNED thise four horsemen of the apocalypse would throw FNS back into retirement before you could drop the man a Bilibili classic. Fuck the other countries, fuck my NA bias, these turks CLEAR.

posted 7 months ago


Ascent: Jett
Bind: Neon, Raze, Yoru
Haven: Jett or Raze
Icebox: Neon or Jett
Lotus: Neon or Raze
Sunset: Raze or Neon

Ascent is obvious.

For bind though, I think if you run 3 of Viper, Brim, Fade, or Gekko then you'd have enough delay to fast retake sites with how fast new Neon is. Showers takes, Uhaul takes, Hooka takes, all very viabily with Neon + Gekko util. I think they'll be one of the best agent duo's in the new meta.

I don’t think the sites lend for Neon very well. The stun and the wall for neon aren't getting the same value as taking space on bind.

I see a line for Neon on Icebox. With 2 slides, you have a decent ability to get to take Yellow Box. She can still do fast A pushes on A defense. HOWEVER the biggest advantage I think she has is rotating on icebox. Specifically on icebox, Gen G is leading the meta with fast rotates and reclears, and Neon + Gekko goes CRAZY for fast retakes, rotates, and reclears.

She was somewhat viable early lotus. She'll be fine.


posted 7 months ago

Just based on the eye test, Fnatic and Fut look just about as good as Lev. Based on the score test, 100T fucking dogged Fut and Fnatic + Lev were relative scorewise.

EMEA is back to being a 1 team region with Heretics, but to be fair those mfs look good. But don't reach to think the region is good.

posted 7 months ago

Just in terms of midrounding and aim, JohnQT is better than Boaster. If you put JohnQT in that roster they'd do better for sure, even with his flexing to smokes.

posted 7 months ago

Gen G has had the worst circumstances at a tournament of all time (OUTSIDE OF LITERALLY LOSING A PLAYER). The coughing baby beat the hydrogen bomb. Fut hasn't even looked that good imo, they just never play ass. Against Lev and Fnatic they just don't look as bad as either team, but when they play that same way vs 100T, it's a wash. Fnatic ae mid.

posted 7 months ago

I mean a tier 3 Valorant player is now top 4 at IEM Dallas, so idk. He couldn't even make it through NA T2 open quals, but he can make top 4 of an S tier CS2 tournament.

posted 7 months ago

Not everything is a fluke, but that was.

posted 7 months ago

EMEA has 1 good IGL in it's history of Val and they exported him to Sentinels. The rest are mid. Legit just get the best T2 duelist, put him on smokes, and play like you're paper rex. Only option EMEA has.

posted 7 months ago

Their win over Heretics was more of a fluke than Lock//In.

posted 7 months ago

Navi was robbed.

posted 7 months ago

I think we could send Sen, C9 or Kru and they'd clear Fut and Fnatic (Heretics are a different level than those fucks).

posted 7 months ago

If 100T maintain form, they got a shot.

posted 8 months ago

EMEA is a top 4 region for sure, probably just behind Pacific, America's and China. But top 4 region 100%.

posted 8 months ago

I mean, Stewie2k (a tier 3 valorant player) is currently at top 6 of an S-tier CS2 major.

posted 8 months ago

Boaster is an option for the early 2023 success, plut he's got top 8 at every champs and made an international every year. But, he's more accomplishments than player imo.

Boostio is the newest here. He uses his pieces amazingly, won a champs, won a regional split, and was in the Grand finals of a masters his first time there. If 100T does well at shanghai, he's REALLY in the convo. As a player, he's probably the best individual and caller balance. He can shoot and he can call at a really high level.

Then there is Saadhak. In 2022 he only lost to 2 rosters, made 2 grand finals, and won champs. In 2023 he again made all 3 international lans and got top 3 in two of them, including handing the stacked Fnatic roster 2 of their 3 losses that year. He has won multiple brazil splits and an America's split. If you really want accomplishments, here is your guy.

But, then you have a guy without a rating on any agent (with 200 rounds) about 1. What about a guy who had the worst duelist in Apac on his team. A guy who did all of that yet was the first to hand a team with likely the goat of the game and another top 5 of all time player. Never won a regional title. Never won a champs. But nobody in the server is as effective as an IGL as FNS. You all watched NRG play with 2 champs winners instead of him, and they were one of the worst strategic teams in the America's region. Nobody manipulates the game like him. Nobody commands his players like him. Nobody is equal to him as a pure IGL.

Saadhak for accomplishments
Boostio for modern day + role efficiency
Boaster if you're a fnatic fan
FNS for pure IGL abilities

I'm (clearly) an FNS simp, so base it off what you value.

posted 8 months ago

I mean, Guild was able to beat Optic and Loud, but outside of them and FPX it wasn't really close compared to the top AM teams. I get your part about regional depth, so I'd throw up how Xset was able to beat Fnatic and FPX at times, 100T was able to beat Fnatic, Lev was at that same tier. In NA, teams like Faze, NRG, Guard, and EG were able to challenge those globally recognized NA teams.

If we want to be abstract about regional contenders, it's about equal between just NA and EMEA. If we want international contenders, arguably AM would be placed higher. And, if we look at the peaks, Optic and Loud were a step ahend of everyone else (worst case, FPX was there too).

I'd be more tempted to put AM = EMEA 2023 than EMEA = AM 2022.

posted 8 months ago

Leviathan decided to revert to week 1 AM level of play. That was awful to watch. Fut didn't even look insane, they just didn't throw.

posted 8 months ago

North American societial values leans much further from video games, expecially competitive video games, compared to other regions. Different systems put into place, whether it be deliberate or not, punish youth for being into video games - both in social settings and financial settings. Just playing games is seen as a red flag to many millennials; the hobby is seen as childish. That is why you see much more success from NA in the valorant space compared to counter strike. The bulk of Gen Z is overwhelmingly flocking to online spaces due to those previously mentioned systems. Games are being seen as less male and less childish. Gaming is actually morphing into a hobby and a safe space, rather than something toxic and socially isolated. All of this removes pressure from young gamers with high skill ceilings who wish to go pro or even just to present themselves as high ranked gamers. This is really the first generation in North America who can be confident in that aspect of themselves. I doubt that NA has the playerbase to challenge other developed regions in Counter strike, but I assume that more and more modern games will have solid or advanced NA scenes compared to games from 7-10 years ago.

posted 8 months ago

Brotha I know the 2021-23 stats, you don't want to see EMEA without Fnatic. It's a lot worse than NA without Optic/FNS I will tell you that.

posted 8 months ago

Unrelated but Gen.G has never faced an EMEA team at an official VCT event. Lets see how Fnatic handles my goat T3xture and my eternal king Meteor.

posted 8 months ago

Ya know what, bro is spitting. I'll agree to this.

Fuck chet! I hate that snake! FNS made him! FNS will continue to make him because bro is the goat!

posted 8 months ago

All they have to do pearl is make it harder to fight from long, revamp a bit of mid, then make A a little easier to take normally + devalue Ults from taking it. Its got the bones to be one of the best maps in the whole game.

Fracture tho is my fucking goat. I miss it so much, but I don't miss the shitty teammates that would throw once they saw fracture on their screens.

posted 8 months ago

I hope its another funky one like fracture that actually takes some fucking brains to play on instead of half the maps in this pool of running it down as 5 and praying.

At least I got haven back and breeze out so I can actually manipulate the map before my 4 teammates die to 1 guy.

posted 8 months ago

Gj gamer

posted 8 months ago

I'm cool with whatever as long as the mf is roundish

posted 8 months ago

Tuyz has more reps on Jett than on Omen and Harbor combined. I'm sure he'll be fine. Originally when I saw QCK joined that team, I thought he was going to play smokes and Tuyz would flip to duelist.

posted 8 months ago

Who's makinf the haters list cause yall gotta throw me on it. FNS made his whole career, FUCK, he made the careers of everyone on that Optic roster.

All of them are dogshit without the king.

posted 8 months ago

Genuinely, maybe seek out a therapist to help you work through your mental issues and your goals. They might help you realize what you want to achieve and will at least help you frame your mindset properly.

posted 8 months ago

I been saying TTR Champs 2024 2025

posted 8 months ago

Ok, this sounds like copium - cause it is - but why does Illinois servers feel SO MUCH worse than other NA servers. Not the players, just the game feels so much more shit. I've gine from playing Illinois 40 ping to Oregon 65 ping, and Oregon just feels so much better. The only thing I've ever seen Tenz complain about is Illinois servers, and he does it every time I've seen him get a game on Illinois servers (and he has only like 35 ping).

Again I know it's copium but I just want to know how other Illinois players feel on the servers.

posted 8 months ago

Dw guys, it's get better. Just get a t3xture.

posted 8 months ago

Ardiis with ange1 averages a 1.09 rating and 231 ACS.
With FNS he averaged 1.06 rating, and a 220.6 ACS. I could make excuses, but ange1 does know how to use that man, expecially in the current meta (Ardiis has a 1.13 average rating in 2024).

But Ange1 has beat FNS without Ardiis, so idk. Plus he's -2 to FNS in head-to-head kills.

posted 8 months ago

The fact NRG has done so bad has just made the FNS duo package the most valuable in all of Valorant. I got some stats and accomplishments:

  • FNS was the first and one of just TWO TEAMS to beat prime Loud, likely the strongest roster in Valorant history. He went 9-9 in maps, 3-3 in matches. The rest of the world got 5 maps off them, 1 series.
  • The Optic core, now NRG core, has a 19-17 series record without FNS. Add in Yay and it's 20-24, add in Yay T2 and it's 20-31. FNS over 2023 and 2022 had a record of 43-22. Keep in mind, he also attended every international lan in those periods.
  • His ex-teammates are yet to make a Lan without him (unless you count going 1-1 in lockin).
  • He willed DFM into winning a game, and got G2 to Shanghai off pure aura.
  • 3 of his 6 notable ex-teammates are currently not on a starting roster.
  • He's also cute <3

Hire my goat today, and on a related note holy fuck hire s0m as well. Bro is genuinely what Demon1 wishes to be.

And never forget that Ardiis dashed into a KJ molly and then updrafted to death into a pheonix wall prior to the cove incident. HE DESERVES MORE HATE FOR THAT.

posted 8 months ago

Diamond 1. I'd play more put I hate this map pool.

posted 8 months ago

I knew they would fail without the King of Val FNS. Bro made every roster look good. Somehow the only genuine talent bro has ever had, in s0m, was clowned out of tier 1 for this year. Actually insane.

posted 8 months ago
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