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Registered: April 2, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 9:43 PM
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coaches innovations are all useless if the players are unable to properly replicate them, the coaches can only direct not control. Also, these pros do work a good time, Bonecold on his retiring video talked about how he has practiced 10 hours a day for the past 3 years with minimal breaks. I personally don't think 1 month is enough of a time to adjust to a new meta without being grouped up with every single other team also doing the meta team, as I said this may not effect EU teams but any teams that like to experiment will suffer

posted about a year ago

And how would this work with meta changes? Map rotations, newer agents, nerfs and buffs and so many things that change meta? The amount of time to get chemistry could be argued to be good enough, but the changes are the issues, because there will be no real downtime for changes implemented to actually be figured out and a decent chunk of the season would consist of a bunch of trial and error in games instead of scrims. Teams like prx that are unorthodox with unusual agents would not be prominent as much because they wouldn't have as much time to flourish it out. This format works if changes don't happen, like in sports such as football, but in a game where a meta changes every year almost, you need an adequate downtime to not have the season's first half be reduced to trialing period. Also, like Kap and Sideshow and Eric said, the overall quality of games would decrease as well. I don't think the current schedule is good, right now the downtime is too long and they should shorten it, but your schedule isn't good either imo

posted about a year ago

samantha is the best smokes player from last year, I love that guy and even vouched for him start of the season when he was being questioned lol

posted about a year ago

feel like gaia vandal is a bit more d1 but yea also the bulldog for sacy

posted about a year ago

Cant have 2 of your top 3 smokes be players out of int last year and then also have s0m with 1 good year on smokes be in honorable

posted about a year ago

I mean at the worst just have com bait and lurk spawn every round and give aspas his phantom and they should at least reach int QFs lol

posted about a year ago

Another W bait!!!! Only 2 days after the last one, crazy the kids must be going hungry but don't worry my king, I filled your wallet last time, and I can do it again. VAMOOOOOOOSSSSSS

posted about a year ago

1/10 bait for substance but 10/10 for response kkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tenz is still the scapegoat for everything that has and will happen lol, the people here blame tenz for the pancada situation too

posted about a year ago

Dude you don't know how much I wish I knew Portuguese, once my uni ends imma start taking classes

posted about a year ago

I agree tbh I think zellsis snowball effect is going to be really hard to deal with if things go bad, because I still prefer keeping the old team without zellsis. Pancada was opening up, and being more active and I think the team's skill ceiling was higher that way

posted about a year ago

How is this the orgs fault? Pancada is under contract and by no means can that contract be cut, unless additional fees from the player or the org, but even then all it would lead to is Pancada being unemployed some weeks before the season starts, you think that is good? It sucks to know that one of my goats is on the bench, but the only person who could do anything about it was him unfortunately (unless kap and drew just hate him). Sen paying him still is the best they can do

posted about a year ago

Sometimes regardless of its luster, the jewel just is not the right one. Hope one of my goats gets to enjoy t1 again with another team.

posted about a year ago

IMO; Pancada>zellsis+tenz on smokes and its not even close, BUT that is as a traditional smokes, not a suicide let me be braindead and tp and try to frag kind of smokes. Both zellsis and tenz are unhinged, making the team have more than just one person being aggressive on attack alongside the duelist. Think about every big team last year, Loud (aspas + basically everyone lol), FNC (Derke + Alfajer on defense and Kronicle on attack), or PRX (everyone). They all had players willing to just be aggressive with the duelist. I guarantee you, tenz will not win half as many clutches as pancada, but he might get more first kills and that is probably what sen thinks they need. This is also proven by their performances last year because they excelled with 2 duelists on every map. Even their best fracture game was a raze + jett; they need 2 spears and pancada being the more calculated guy maybe did not cut out to be as aggressive.

TLDR: Tenz is more aggressive and sen want that I think

posted about a year ago

or maybe remove the part of the map that makes it cancerous!??!?! Halls is so stupid anyways, you're force to devote a player to it which lowers your overall site holds and boom you have made the already lurky map more attack sided again. Can't wait to see Less consistently farm with his lurks over and over and over again

posted about a year ago

The days of bliss are over

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Am I not earning you your paycheck by replying to your baiting? I am trying to help you out, and no I am not trying to sound sarcastic lol your Portuguese is definitely better than mine, I mean I can only say some phrases lol.

posted about a year ago

Maybe top 10, not top 5 tho imo

posted about a year ago

Bro wdym derrk playing, I thought he was a part of the team already :(

posted about a year ago

Wild! Re-read, slowly and carefully; try to indicate the flesh of the sentence where I pointed at you supporting Loud for just their achievements and not personalities? Crazy right! Some times we learn so much more when we think instead of act! But its fine, you are Brazilian, your Portuguese is far better than mine. But to put it in layman's term, I never called you a glory hunter, but you telling people to support a team like LOUD or a winning team, is the action of a glory hunter because you made the connection of supporting a team with how successful they are.

TLDR: It's fine, no needa get personal since you were baiting anyways <3

posted about a year ago

"cheer for a good team like LOUD", sorry not everyone is a glory hunter and people sometimes want to support a group of people they like based on their personalities and not just how good they are or what they've achieved lol. I know this is a bait but its still pretty stupid considering none of this affect you as a Loud fan anyways but pop off lmao

posted about a year ago

smoking pure crackolina, jett zekken absolutely gaps and the jawgs raze is not much better if any

posted about a year ago

Every jett and reyna that prefers to lurks instead of entry getting happy. Garbage ass changes, instead of having the players try to pull off more thoughtful site takes and lurks, you just spoon feed them the easiest lurks. If your teammate picks reyna, just get read for the halls lurk every single round good luck!!!!

posted about a year ago

But not in the way you think imo loosing scrims is slightly better than winning simply because then you know what to improve on. If your team is loosing scrims, its fine they just needa adapt and theyll be good. Be hopeful, strong times create strong men and strong men create easier times (which creates weak men and then weak times and then yadadadad yk)

posted about a year ago

LMFAOOOO bro made a burner to roast riot for using their more most well known and influential player to advertise their tournaments

posted about a year ago

offered him a lower competitive wage to try and sign him

posted about a year ago

Yes Barcelona at one point used to rule the competitions, but now have become a shell of what they used to be

posted about a year ago

ah yes streaming because that proves a player doesn't wanna win right? Were you the guy who started this debate like some days ago too? Istg the most restarded debate, streaming and content is vital to any pro players image, because orgs pick them up on more than just who can win. But on that topic, from sen only zellsis streams everyday? Jinggg and forsaken stream a lot but they clearly haven't been shit?

posted about a year ago

and if we leave val, then t1 for lol, or faze for cod (idk anymore maybe im old) or optc for cod

posted about a year ago

peaked d3 havent played this act yet so idk i wanna focus on ochem and stuff rn so I probably am gonna drop lmao

posted about a year ago

this c9 is not a bad team

posted about a year ago

unfortunately I am NOT g3 :(

posted about a year ago

​I may be gold 3 but I have better game sense then any of the CLOWN 9 players. Its ridiculous that this fradulent 'tier 1' team is allowed to play and my premier team (on 3 game winstreak) isn't

posted about a year ago

The way to play ice box has not changed since the first time it was ever added, its a dead map and people only wanted it back because they disliked another map too much

posted about a year ago

cooked list lmfao

posted about a year ago

So far, 100t have looked better when they brawl instead of tactics, idk if boostio made that better lol

posted about a year ago

tbf its hard to do anything when your players are constantly loosing first duels with little to no util

posted about a year ago

Almost bought it until I saw MIBR beating NRG LMFAO

posted about a year ago

reyna on icebox lmfao

posted about a year ago

Isolate one of them, preferably the thinner one and get 2 hits and roll back, repeat until he is dead, if the other hasn't already gotten to second phase then focus on him until other respawns, and when he does the rolly thingy just hide behind pillars. Abuse the pillars. I don't know current broken weapons, but back in the day the ice axe skill and RoB would melt them, still the moon greatsword and blasphemous blade should cheese them

posted about a year ago

chech his flair kkkk

posted about a year ago

asuna will probably take every duelist role except for maybe jett

posted about a year ago

hes the goat of na

posted about a year ago

he also played omen on sen vs kru lotus where they ran tenz on neon for the c9 comp, and yea he top fragged there too

posted about a year ago

That guy is waffling lol, streaming is crucial to your image as a pro player and an asset to why a team should pick you up, zellsis flamed many pros for not streaming and stated reasons for it that you can just go on youtube and watch

posted about a year ago

Lev v mibr kkkkk

posted about a year ago

yea idk I never even finished a walkthrough of the second game; stampy's playthrough of the first game is an integral core memory for me lol

posted about a year ago
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