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Registered: April 2, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 9:43 PM
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Having dephh playing one of the most aim demanding roles was a weird idea from sykko, also marved was planned from the start? I didn't know that tbh

posted about a year ago

Even in 2022, they were stuck between him and Dapr for a while, this whole they won't drop tenz shit is stupid. The reason they might not drop him isn't because he is tenz but because he is genuinely a ridiculously good mechanical player with a room to grow, I mean essentially every pro player and analysts says that so how is it so hard for mfs on vlr to agree

posted about a year ago

1659 posts crazy

posted about a year ago

dont compare neymar with that cereal wannabe

posted about a year ago

Yea a change to the smokes themselves could work too, but I think that will unironically end up leading to a triple smokes meta, like what Loud did on Bind lol. I think a fundamental balance needs to be put out and characters that are too good at too many things need to be nerfed to the ground, not only for the metas sake but also so that you can have competitive newer agents in as well.

posted about a year ago

also in apex with aceu

posted about a year ago

Riot would need to like sanction EG, and then allow the transfer of rosters, but I don't think they'll explicitly allow it like that because giving one team such a massive ability could end up with other teams possibly demanding something similar. Best bet might be to wait for next year's challengers winner, drop EG, pick up place 2 and allow EG players to freely join a team, given they have offers which riot can't control imooooooooooo

posted about a year ago

Honestly, you are not wrong I just think that her kit is too strong. Initiators should excel in 1 thing and be okay/meh at another. Like sova, really good info, decent post plat/site clearance. Having an initiator be this good for everything makes it harder to implement other initiators without making them also be just as broken. And to stop double smokes, they need to make it so that if you want a lot of info + good flashes, then you will need two initiators not one, making you sacrifice some part of the usual double smokes meta team. So unironically a rework is needed for her kit. Maybe make it so that the flashes dont give info, the heal is 150 total instead of 150 per person and I think we are in a far better space

posted about a year ago

The bare minimum needs to be that the trip will give you info when someone passes through, regardless of whether or not they were loud enough to get stunned. For the wall, I like the option to activate and deactivate it and the grenade should work like a cypher trip. When caught, it stuns every instance, with 1 instance of stun guaranteed even while you immediately try to take it off. Maximum for as long as the you are still forcibly crouched. Also think it would be cool to have her abilities interact, so if someone is caught by the grenade and is close to like either her stun or a wall, then the person will temporarily be tied to it, like how cypher trips work when you get caught. This doesn't really need to do vulnerable imo.

posted about a year ago

Would be a great roast if beating south asia's accolades acc stood for something lol. Making fun of a limping man aint all that cool lmao

posted about a year ago

To be honest, I don't think they'd remove double smokes. Like ever. Mainly because just a viper wall alone is able to give you so much room to play with. I am not even close to decent igls but man the difference in comps when you play double smokes is crazy with just how much you can do to mess with the opposite team. While it makes the game very boring by making early round dead and most rounds are decided late to end round, I do think it increases the skill cap without having a broken feature like 5 astra stars.

I think most teams also know how viable double smokes are, I mean, mid control? Double smokes. Crazy fakes? Double smokes. Denying info? Double smokes. Getting into site with having one smokes dead? Double smokes. It is crazy how effective double smokes is, and it won't be taken away unless a feature that explicitly nerfs the concept of double smokes is added. Like, you cant choose 2 smokes in a comp, or two agents cannot smoke as the same time (no more omen smoke with a viper wall to deny info). However, going back to skye I think she plays a part in this as well lol. Skye makes choosing an initiator so brain dead. Running two smokes should obviously make your comp defense sided, but because you barely miss out with skye doing 2 initiators job in 1, you really dont need to worry. Most team comps run a solo ini (only kay o or skye), a duelist (must, thank god no duelist meta is gone). a sent (because defense) and two smokes (because you loose nothing).

Its not fair to run double smokes because skye just covers everything up. There needs to be a drawback for running double smokes and I don't think it exists right now, with the right team comp you don't really loose attacking or defensive rounds. Back when we ran double initiators on everything, mainly because of how strong it was on attack but defense there were issues. Exactly the same with double duelist, but with double smokes' weakness being covered another agent that makes wanting to have 2 initiators useless just eases the team comp.

Also, I think having a smokes like viper being able to play as a sentinel on site also makes it too easy to play double smokes with just 1 sent. Kj/cypher covers A, viper gets B and if there is a C then its retake/flood/playing numbers

posted about a year ago

Chamber and Astra meta was horrendous to watch. One made post-plants easy wins, the other made defense easy wins (well anything chamber with the right person was too strong). Val's meta is balanced because the really good agents aren't getting the "they need to be nerfed" shouts. For example, skye is simply too strong and needs to be nerfed, not exactly because she excels so much that everything else is miniscule (like chamber and astra), but rather she is too strong in her role. One reason why I think newer agents will struggle to enter the meta is because they are all essentially niche agents, they fit a stereotype or two, whereas the old agents from the game (some of them like skye) offer too much for a single role. You should not have the best heal in the game, 2 of the better flashes in the game, one of the only 3 controllable info unit, a flash that gives you a good amount of info and an ult that essentially chases more than half of the other team down; all into a single character's kit. The only time skye is ever replaced nowadays is on heavy dive maps like breeze/ascent to slow pushes down, and thats because kayo does essentially everything skye can do, just to a different level and works way better as an anchor. What they did to astra is probably the best change they made in valorant, that one change alone made the differences between smokes small enough for there to be genuine reasons as to why you should pick other smokes over astra.

posted about a year ago

theyre in the ONE event

posted about a year ago

AfreecaTV will be so hype

posted about a year ago

autoimmune deficient cant blame him lol

posted about a year ago

I didnt think I needed to say that I didnt expect c9 to do well considering there are already a good number of threads saying the same thing lol

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I completely forgot mimi left so now I am even surprised they managed to do so well

posted about a year ago

what about China?

posted about a year ago

I suppose he could be if he went on a t1 grind again, rn he's just a ranked player who went pro for like 2 weeks lol

posted about a year ago

I think removing stellar without having boostio guaranteed was a troll idea, eeiu>derrek tho fs and atp just make cryo perma sen/flex and have asuna back on the duelist imo

posted about a year ago

nu uh that means you are better

posted about a year ago

I mean foxy is playing off his main role so

posted about a year ago

Feel like G2 are too controlled for Leaf's playstyle

posted about a year ago

Think having double flashes is great for them, especially because of how many walls and choke points they will inevitably have to pass through often

posted about a year ago

well you cant be asking casters to break down the clutch, thats what the analysts do later, fns has a great watchparty because he shares his honest opinions and insights or breakdown of the game, neither the casters can do, and as for energy, I find all of them to be pretty dead (at least compared to like football commentators) and the tenz example is pretty stupid lol

posted about a year ago

??? We heckin love tenz is a massive val joke if that is what youre referring to? There are many clips of casters criticizing him, I mean one on the top of my head is from Sen vs V1 I think, i dont remember on fracture, his ace on raze and the dudes just going "yea tenz has been bad on split and hit raze is shit but it doesnt really matter ig if he hits his shots" whereas zekken is constantly love bombed every 5 seconds, he deserves it though dude is great

posted about a year ago

idk man yoyoyoyo guy kinda smacks

posted about a year ago

?? Tarik every 5 seconds was calling zekken the best player???

posted about a year ago

no, he'll go viper

posted about a year ago

Decent, needs a bit more improvement in reading the game as an omen better tho, basic util is fine and aim ofc is fine

posted about a year ago

20/12 btw

posted about a year ago

if the martians aimed a laser at the Earth...I want.......

posted about a year ago

I'll be real lol neither sacy nor pancada will be benched, they've both got 1 year left in their contract and are probably on higher salaries due to being import, sen wanna bet on them and they are good, players dont become shit in an year, especially if they are still grinding. Give the team + them some time, hopefully we'll see their championship form more often

posted about a year ago

I agree but also disagree, many T1 players are T1 quality but so are T2 players, its just really messed up, too deep of a talent pool but too shallow of a sink

posted about a year ago

nah sacy was on demon time last day they played against G2, just a bad day dude is great

posted about a year ago

mfs just wanna make any excuse to fight like bro just let people be happy

posted about a year ago

I just smashed my TV in front of my kids because of the game. My wife just took our crying kids and said they’re all spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. I can’t handle this anymore. Goodbye G2. I am no longer a fan.

posted about a year ago

I just smashed my TV in front of my kids because of the game. My wife just took our crying kids and said they’re all spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. I can’t handle this anymore. Goodbye G2. I am no longer a fan.

posted about a year ago

NA T2 is really just T1 players that didnt get picked up, these arent academy or upcoming players idk why people are so shocked

posted about a year ago

I mean T2 isn't second grade players or upcoming players like what T2 usually is, because of franchising T2 is just the T1 players that just weren't preferred by teams to have in T1, the difference isn't that big and almost every player in T2 realistically is a T1 player mechanically, at least in NA (I only know about their T2, apac was one sided, Apeks and Mates were really strong tho)

posted about a year ago

he can only average 50% hs, he is just a washed player with inconsistent aim suks

posted about a year ago

brawk is ridiculous seriously dude gets like a 25% aim multiplier in clutches

posted about a year ago

that means sacy smokes then, no way they run a solo smokes on haven nowadays

posted about a year ago

no, pretty sure hs% calculation is done different in val so i dont think so; could be wrong

posted about a year ago

never said they were a top team lol I just said they had the ability to be a top team

posted about a year ago

harbor didnt look bad imo, think they lacked a lot of proper comms that game and that lead to bad util usage

posted about a year ago

he really wasn't mid, he did his job well, hit his shots, got the entries, unlucky that there were always teams in NA that overshadowed NRG tho, like 2021 Sen, envy, c9, guard, optic, always thought NRG had a great chance at playing at a higher level if they fixed a couple of things up

posted about a year ago

s0m is still a really good duelist

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Do you like a French Vanilla Latte?

posted about a year ago
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