Flag: United States
Registered: November 19, 2021
Last post: January 16, 2025 at 5:18 PM
Posts: 376
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4/7 maps. wtf u mean depends how much. thats more than half the map pool. They also picked ascent twice which is the most stagnant comp map,. painfully obvious they hid an extraordinary amount

posted about a year ago

-zellsis hesd to head. everyone on nrg clears him

posted about a year ago

hes using all logical fallacies to help his point, OP said he was best NA and this dumbass is saying world. Actually fighting an army of straw men.

posted about a year ago

yet so many ppl says crashies is the NA scan init goat, despite his kills. and this isnt a hot take. nice logic bro

posted about a year ago

if chamber is dog on a map, and they want a raze, it would only make sense to put him on a real senti. force an off-meta chamber on a map? yeah right

posted about a year ago

yes, and you are trying to make it out to be none of this is impressive, and to undersell their consistency. and no, i am not a loud fan

posted about a year ago

it makes no sense contextually, just get rid of the word loop. loop holes: an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.

posted about a year ago

you used "loop holes" so wrong lol

posted about a year ago

look up the food poisoning and terrible housing thing

posted about a year ago

chet mentioned he could once

posted about a year ago

Everyone on NRG minus D1 were all from CS, so they by defult think similarly about how the game should be played, INCLUDING chet. This takes care of most chem issues that SEN faced this past year. Also, this new roster has 4/6 players from one of the most if not the most successful roster that Valorant has ever seen while sen had only 2. Terrible comparison

posted about a year ago

since when did boostio get in there. isnt it marved?

posted about a year ago

Usually i'd agree but he could def pick it up quick. he was on top5 cs team as IGL so rotations and setups arnt new for him. He played on 100T on val so he knows the game, and hes been grinding. If he were to join say NRG, chet could easily catch him up. He would know how much work he would have to put in

posted about a year ago

their cohesion and teamplay was very good, but their midrounding looked not great. they fell flat alot when slowed down by other team.

posted about a year ago

s0m was an awper in CS and on previous iterations of NRG (somtimes instead of tex) He could if the team really needed i suppose.

posted about a year ago

could work too

posted about a year ago

i like that except i would - zekken + s0m. i feel like s0m has what it takes to be a top tier duelist. in CS he was an awper, and nobody doubts his mechanical skill. Plus his chem with FNS would be better than zekken

posted about a year ago

dude so m80 is shit then? johnqt was igl not zander. Zander hasn't igld for a team for a good while IIRC. And whos to say that if he had to IGL he would perform as well as he has been as of recent

posted about a year ago

why cant this be true?

posted about a year ago

no but it was heavily implied due to you shutting down the possibility so outright. and why act so pompous? whos that helping

posted about a year ago

doesnt mean they cant scrim with more than one person?

posted about a year ago

Queen walk to town hall?

posted about a year ago

also gotta factor in vic does alot of mid rounding for NRG just like crashies. hes also alot more experienced and comes from a CS background so his knowledge on rotation manipulation is far greater. but yes zekken's firepower is probably better

posted about a year ago

do you really think pro players would say they are for real trials? thats indirectly leaking potential roster moves. and why bring all this attitude? whos it helping?

posted about a year ago

^^ resident twitter user

posted about a year ago

okay ignore all pros saying scrims dont mean shit. yes you are correct SEN >>

you realize during scrims it isnt just teams playing as if it was a tournament. OPTIC didnt care about scoreline and only practiced certain strats/executes etc. and look at them they won so much.

posted about a year ago

wait so +yay with marved too? so the old optic roster

posted about a year ago

something is russian, no?

posted about a year ago

who cares - how is this hurting anyone. i looked thru ur replies, so many of them are just complaining

posted about a year ago

I dont think they can import anymore?

posted about a year ago

yeah possibly. but to me, from an eye test, saya looks better, but I could be wrong

posted about a year ago

we all know that jingg wont be playing after this year. so who could possible fill his shoes? just want your guys's ideas. I feel like sayaplayer would slot in well

posted about a year ago

it would also be really nice for PRX to win since jingg cant play next year. his last year of comp play for a while.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

obviously but who could replace jingg. he has to leave anyway

posted about a year ago

IK PRX cant import any more players but i could totally see s0mor Asuna fitting in SO WELL with this PRX playstyle. Esp with Jingg having to leave the team next yr.

posted about a year ago

two igls??

posted about a year ago

did not want to join any team at the time*

posted about a year ago

match fixing requires gambling

posted about a year ago

FNS - 2nd init/cont
Crashies - init
Yay - sent
Aspas - duelist
s0m/marved - cont

Surely this is a fking nuts team, no?

posted about a year ago

im sure stew is on that team, idk who the 5th would be

posted about a year ago

I love s0m as much as the next guy, but i would love +marved +aspas

posted about a year ago

agree but nrg wins in the rematch. and i think prx beats drx even with cgrs

posted about a year ago

you just dont see how they have nutty strats too. watch sgares, he points out so many nifty things t1 did

posted about a year ago

dude thats cs go lol. george said in a livestream they were willing to invest a sizeable pool of money in val.

posted about a year ago

in the past geddes said they had money

posted about a year ago

they also had a real igl: steel

posted about a year ago

he never said ranked players are better. dont twist meanings. he said they made mistakes most ranked players wouldnt. those are not analogous. words have meaning.

posted about a year ago

Smoker: jakee - 4 coins
Duelist: Demon1 - 6 coins
IGL/Sentinel: FNS - 10 coins
Initiator - Cloud - 4 coins
Flex: Soulcas - 4 coins

All players are super flexible + goat IGL

posted about a year ago

banger snapback

posted about a year ago
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