Flag: International
Registered: July 3, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 5:11 AM
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posted about a year ago

The biggest problem with APAC is the language barrier. Too many countries with different languages makes it difficult. English level proficiency regarding team/strategy meeting between 6 players + coaches is hard enough already.

posted about a year ago

If curry and Steel getting Asian countries citizenship sure why not.

posted about a year ago

Signing multiple duelist pre much explain if other org wants to sign a new duelist, "come buy from us, give us money" kind of vibe.

posted about a year ago

Feel like Lmemore had offers a while back (RRQ/GenG), but news regarding Unfair/Underpaid contract goes public and people suggesting the 48/72 hour wait response thing just made org realised this guy is leveraging to get better offers and NOT INTERESTED to join. If signing Lmemore giving public this kind of image, better sign someone else instead.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Glimpse of Us - Joji

posted about a year ago

I think we qual to Franchise dude, like RRQ the best Filipino team, we smashed them in scrims, not smashed them like we beat them and then their excuse is that they were making Indo team or some shit and they stopped the scrim.

posted about a year ago

Indo org takes advantage of Indonesia minimum wage of Rp4.65 million or USD $300/month

posted about a year ago

If team only having 5 player roster with just ONE player having visa issues to international tournament and cant get replacement in time = automatic forfeit. 6 player roster would make more sense. If there's any chance of international tournament held in America, can easily see any russian/SEA player not able to get VISA in time.

posted about a year ago

Pacific: Xccurate, Seoldam, Patiphan, Xnfri, Sayaplayer

posted about a year ago

riot made a rule change that only allows 1 NA import and ban doesn't count as a non-import even with dual citizenship

so doesn't that technically mean they would allow 1 EMEA import too? Would having 1 NA + 1 EMEA import be allowed?

posted about a year ago

jdfaker 6th PRX member confirmed

posted about a year ago

for EDG in specific Kang Kang as seen in Yinsu interview he speak very little english. I've seen Haodong speak basic english in foxz stream. Basic rank calls communication they should be able to... But when it comes to strategy meeting/discussion by coaches and team synergy good level of english understanding is needed.

posted about a year ago

if u speak Indo in his stream he will roast/make fun of you. If u speak english ur safe.

posted about a year ago

literally just asked this on Mindfreak Stream. He confirmed it.

posted about a year ago

I think we qual to Franchise dude, like RRQ the best Filipino team, we smashed them in scrims, not smashed them like we beat them and then their excuse is that they were making Indo team or some shit and they stopped the scrim.

posted about a year ago

I think we qual to Franchise dude, like RRQ the best filipino team, we smashed them in scrims, not smashed them like we beat them and then their excuse is that they were making Indo team or some shit and they stopped the scrim.

posted about a year ago


Former Cloud9 Korea, represent Japan team Crazy Raccoon in 2021 Berlin and 2021 Champions.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

today is just soft lock roster 5 players, doesn't have to 6 yet, still got till February for that.

posted about a year ago

kalo bahasa Indo nanti ngerti dia, mkanya pake bahasa inggris

posted about a year ago

I think this refers to Argh Argh Q not GenG.

posted about a year ago

but thats like 2 weeks ago, outdated. Probably changed his mind 24 hours later. Yer he probably moving to EG

posted about a year ago

every teams have strength in certain maps than others, for t1 teams to completely steamroll t2 teams in EVERY SINGLE MAP is unrealistic.

posted about a year ago

Yashwatthama “yay” Yadav

posted about a year ago

Fun fact: Depends where u get ur education, some considered Australia a continent whilst some consider Oceania a continent (to include New Zealand/Micronesia/Polynesia).

posted about a year ago

SEA countries encounter SEA countries.

posted about a year ago

right click on browser -> translate to english

posted about a year ago

GE pre much confirmed that they will trim down their 10 players to 6 after Brazil.

posted about a year ago

Argh Argh Q: OK riot we'll sign the 3 minimum indo requirement to satisfy our fanbase, but that won't stop us from starting 5 PH players in actual match.

posted about a year ago

blueberries gonna be extinct tomorrow. U can't have frozen blueberries anymore.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Crazy Raccoon would make serious contender spot if they didn't mess up with their documents.

posted about a year ago

EZ money for DRX

posted about a year ago

*argh argh Q

posted about a year ago

For me 2 possibiities:
Xccurate: Been improving since Indonesia Stage 2: Challengers, essentially FA likely to be picked up
Their manager JdFaker, former pro can fill in as 6th player role if there's no issue regarding manager be able to play as player, unlike rule regarding coach can't play.

posted about a year ago

They announced his loan return back to ZETA. If u translate tweet or translate to english on ur browser theres japanese replies commenting whether he's coming back permanent or to leave straight after. I'm not saying ur wrong, but the link I mention was about Reita was part of the tryout with Takej and Seoldam group to detonation, he might pass/fail idk. If Reita can be in starting 5 with Detonation, why be 6th member of ZETA? They literally say "We will inform you about the future career of Reita, so please wait for the announcement".

posted about a year ago

Strict rules are made to prevent people from getting away with questionable things, or else they'll keep pushing boundaries and complain "if this was fine in the past why is this becoming a problem now? just because the person is a CEO/influencer? They have more clout etc?

posted about a year ago

SA consists of 8 countries.
SEA consists of 11 countries.

"why would you need more server in SEA huh?" >

because SEA have more countries involved, the participation, achievement + contribution that SEA did proves it in the amount of spots for Franchise. Logic.

"in my knowledge there are Singapore 1 and Singapore 2 / Sydney 1 and Sydney 2"

yer not anymore.

"Servers and in SA there is only 1 server which is Mumbai but not all the sa players getting advantages from it ...."

yer u can have it AFTER. The ascension will comprise mainly of KR/JP/SEA and maybe China, sure there might be OCE and SA, but all those REGION together might be grouped up in HK/SEA server anyway for competition. Makes more sense and LOGIC to have extra SEA server.

posted about a year ago

Overseas Americans pays double taxes.

posted about a year ago

East Asia has 3: Seoul/Tokyo/HK
SEA has 1: Singapore
OCE has 1: Sydney
SA... wants 2? Only if SEA gets another one FIRST, like Jakarta/Manilla. SA can get one AFTER.

posted about a year ago

Stage 1: ZETA unbelievable run at Reykjavík probably due to the 1st International Tournament, every team starts off the same into the year getting used to team members etc. They hugely benefit from international experience to improve at rapid rate whilst in Europe despite the "blacklisted rumours".

Stage 2: Despite beating northeption in the Japan Stage 2 Challengers upper bracket, ZETA lost to Northeption in the grand final as Meteor pre much cemented himself to be the best import & duelist in the JP region still today.

Champions: ZETA got grouped up with LOUD and Optic.... the 2 teams that play in the Grand Final Champions... and lost to LOUD the winner of Champions twice in the group. Yes TENNN eye surgery does factor into account, but ultimately ZETA not in best condition + being in the worst group possible.

I don't think Reita gonna be their 6th player, he might go to detonation instead as per:

I do think their 6th player would be someone who won't be put into the starting roster, but just sub as there still till early February to make up the 6th player minimum requirement. I don't see ZETA going to international tournament in 2023, DRX/PRX/T1 looks wayy more solid to represent Pacific into international tournament, maybe ZETA have a chance in LCQ.

posted about a year ago

Isn't Reita going to Detonation with Takej?


posted about a year ago

thats his LOAN expiring

posted about a year ago

Detonation: Suggest, Seoldam, Xnfri, Takej, Reita


posted about a year ago

Blue, Pad Thai, Bubble Tea

posted about a year ago
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