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Registered: April 2, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 9:43 PM
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Decent but its inconsistent, some parts just feel like watching a livestream with music in the back whereas other parts feel like they were slightly overedited. Still for your first well done man, good luck with more later on

posted about a year ago

my goat yoyoyo_8382 woaoaoaoaoaooaw

posted about a year ago

they lost 4 wickets in 9 runs lmao both of the ballers had a chance at a hattrick, England is just selling

posted about a year ago

vct barely even exists

posted about a year ago

I think sentinels will and have struggled on fundamental heavy maps like haven and ascent, whereas maps where more creativity is required is where they shine, which is really weird because youd assume a team that scrims a lot to be great at fundamental heavy maps. Plus this also leads to a map pool issue because deep into the season, most maps turn into fundamental maps because strats are copied and meta becomes obvious

posted about a year ago

nu uh im 390

posted about a year ago

can't believe the day came so soon when Id hear people shit on tenz for his AIM LMAOOOO, alright so first his game sense is ass, then his entry is bad, then his mentality is bad, then his util is bad and now his aim is bad I love this so much LMAOOO

posted about a year ago

The US and Canada don't have a system made to grow the footballing culture, instead of being handled as a way to grow in competitive sport strength and encourage more activity/playtime for football, it is just looked as a business for a majority of time, and when things are serious, you are asked for ridiculous amounts of money with the highest league given is usually mls

posted about a year ago

nah not an initiator, he can't help his team get on site that well, his best role would probably be as a lurking duelist

posted about a year ago

The goal is to make kj less prevalent and strong on maps where she is meta like ascent, but making kj worse would overall make sentinels worse so they need to buff the only rival kj has rn which is cypher

posted about a year ago

but but but he wastes util but but but he can never be a flex but but but

posted about a year ago

He along with zekken was the only one that showed up the entire of last season too but he is and will always be the problem, everyone else can have bad days but hes just washed and mid lol

posted about a year ago

many sova's bait, its just how they play

posted about a year ago

the voices have been telling me the order of this world

posted about a year ago

y0y stan kkkk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nya eh fham mans having the dt rogers center flex for my goat tyson no? All my crodies must shank the opps, only sen mans leaving dt fresh trust

posted about a year ago

I think its better to use Iso's ult as an emergency button. Raze ult? Iso ult. Chamber ult? Iso ult. Kay O has his ult and you have a sharp approximation of where he is, Iso ult. He can hard counter any real counter without even killing him, I mean kj playing docks on ascent, iso ult as the team rushes in and all that kj util is useless regardless of whether iso kills kj or not

posted about a year ago

deadlock's ult is easy asf to dodge so idk where you are getting the guaranteed kill from

posted about a year ago

pancada is my goat let the dude cook

posted about a year ago

oh man the teams are incredible

posted about a year ago

Every popular player will get hate lol, it doesnt matter how good they are

posted about a year ago

WWWWWWWW hope this inspires more gc players too

posted about a year ago

prime or the green ghost one 2175 credits

posted about a year ago

his raze was great yesterday

posted about a year ago

Football: Neymar
Basketball: Kyrie
COD: clayster
CS: KennyS
Pokemon Trainer: N

posted about a year ago

he is partying with derke rn trust me

posted about a year ago

apacs pretty fun too, well they should have been but Talon and TS were trolling for much of the season, and same with Zeta

posted about a year ago

Do Fnet and then isolate for acceleration

posted about a year ago

Pancada drop 19/2 in his first game as viper and then 22/12 as Omen
Sen 2 - 0 [REDACTED]

posted about a year ago

Guess the players

Player 1 won champs
Player 2 won champs
Player 3 Never lost to player 4 in a game last season
Player 4 might be called cryop

options are demon1, cryo, aspas and zekken

posted about a year ago

impossible, tenz isnt naturally aggressive so somethings role would never, there is a reason why zekken is the better duelist and it isnt because his aim is much better or something, its because he is just more aggressive and comfortable in it

posted about a year ago

Many people read more tweets than watch games lol

posted about a year ago

youre right I am just talking out of my ass I have no memory nor understanding you are so right you see through me, i indeed havent watched a single sideshow video, I only watch tenz play and kyedae lol

posted about a year ago

again I dont care what reason HE made it for, its the fact that it comes off weird i dunno how to explain if you still dont get my point

posted about a year ago

The issue is exactly that the original video was made for views lol, sideshow didn't make for tenz, he made that to get views. So, right now it looks like he targeted the most popular pro and used his name to get views and dip; that is what people accuse him of so id rather he just make another one on someone else and then yea done. But it doesn't really matter, we'll forget about this by tomorrow lol

posted about a year ago

blessed ty

posted about a year ago

I dont think hes a tenz hater at all because his video is all about constructive criticism, my only issue is that Tenz was the first person he chose, market wise great choice, but it also paints a worse picture for him considering many players were better options

posted about a year ago

2 hour long video about a team he obviously supports and means nothing bad about? A bunch of reactions more centered about making memes and jokes on a team that is failing instead of making an hour and a half long video about a single player, calling him the downfall for the team (even though that really isn't the case), making a video on a guy who is probably already talked about the most and even more facilitating the hate on one man? I mean its not comparable lol, I want videos on other players, issues with tenz are issues with tenz. but you cant compare a team who is laughed at with a player who is constantly fired at for a longer time, lets not be dense lol. Plus, Tenz makes mistakes idrc I just want more videos on other players to sideshow doesn't have this whole "tenz hater" shit going around; I watch him a lot lol im a fan

tldr: I just want him to make another video so people stop associating him with being a tenz hater

posted about a year ago

Dude got the views, got the opinions and everything so now I'm waiting for the next pro analysis, I mean surely he didn't just make one a dip right?

posted about a year ago

perma retake with a flank crunch

posted about a year ago

dont let it get to you yoyoyo_8382, i will always be you number 1 fan. If yoyoyo_8382 has 10 fans, I am one of them. If yoyoyo_8382 has 1 fan, then its me. And if yoyoyo_8382 has no fans, then I am dead

posted about a year ago

taco's case was crazy, can't believe I saw people saying he was shit last year just because of his performance this year

posted about a year ago

how is it the parents fault when 90% of the time they dont even snoop around what their kid is doing? A young kid prolly dont even know about what addiction is, even if you know, people still get addicted, youre really underestimating how harsh addiction can be, especially to younger, less developed brains

posted about a year ago

pls give my idol opryo an op he needs an op

posted about a year ago

i just realized, s0ms the only pro you can't troll with a 0 in the name

posted about a year ago

chamber imo, way too much utility was used to remove just one player + chamber could solo hold a site while being a top 3 duelist and because of how prevalent opping became due to chamber

posted about a year ago

they will probably scrim today, as they usually break on weekends and do weekdays

posted about a year ago
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