Flag: Finland
Registered: July 1, 2023
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 12:43 PM
Posts: 109
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T1 vs VIT was painfull to watch because of T1 stompped VIT in the last 2 maps (even if the match was great), but i was happy that Vitality have managed to reach the play-offs, but to be honest I'm still pleased that T1 have won master bangkok it's well deserved.

posted 3 days ago

This is tragic, my sincere condolences to leaf's mom

posted 3 days ago

Worst region right now ? Yeah, move to asia to win ? Why is it that every time I see your posts you always say something stupid? When are you going to say something rational?
You don't look Japanese to me, you're probably just another fake flager like 80% users here

posted 3 days ago

CS do easily this "kind of number", this is just a "sad" reality that you can't accept

posted 3 days ago

if it makes you happy in your useless, miserable life, go for it
I mean, man you you're pitiful, your repartee is based on vlr, you have so much nothing in your life, you're a shit and a loser lmfao

posted 3 days ago

Damn you are really retarded and irrelevant, and it's just facts, cs has still more viewerships than valorant and the scene is much better (random cs lan clear masters and champs, it's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get that hyperbole about esport cs being better, and it's just true, I say that as a valorant player)
But in the years to come, the valorant scene will hopefully get even better, i just want valorant esport scene to be like LOL

posted 3 days ago

nice try

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

Fucking W from T1, this win is deserved

posted 3 days ago

masters tokyo was insane

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

smoggy might be better than trexx for sure, but the argument about "X is a champs winner" is just useless. Champs are just a rebranded masters with more players and more money, not even comparable to CS major. Stats are more importants than champs (at the same time this thing is ridiculous compared to a random event cs)

posted 1 week ago

edg barely won first map against liquid (not saying that they sucks), G2 fracture map today looks awful compared to VIT, for now, i think edg vs vit is close, but edg can definitively win bangkok, they looks scary

posted 1 week ago

what about aspas ? primmie ? texture and life ? Thoses guys also had bad matches, you are just biased by the fact that you don't like derke, if you compare stats, derke is better than aspas, primmie, life (idk about hyunmin), from what i've seen, only KK (maybe i'am wrong) can be better than derke

posted 1 week ago

EDG vs VIT bangkok final peak valorant

posted 1 week ago

Derke is more consistant than jawgemo, only KangKang can be equal with derke or better than him

posted 1 week ago

I mean he is right, valorant champions are just like masters with just more money. The rest is the same. Champs cannot be compared to superbowl, or cs major, the gab between valorant esport and cs is huge. But that's fair, the scene is still "new", maybe in the next couple of years it will be huge like LOL, but now, Valorant champions, are just masters with more players and more money.

posted 1 week ago

babyshitsuke be like

posted 3 weeks ago

cry harder

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

true and I would also say the organization of the event

posted 3 weeks ago

riot really need to improve the "structure" (i would say) of valorant esport, like even valorant champions looks meh compared to the equivalent in cs, but yeah valorant is "new" to the esport unlike cs, but still...

posted 3 weeks ago

they could have won on mirage maybe, but the 2k spray from flamez toward the end was insane ngl

posted 3 weeks ago

snowflake, gonna cry ?

posted 3 weeks ago

bro don't know that teams can improve

posted 3 weeks ago

valorant esport looking like some random lan compared to cs esport

posted 3 weeks ago

LET'S GOOO VIT, i'am so happy for apEX

posted 3 weeks ago

belgium is litterally france dlc (or france from temu)

posted 3 weeks ago

The other reason i think, beside money, is that india doesn't really care about valorant, and esport globally (yeah they are the majority on mobile), they are focusing on hardpower instead of softpower, and they don't see the benefit to invest in esport, since it's not gonna grow the country, while other softpower like sports can do (but they are not good honestly), they are just full hardpower, because that's what's going to make the country explode. Even if I think it's a shame to leave soft power aside (China does both well).

posted 3 weeks ago

doesn't change the fact that even in 2020, there were still in the ranking of countries with high gdp, but if you're talking about gdp per capita, then yes, you're right.

posted 3 weeks ago

I mean they are focussing on hardpower rather than softpower (like in olympics they are not goods), but i mean, being good at valorant doens't mean it's good for your country xd, it's not comparable to sports, this has an impact, esport can't and it's still not taken seriously even in 2025. So who cares about valorant ?

posted 3 weeks ago

ok then yeah she is right

posted 3 weeks ago

since 2021 ? what are your sources? according to many statistics about the world gdp rank in 2021, india was still in the rankingand above the countries that i talked. In any case, yes, India has only really started to develop recently, but not in 2021

posted 3 weeks ago

GDP too low ? they are litterally above UK, italy and france

posted 3 weeks ago

LA looks good honestly, might check that

posted 6 months ago

I want to go to the United States for my next vacation. Which state would you recommend to visit ?

posted 6 months ago

France maybe, just don't go in Paris, it's overrated i think, maybe in France you can go in Angers, Annecy or Nice... Appart from France, maybe Iceland, Japan, Switzerland...

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Mad looser

posted 6 months ago

It took you a long time to reply! Were you scared? Were you questioning the dubious choices of your miserable life? I think it's more your life that's full of mistakes, personally I'm happy and doing well, much more than you, it's nice of you to worry about me! Now leave this site and concentrate on your life and your future, they are in danger. But hey you don't give a fuck I guess, you'd rather jerk off to prx. That's why you're a disgrace to your family and the whole world lol

posted 6 months ago

I didn't say otherwise and that's not what I'm saying. I'am saying that i feel this site lacking of moderation sometimes, moderators should delete some post about trashtalking players, regions, etc... But that's obvious it's the fault of the users.

posted 6 months ago

It's vlr users braindead, if one player is not performing well or one team is getting eliminated, they are going to trashtalk them, It's just unjustified. Moderation in this site sucks.

posted 6 months ago

This guy makes me laugh, he is so ridiculous, honestly he is yapping too much and i'am not even mad, i think he's crying in front of his screen

posted 6 months ago

Oh hell nah, the Emea glazers is back.
One of the big three hell hole fanbases.

They cannot win two matches without barking like chihuahua.

posted 6 months ago

Excuse me if my english is better than yours while i'am not using any kind of translator, and i think you are out of arguments lol. Nah honestly it's funny to talk to someone as pathetic as you, I feel sorry for you, you're just putting yourself down, poor thing, you're a sub-race

posted 6 months ago

Ahahah ta trop la haine le canadien de mes couilles, retourne bouffer ta poutine, je déchire G2 la merde

posted 6 months ago

You sound like a wojak xd, Why are you so mad ? Because your life is so insignificant and useless, you should do something with your life, not easy to be a runt and a mistake of nature.

posted 6 months ago

I think it's your mother who should be embarrassed to have given birth to you. People like that shouldn't have access to the internet. Mad af xd

posted 6 months ago
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