Flag: Canada
Registered: April 2, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 9:43 PM
Posts: 1482
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ni no kuni 1 is incredible and I am REALLY sad no ones talks about it

posted about a year ago

Realistically depends on how well nitro does, apart from that the "downgrade" is not that significant

posted about a year ago

RPG or seudo-rpg's like soulsborne are probably my favorite. Story games come second and then maybe shooters (in general including fps)

posted about a year ago

lol I wonder how you got that kk

posted about a year ago

idk whats worse, the fact that this leads to many tournaments being rushed leading to issues with time, and exhaustion like LOUD or that this leads to more t2 orgs dipping and leaving players as they do not want to be financing them while the season is dead for 6 months

posted about a year ago

1) Any sweet chili flavor
2) Basic salt and/or vinegar flavor
3) BBQ

posted about a year ago

used to been around 2ish years since I quit, think im ar58

posted about a year ago

you are delusional if you think thats the reason why tenz doesnt play duelist LMFAO

posted about a year ago

brawk or verno for ini icl

posted about a year ago

Icebox changes did not address any of the major issues within the map

posted about a year ago


Its like they made rudy realize he's a shit person and a pedo, but then made him into somewhat of a pedo again because now he doesn't do it out of ill intentions but pure love and because its a medieval fantasy world, its fine, like tf?

posted about a year ago

Not every experience leads to a positive development, a growth; sometimes it stunts you instead. Don't rush into something, try to be better than you were yesterday and keep trying, we can never distinct the different stages of growth, but we notice it once we reach high enough.

I feel you, my friend is going on a Japan transfer, others are constantly doing things and here I am, always perturbed by whether I am making any progress or not. I don't know if things will work out, or if I am even doing the right thing but I can't think that far ahead, I can't predict the future, I can't even predict who I'll be by the end of this year. So, I just try to take one step at a time.

We all enjoy different things, I do like travelling but I can't anymore but do not think of yourself as any less for not liking something, just take it as you being more unique than them :)

It's easy to say "dw" or just give advice, but I hope things work out for you, good luck.

posted about a year ago

give zombs a classic and a 1v3 and he beats everyone in vct

posted about a year ago

The whole point of the show to me was attempting to mend rudeus' character but in doing so they lead to

so many pedo like relationships that everyone in the show is fine with???? I like the whole fighting level plot, even with sylphy or whatever the elf's name was, I am fine with it, but how tf does other shit work? Its like author makes up for rudy's shitty character for jacking over his niece pre reincarnated world, and then chooses to make other likeable characters do the same shit, and now its fine?

posted about a year ago

yes ruijerd, that shit made me throw up internally, especially when you realize how f'd up her situation was growing, and she realistically never got better since she got married to a 4000 year old bald man whose not even a human

posted about a year ago

My personal end with Mushoku came when I read that

Rudeus' little sister marries the bald spear guy

posted about a year ago

The 2nd best pacific team and the team who will win champs this year

posted about a year ago

guys im sorry I had just woken up and the world was spinning, head still hurts but better

posted about a year ago

Crazy but what if she is trans but hasnt cut the uhh thingy yet

posted about a year ago

They are with the younger generation

posted about a year ago

good luck man, for your sake I hope you didnt do something bad

posted about a year ago

Rs I am really gonna miss that NRG team with Ardiis. Might not be the best team, but it was really enjoyable to watch them play

posted about a year ago

It was tense

posted about a year ago

all until BIGGEST walks in

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

f0rsaken, especially because there is a skin line called that too

posted about a year ago

1 is possible
2 is possible because saadhak and less
3 is also possible, 4th is just no
5 is plausible but not comfortably imo
6 is possbile for 100t but mwzera alone can't do it
7 eh I don't see any team except FUT or NaVi beating fnc
8 is also possible
9 maybe win but not comfortably

posted about a year ago

S+++ Tier Elite Cock Slobbering
S+++ Tier Elite Cock Playing
S+++ Tier Cock Sucking
S+++ Tier Cock Usage

All of these traits backed by other vlr user's commentary

posted about a year ago

If you are stuck, then a house is a better option

posted about a year ago

dont ask sinatraa fans to stop sucking dick, just like their idol, they don't know what stop means

posted about a year ago

I just use a Razer Gigantus V2 and its pretty nice.

posted about a year ago

A baiter that is not obnoxious?!?!???!?!??!!

posted about a year ago

Tarik said they are trying to get more teams in

posted about a year ago

Teaching them what theyre doing wrong wont make them learn and improve unless they themselves want to learn. You cannot force someone to grow, they must grow by themselves otherwise it will be half-hearted and won't go any where. Plus all that fancy shit aside, all of these guys have so much ego considering how shit they are it makes no sense but they do. TBH I don't even like talking to people that give off certain vibes, atp I dont have enough energy to converse with them, especially when they get all pissy when you ask them to stop using their set up on a and play b after we are down 8-0 because they haven't gone to his site even once and he always slow walks to retake as the last person alive some mfs don't have the ability to adapt man

posted about a year ago

Everyone just says nt even when the try was horrendous just to keep the atmosphere good, try not to lower the confidence and vibes and regardless of if the game is won or not, at least it does not always turn out shit completely

posted about a year ago

that brother has not watched pancada enough, less was the lurker and sen 2022 had an issue of not having a lurker, forcing pancada to lurk which obv was not the best. Pancada is also a bit more passive than tenz or zellsis on omen, which is why I think they prefer others since they want someone aggressive alongside zekken imoooooo

posted about a year ago

Use it to take your girl out for a nice dinner

posted about a year ago

This is good for sen tho lol

posted about a year ago

I dont (d0) wanna know who I am

posted about a year ago

Why does playing 1 event matter when its only for this year? You could argue that all the other 4 were better than something in prx lol but yea I dont have the energy for this shit bye

posted about a year ago

Sayf and Something dominated their leagues and won it, while Sayf was comparable to derke, no one was comparable to something in pacific

posted about a year ago

Team disappointment: NaVi
Surprise team: EG
Improved Team: FNC
Team of the Year : FNC

Disappointed Player: Ardiss
Revelation player : D1
Promising player: yetujey/something
Player of the Year: Alfajer

Top 5 2023 players:
Alfajer, Boostio, D1, Leo, Jinggg

posted about a year ago

i am gonna tickle you in many places

posted about a year ago

I know I aint making the list if babysasuke is there

posted about a year ago

xeta by default isn't an igl, I don't think he igle'd in c9 (vanity did) and nor did he in T1 I think

posted about a year ago

don't expect from vlr users to distinct the team's loss from a multitude of underlying reasons and just one player lol

posted about a year ago

rs being able to record in mal is crazy, I was already past so many before making my account I gave up lol

posted about a year ago

Bloodborne is more or less undefeated in terms of atmosphere, vibe, appearance (despite the 2015? graphics) and map design. I've probably around 10 ng+ by now lol but I can't get enough of just how well everything is connected and feels. The only issue is with the gun parry system, its a little too overwhelming against hunter type enemies (i.e anyone that can be staggered like kos, gehrman, mario etc) and useless against monster enemies (like ebrietas). I don't dislike the mainline bosses, I struggled more with paarl in my later playthroughs than with gehrman (2nd playthrough I beat him with no clothes just for jokes lol) but the overall balance is lost. In sekiro, the parrying system is the battle system, so having it be so overpowering is fine, as without it the game is impossible for certain bosses (iron knight, centipede dude etc) but in bb there should have been a better solution, like if you play ER or DS, parrying exists but it isn't so easy to trivialize half the game while also being stupidly good. I remember watching this guy parry the shit out of malenia back when I couldn't beat her and I tried to do it only to get shit on lol. Also I never felt the frames issue until a boss is slayed, maybe its just me being used to old games atp

posted about a year ago

Bloodborne (objectively), Sonic Unleashed/Prince of Persia/Minecraft/BO3 in terms of iconic-ness and nostalgia (some) for me, but probably bloodborne

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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