calm down dont fall for ts
Flag: | Canada |
Registered: | April 2, 2023 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 9:43 PM |
Posts: | 1482 |
I like cNed, not my goat but I like him, add me on pls
Man the fact that asuna is getting yay and tenz level of disrespect is kind of crazy
who would have thought that a guy dominating ranked (at the highest level) like he is much better than all of them could also be a pretty decent pro with a good team
the guard have been known for choking since 2022 when they beat optic in the GF
bro thinks everyone except for sentinels were new to playing games lmao good luck bro
Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Tenz... honey, my pookie bear. The way you strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth shots around the site, and that gorgeous Operator. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you retire. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. Then allas, you did, my sweet king wins again and I rejoiced. 2023 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2024 you made history happen. You came back and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, as I exclaim these words, "I HECKIN LOVE TENZ!" Not only have you changed the game of VALORANT and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Tenz
N4RRATE played incredibly, but it feels weird to not have texture or meteor or any other geng player except Lakia on this list. But if we are willing to add players outside of geng, then I would also like to nominate forsaken o7
TH have a good chance, miniboo and boo are really good
no duelist comp with clove and omen lmao
sure bro sure lmao
no need to get personal if youre getting too mad just hop off lmao and I know the context, I just think your statement is ridiculous because what does tenz's opinion on this change any things the fans will want to say? Tenz could out right admit he'd lose a 1v2 to something and the fans would still say tenz wins. I just feel like youre trying too hard to make this look worse for everyone. But I know youre getting mad and I dont wanna piss you off anymore so enjoy your day lmao
There is no narrative? Are you saying that his performance dropping because his fiance got sick is a narrative and not just normal? lol
What are we even talking about??? I don't think what I said is that hard to read lol I'll say it again. Why ask the answer for the question you and everyone else already knows the answer to?
yk that he already took the blame before kyedae said anything right
????????? Why are you asking a question that everyone knows the answer to anyways???????
How is this any relevant?
Abuse what?
i like monyet, but he (mindfreak) is often asked to play viper instead of trad smokes due to monyet, and even then what can he really do when he is usually last alive against numbers? Cannot be expecting him to consistently get those 1v4s
From the event donkkomong
the sen 100t faced vs what kc faced are different
Pistol round lotus on KCs attack after marteen is traded for tenz, they use the DRX orb set up and walk through it like DRXs split move and they get a perfect pistol
it was a strat that they used before and won so maybe that
EDG's game plan revolves around creating scenarios to get the most out of Kang Kang; is what I've heard. I haven't watched the games but if that is true then you cannot blame the ability of the team, maybe more strategic depth.
Lock in had a bad format, but it is still the only event similar to Madrid. You can do the regionals and it would still be weaker. But Tokyo would be too far ahead, thats mid season, so unless you really want to cherry pick to make a statement, only Lock in works.
All of these teams are highly clouted?
The first event of the year is usually always weaker when compared to later events. Compare Madrid to Lock in and youll see that the overall ability is pretty much the same, if not a little higher. Compare it with champs and yea its weaker.
True, usually I only watch the games from tournaments where a team I like is playing, but I've watched about all of them excluding some now
its double elim so no it doesnt
Acting like he wasn't the highest rated player from KC lmao
I'd say some but im vary of jinxs too much nowadays
not everything is throwing :)
no first seeds cannot vs first seeds, so Loud cant vs PRX and KC cant vs EDG. During the draw the lady even mentions that the order of picking is important because of the seedings.
Tbh this draw was kind of useless anyways. In a swiss stage, you can't have rematches so that forces PRX vs KC and EDG vs Loud anyways
sorry im jusst aahh just kind of ahhh mhhmh happy righ aaaa right now aahh now mhmh both teams i love are still in mhmh