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Registered: November 29, 2021
Last post: December 4, 2024 at 3:54 PM
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Lakia too nimble, he'd just bob and weave around the dude and then break bro's kneecaps. They call him the Lakia of Streetfighting for a reason.

posted 6 months ago

It's all fun and games until Kai and FengF have a good map at the same time. Then Vitality is ruined (Trace are my dark horse).

+Sen copium, they have lost 8 matches this year. 1 of those didn't matter, but of the other 7, four contain either a player's best game of the year or a single map kill record being broken. Their last 3 losses are to Bang's best game this year, Cauanzin's best game this year, and Icy's best game in franchsing. The first Gen.G loss was also Meteor's 3rd best game of the year. His other best 2 were against GE and Zeta. Sentinels attract out of charecter games from everyone, it's insane. Sen lose to good teams playing better than they should. So either Sen can beat Gen.G by virtue of no-pop off or the much more likely option that Lakia breaks the Bo3 kill record. Lakia my king shall farm these pigs.

Wronghand's management would like to state that for Bang and Icy, their best game is both highest KD and ACS that Mr. Wronghand could find. Cauanzin's however is just his best KD, and second best ACS. His other best was against EDG. If any of these facts are wrong, Mr. Wronghand is aaying this at 6:30 am give him a break

posted 6 months ago


-Viper haven comp
-Jett sunset comp
+meta comp which fits all these guys' roles better than their current comps


posted 6 months ago

I think it's enough to say each of the 3 teams (and paper rex too) were in the same bracket of strength. In valorant, it's so hard to be the best, but it's easy to just be better on that day. All 4 of the top teams could have beat eachother, all could have won champs. EG just showed up in their matchups to make it happen, which some may count as an extra peg above Fnatic, Loud or PRX, but I just see it as a part of the game.

posted 6 months ago

As previously stated by the Management of Mr. Wronghand, this is not a legally binding statement. Mr. Wronghand has already been forced to respond to another on the linked form. He doesn't enjoy deeling with seperate parties who do not read, comprehend or just strive to disrespect the fine print included in the post.

posted 6 months ago

Realistically, Sen is a very unlucky team when it comes to the performance of other teams (a point I have voice multiple times). Sentinels are a great team when they are allowed to operate their gameplan, but are at times too focus on their prep. I think Gen.G is going to revamp and prep too much for Sentinel to be solid enough. Gen.G gets the insane advantage of being at home - no travel, familiar city, exact same support system in place. I don't see Sen doing enough right for themselves to beat Gen.G, considering the form Gen.G has been holding. Gen.G shouldn't lose this game, but that doesn't mean they can't lose this game nor that Sen can't win.

Expectations are supposed to be subverted or forgotten. Sentinels have the peaks to battle Gen.G, it's just a question of whether they can set themselves up to return to Gen.G's ever climbing peak.

Wronghand and his management claim no jinx's in this statement. Anything can happen. Someone can push a cove, they can win an OT 1v3 against cypher ult, they can win a 12-5, then can 4-0 you as their only accomplishment. Anything can happen.

posted 6 months ago

I'd love to see a Gen.G lower bracket run. Too bad they've never faced the lower bracket.

Wronghand and his management do not give a fuck about kickoff. It hurts Mr. Wronghand's point and we ask the honorable judge to disregard. I mean they won it anyways after returning to single elim so it doesn't really count.

posted 6 months ago

Straight off the dome sucka

The management team is just my bored as fuck thoughts about 15 seconds after I make my point

posted 6 months ago

Munchkin deserves top 5, very easily I might add. He is one of 8 players to attend every franchising tournament (other are david, forsaken and mindfreak [PRX], Nobody, ZmjjKK, Smoggy, Nobody [EDG]) but he is the only one to be primary IGL the whole time. Plus, 5 straight frand finals, 2 regional titles, 1 masters title, he AT LEAST bumps out ange1. Munchkin

wronghand's management team here. We got nothing to preface or clarify, bro is just spitting.

posted 6 months ago

I'm huffing that good shit that makes BiliBili beat Fnatic

Wronghand and his management do not hope for any misfortune upon Fnatic, Boaster and associates, just that - to quote Mr. Wronghand - "It would make FNS look better if Boaster got rocked with a superteam by some motherfucker named after a national park. Tickets to Yosemite national park cost $50.57. That's expensive. This guy has gotta be insane for that price"

posted 6 months ago

I think Trace vs Vitality will be a banger. Like the type of banger that 100T vs Kru is, it's a close match between 2 good teams but neither are great, but they can have great moments. Ya know what I'm saying?

Wronghand and his management wish to clarify that 100T vs Kru is used as a game example of two close squads, not to imply that Vitality or Trace are on the level of the pigpen of current 100T.

posted 6 months ago

Sen attracts life games like disney channel stars attract drug addictions.

100T loss? Bang's best game of the year
G2 loss? Icy's best game of the year
Loud loss? Cauanzin's best game of the year
Lev loss? Aspas sets single map kill record

Like they just do something or play some kind of way where their losses tend to co-inside with a roleplayer VASTLY overperforming.

At champs, they're either going to be good or Lakia is going to break the Bo3 kill record. I got $15 on Lakia

Wronghand and his management would like to say this $15 dollars is non-existant and only used as an example to show off Mr. Wronghand's percieved confidence in the ability for other teams roleplayers to have pop-off games against Sen.

posted 6 months ago

Wronghand and his management team would invite you to look into the fine print on cited post. Thanks.

posted 6 months ago

Better idea - Teach one of these fuckers to IGL and release boaster.

wronghand and his management would like to express their immense respect for Jake "Boaster" Howlett and his achievement in Valorant. Mr. Wronghand would rather not see a player of Hiro or Leo's caliber be dropped, when a young talent could be given a great environment to learn how to in-game lead under minds as good as Boaster and Mini

posted 6 months ago


(If Gen.G get group'd i WILL kill myself)

wronghand and his management would like to establish that the above sentence is to be taken in comedic light, not as a legally binding statement

posted 6 months ago

After the Sen match, the German parliament will change the official spelling to BerLIN.

posted 6 months ago

Hear me out.

Sen's last 3 losses contain:
Cauanzin's best game of the year (KD wise, had slightly more ACS against EDG)
Bang's best game of the year
Icy's best game in franchising
Not to mention the single game kill record from Aspas

When teams face Sen, they get a life game or a role player decides to become god for a match.

So by my calculation, either Sen has a chance OR Lakia breaks the Bo3 kill record and, as a Gen.G fan, I expect my king to become the Michael Jordan of fucking the shit out of someone because they talked shit.

posted 6 months ago

Riot couldn't give EMEA their Mickey Mouse seed this year so they compensated by giving them each a free Round 1.

posted 6 months ago

Gen.G and Sen as the two masters winners

Heretics are the only other finalist

FPX only lost to Gen.G and Heretics at Shanghai (and on both matches they were 2 rounds off from beating both teams).

If we get the peaks from these teams, we might just be seeing two top 8 teams get grouped.

posted 6 months ago

Gen.G should win it, but the only 2 of the very few teams with a high enough peak to beat them happen to be in their fucking group. Personally, Sen, Heretics and Gen.G are my favorite teams from each region so this is just FUCKED.

posted 6 months ago

Yeah, G2 and DRX are by far the best 2nd seeds. Absolute travesty.

posted 6 months ago

Lakia isn't there to drop 30 kills, he's there to make the rest of his teammates lives 30x easier. His read on information collecetion midround is easily best in the world, and he sets up every member of Gen.G for success consistently. He could use a movement coach to polish his gameplay by a noticable margin, but his current form in his role is all you need for a team to be easily the best in the world.

posted 6 months ago

Need I speak, should my king Karon even be mentioned in the same breath as these mere peons... revolutionary to the art of the scene should his mastery truely be appreciated in the same light as insolent students of his craft?

For what will beheld, should thou king Karon thoroughly be renowned not as sheer ranked demom, but as eternal emporor of this class... the flow of victory shall cover him as the stars cover the hallow-lit sky.

posted 6 months ago

Lakia clears this whole roster.

posted 6 months ago

Realistically, I expect all of Bilibili, Trace, DRX, and Talon to be grouped 7/10 most of the time.

Fut barely beat the worst Leviathan has ever been to get out of Shanghai groups. Sen is experimenting with some odd shit that I don't like. 100T relies too much on a singular individual becoming a Demi-god to win just maps.
Fut, Sen, and 100T should also be grouped, unless they return to a great form or get in a bot group.

Vitality could falter if Sayf drops form, but Sayf is the only individual globally who drops 400 acs while not having fun, so I'll trust him. I could also see FPX dropping if they get a busted group.

Heretics should recover form, PRX should too. G2 and Lev look too good. Fnatic is grooving. EDG are on the up-and-up.

But in the end, it's Gen.G's tournament to lose, so what really does Groups matter for but for the kings first sacrifices.

posted 6 months ago

When you look at it, there are a ton of high quality teams that are in form coming into champs, but I expect some out of form teams to rev back up once we get high steaks.

PRX and Heretics are both very high tier teams that I am inclined to believe they're saving strats. On an unironic level, I think Heretics lost to Vit so they would be POTENTIALLY mentally boomed from losing 3 Grand Finals this year.

As for inform teams, Fnatic look to be on a high level (Not as dominant as their early 2023 form). Fnatic are a genuine threat to win this thing. G2 and Lev are polar opposites, but easily the best 2 teams from America's. Lev have such an insane skill ceiling, and G2 has some of the best gameplans/discipline in the world. Basically no other team in the world has such depth at all 5 positions like Lev and G2 do.

But who the fuck cares, Gen.G clears these teams all-time peaks at 75% of their current form. This tournament is Gen.G's to lose, and it's up to the rest of the world to prove that Gen.G is even mortal.

posted 6 months ago

The literal worst Lev had ever played was against Fut at Shanghai and it still had two 13-11 maps. The most possible is your group D, if 100T doesn't show up then EDG (who are ramping up again) could upset them and current form Sayf is going to hard diff 100T.

And I love the DRX team, but there is no universe they should get out of any group, I'm sorry. I still trust current form Sen over FPX, but knowing Sentinel's luck they'll face FPX and Life will return to absolute prime solo-stomp EDG form. Like on a real note, no other team faces more life games than Sentinels, so wtf is Life going to do to them.

But I mean who the fuck cares, if Gen.G hold up 75% of their current form they clear every other teams absolute peaks.

posted 6 months ago

Deadlock, Cypher, Astra, Harbor, Gekko

Trust the process

posted 6 months ago

If I had infinite money, then I'd legit just hold another international lan in the offseason. 4 global qualifiers that incoperate Tier 1 and Tier 2 teams, then the best 3/4 from each region would make it and play eachother. Simple and everything.

The only gimmick I would add is that each team has to send a dedicated streamer to the event. The streamers would all be in the same dedicated section co-streaming the event, so the event would have more side drama. Imagine G2 vs Sen with FNS yapping at Tarik IRL. Now that's peak.

posted 6 months ago

Crashies is kinda ass. He's just a mid as fuck Initiator, at least Victor is good at making space for his team while crahies is just ass when compared to the field. He lacks the versatility that's needed by Initiator players too. With the NA teams, is Crashies better than any of them? The closest is Nature who is also the IGL, and is more versitile.

Coming next year, how do you explain this guy on a tier 1 roster over Verno or Rossy. You just can't.

posted 6 months ago

Paper Rex

TH are expected to win the even, Sen have some of the best cohesion as a team in Val history, Paper Rex are back in top form, and Lev have Aspas who is probably the best player in the world. Gen G just lost to Team Secret, no way they're #1 (Underdog boost must be achieved somehow brothers, work with me here).

posted 6 months ago

I'm trying to be realistic with how unlikely it is for players like Verno or Narrate to be on the market.

posted 6 months ago

I know people do this a lot, but there is a much more realistic answer. Of course, + Demon1 -Victor, but the other position being Verno isn't my first choice anymore. Oxygen are still top 3 in likelyhood for the new franchise position, so I have another option that is equal or better on paper than verno.

There is a player who has lots of T1 and T2 experience, is able to carry the high energy vibes that NRG still lacks, has tons of experience as both a 2nd Initiator and 2nd Controller role, and is mechanically good enough to carry maps. He's a definite mechanical and versitile upgrade to crashies and he adds a ton of energy, while still contributing as a midrounder.

+Rossy, -Crashies.

T1 decided to play as a Korean roster, so Rossy is on the market for NA teams. He has experience on all Initiators and is insane for a secondary controller. For NRG, it lets them play double Initiator Jett comps for Demon1 (Ascent), it lets them play double wall comps (Like Icebox), it lets them play double controller comps (like the Sen Split comp) with s0m on Raze. He gives them the versatility they need for NRG to work properly with their comps, while adding firepower and a new layer of vibes. Even if we get to double duelist comps again, Rossy has tons of astra reps so he could solo controller for them. I think he might have even called for a time on TSM, so he wouldn't even be a downgrade in midrounding. In the likely situation that Oxygen win ascension, Rossy should be on NRG.

Tl;Dr - This verno kid is ass, my King Rossy clears and would carry that bum streamer trio of FNS, Demon1 and s0m. Rossy actual made a lan this year, unlike NRG.

posted 6 months ago

I would visit my local home hardware to purchase a few meters of rope.

posted 7 months ago

11-1 is insane for first engagements damn

My king on this agent is unfair. Talon Champs 2024 winners I fear.

posted 7 months ago

Does it count as 2024 or 2023 for NRG dropping FNS, cause that impacted the 2024 season.

posted 7 months ago

Imo, the toppings and mix-ins are more impactful than the flavor. Cookie Dough Flavored ice cream is worse than Cookie Dough IN ice cream.

Realistically, I think Cookie Dough inside Vanilla ice cream is all I need to have a good night (I ate a pint of it last night)

BUT there is this one flavor called "Triple Tornado" from my childhood (if you look it up, it's the pink and orange one) and that shit SLAPPPPEEEDDD. There was 1 local icecream shop across my town that sold it, and me and my family would go there a handful of times during the summer. Absolue peak of my life.

posted 7 months ago

This is the only matchup globally where FNS drops 30 and wins. Navi are so stupid right now, FNS could out brain them in individual gunfights.

Like seriously, D00mbr0s was either doing gods work or satanic rituals to put navi into their previous form.

posted 7 months ago

On a serious note, Yay might have the weirdest aim in val. It's never been flick heavy, it's all positioning and micro. Watching him aim, it literally feels like he's taking his time before kills. So odd.

posted 7 months ago

Their individual potential should be much better than what their team has been able to accomplish.

But I guess random guys from orgless tier 2 NA teams are just better (I love Rossy and Gov, this is humor).

posted 7 months ago

My headcanon is that this move is just to get back FNS and s0m without having to pay or pick up a mid T2 info initiator. Like, MxS isn't going to sell brawk, Oxygen isn't going to sell verno yet. Do you really want to risk crashies for stellar? Just wait until the offseason, pick up Verno frame 1 if oxygen loses ascension, and use Demon1 and s0m just like how they used Demon1 and Jawgemo.

Plus Demon1's finance is going through medical issues currently, so I don't think Demon1 is too mad getting more time with her + watchparty money (without FNS and s0m, their subs need a home).

posted 7 months ago

Bro you had me hyped, thought FNS would grace me with his presence to shit talk that thick, caked up little cuck Jordan mozzarella or whatever his lastname is.

Unfortunately, just Tenz.

0/8 bait.

posted 7 months ago

Chamber, Killjoy, Omen, Sova, Kayo on Haven. I lowkey think that could work. You could legit run Omen, Sova, Kayo on A, KJ in B and Garage, and Chamber C. You have enough to reliably fight A long, and enough to retake the other sites. On attack, B takes still have vertically to them, and with Chamber and KJ util, you can have much more aggressive anti-retake setups (like saving alarmbot and chamber trip to setup traps and delays on entrances while still having reliable flank watch). You also have 3 mollies and 2 shocks for postplants, retakes, and breaking util. Chamber is legit only here to be a bit dumb and to abuse the insane OP lines that Haven offers. This comp isn't too dumb, but I think you could make it work.

I considered a breach over kayo, but with a lack of any movement abilities, I felt the Kayo would be more reliable.

posted 7 months ago

Hear me out. IGL's are more vital for most teams. Potter can't 2024 EG the best team in the world no matter how hard she tries. But, I don't think a single team can become the best in the world anymore without a great coach. Fnatic were basically downgraded from best in the world to just outside the top 10 by just virtue of Mini stepping back. Look at the best teams this year, and who they have - Kaplan, Neilzinho, Solo, Zikz. These are outstanding coaches armed with outstanding IGL's.

Tl;Dr - IGL's by far look at those mutts on NRG without FNS are you joking? But great coaches skills are compounded around good rosters, and that shouldn't be overlooked.

posted 7 months ago

That's great and all but wo0t just 1 tapped half your team and the rounds over, then you ran into the nerdiest cypher set up of all time and now a british former fortnite pro is yelling at you, the you got a 3v1 against their IGL on an eco (nice job!) Oh fuck he just owned the roster gg.

posted 7 months ago

Zekken is probably going to be the best Neon player we will see in America's. His approach to the game, communication, and teammates all lend themselves well make him shine on a Neon. The thing about a Val mvp, is it's 8/10 times going to be a duelist and the other 2 times it'll be a sentinel (AM has Less and to a lower degree Leaf). Even if another player is more impactful, it's just going to go to whichever duelist in the top 3 had the best stats. So, lets look at the other MVP options:

Aspas, Oxy, and Keznit overwhelmingly have the stats, but you need to get top 3 in order to be considered the MVP. Kru and C9 gonna choke it away again, and Lev is too shit of a team to make top 3 in split 2.

Furia and MIBR are already out, so they can't get a nominee.

NRG could get top 3, but Victor isn't enough of a star, and s0m isn't going to win MVP on smokes. Similar story with Icy. Leaf needs to pop off consistently to get MVP, and I don't see that happening.

If EG make it to top 3, it's going to be because Jawgemo dragged them there. He's a contender if they do well.

With Cryo and Asuna flexing around roles, I don't think either can be enough of a force to be an MVP.

Tuyz needs to be a fucking guy, but I know he'll get bonus points for switching his role. Less always has a shot though.

So when you look at the field, Zekken is really the only player that is 1. Full duelist 2. On a team good enough to make top 3 (most of the time) and 3. Good enough himself to get MVP stats. If you want to believe in Lev, then vote aspas, but if we are playing odds for MVP then Zekken has the best shot.

posted 7 months ago

I'm a fucking Diamond Chamber main OP crutch. I don't find Iso difficult. "Oh shit, he popped shield so I know exactly where he's peaking? Time to just jiggle shoot with a pistol to break shield, repeak with op, and kill his ass." Just play with more than 3 braincells and play properly against him to destroy his shield. After you do that, he's a useless agent.

posted 7 months ago

So sad I missed the rare double boaster. Both maps he won with single digit kills. What is even more insane is that Boaster is on a 4 map boaster streak. Yes, the last 4 maps Fnatic has won, boaster has dropped single digit kills. They call it a boaster and not an FNS for a reason, my goat would do that marginally less than this british theater kid.

posted 7 months ago

Sacy vs Optic Champs 2022, specifically map 1.

posted 7 months ago

Personally I had some doubt in both teams due to their igl's. Boo and Magnum didn't have the best trackrecords as players in years prior, but once you gave those mfs that degree of talant and baller coaches, they got to cook. Much respect to those two for, imo, over performing on their beginning of year expectations. At least for TH tho, Benjy was a huge brightspot at LCQ last year so he had good expectations. Then Miniboo and wo0t were basically talked about like prime aspas, so I expected them both to be star level. KC was also just a bunch of highly promising talents and the sole brightspot of the previous roster.

What I mean by all of this is that the preseason rankings were really too based on these teams 2023 rosters and not their 2024 rosters. If were really considered their 2024 rosters beforehand without looking through a doom lens, then we probably would have thrown them as a consensus mid-tier teams. But obviously they've overperformed that as well.

posted 7 months ago
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