Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 7, 2021
Last post: February 22, 2023 at 1:59 PM
Posts: 256
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Considering all the ORGS you mentioned, I feel like most of them won't have a team because Brazilian Valorant is not big enough to support them all. I feel like that we can have a maximum 5/6 big orgs

posted about 3 years ago

fuck man, now its riot more likely than not will at minimum suspend him, preventing him to play champions

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like individually speaking, they are the best roster in the world. All of their players are at least top 3 in their most optimal position. The problem is that when Tenz entered the team, he kind of broke the team role wise because they replaced their supportive/sova player with a duelist where this role was already fulfilled with shazam and, depending on the map, Sick. They dominated until masters 2 because Tenz addition increased the team firepower and Shaz managed to organize the team in the best way possible given the circumstances. Nowadays, most teams understood how sentinels approach the game and the increase in competitiveness makes that not all players playing in their more optimal roles a problem harder to overcome. For Champions, I feel like they should maintain the roster due to the lack of better players that would fill their gaps role wise and try to add new things to their games, though not changing their playstyle

posted about 3 years ago

I feel that this move is good for both the BR region and NIP org because:

  1. NIP can have a strong roster with a constant showing at international events with a few amount of investment

  2. For NIP is easy to give a BootCamp for BR teams, which is something we, as a region, need a lot, at least in the short term, because the BR players, in general, are all aim, but no brain, though its something that is changing since Iceland

  3. A big org like NIP will help with the viewership and with sponsors

  4. NIP will surely set a high standard investment-wise, which will help the competitiveness

  5. One of the biggest problems of the BR scene is that we have 6/7 good teams and none of them is actually great . They can "out invest" every org and create a true Brazilian super team.

  6. NIP will probably bring more professionalism to BR scene

posted about 3 years ago

Salary wise in Brazil is much lower than in the EU. A superstar like Heat, mwzera or Sacy probably makes a maximum of 2k dollars. If I had to guess, NIP former Valorant roster should earn at least 1.5/2k dollars, so they can be really competitive here. Nowadays, the Brazilian currency, Real, is undervalued so the new NIP Valorant operations will be much cheaper

posted about 3 years ago

big fan here NIP, come to brazil. Big hugs

posted about 3 years ago

if what you are saying is true then Cned only needs to prove that he didn't pass the percentage to have his name clear. I hope so because I'm a big fan of his gameplay

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

The problem is to fit his playstyle if the remainder of 100t players

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like they are still a good squad. Their biggest problem was to change everyone's roles. They realized too late that their new roles wouldn't work out and still had a very close series against VK having only a few days of training with their older setup. Depending on how some key rounds or even frags rolled out at that last Split map, we could have seen VKS at Berlin instead of VK

posted about 3 years ago

Don't you think you are giving Cned too much trust ?? As far as I know, he could be lying

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly, I have a hard time believing in him. If you think about the facts, the situation gets ugly for Cned. The facts we know is that the men who were orchestrating the scheme talked to Cned brother and Cned received all the money and didn't report to Twitch. Until more pieces of evidence get released to the public, the whole situation is indicating that Cned participated just like the others streamers, which is a big shame considering his talent in the game.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like there will be a huge roster shuffle for next year because many rosters were formed very early in the game when players didn't know how should the game be played. This lead teams to have players who play the same in-game role. Nowadays, every pro has understood which roles need to be fulfilled in a team which are:

Atack side:
Entry: The first to enter a site (usually a duelist player)
Support 1: Set up the execs of the team (usually plays as controllers)
Support 2: Set up the entry+fragger with utility or help the team with info(usually play initiators)
Fragger: His main goal is to trade the entry( usually is pretty flexible playing with Sage, Skye)
Lurker: His main goal is to infiltrate enemy lines or to watch the flanks( usually is a sentinel)

Defender side:
Anchor A: Responsible for A bombsite( usually Controler or sentinel)
Anchor B: Responsible for B bombsite( usually Controler or sentinel)
2 man B: Plays more focus on the B bombsite, but have the freedom to roam the map ( Usually Initiator or flex)
2 man A: Plays more focus on the A bombsite, but have the freedom to roam the map ( Usually Initiator or flex)
Rotator: Can room the map as he wishes usually responsible for the middle when the map has one ( Usually duelist)

posted about 3 years ago

What you have described was virtually what happened at Masters 3 Berlin. The difference is that your format decreases the chance of equal matches due to random seeding. Riot, at Berlin, did that but instead assigned a seeding for each team and named the possible's sample space as groups.

posted about 3 years ago

Po, deu uma olhada rapidinho e o Jonn jogou meio mal a maioria dos games na etapa final da 2 fase. E tbm não sei como é possivel argumentar que o Jonn jogou melhor q o MW em 2021. Na primeira e principalmente na segunda etapa o Mw tava jogando num nivel nunca antes visto no Brasil, igual aquela md3 q a GL ganhou da VKS onde o mwzera matou 38, ele, nessa epoca, tava igual o tenz na C9

posted about 3 years ago

After watching the CS GO major, I think that the Swiss format would work pretty well at Valorant because we would watch more games with teams from different regions and it's more exciting though still fair enough. If we had this format we would condemn good teams with a group of death. What do you guys think of it?

For those who don't know how this work I will explain:

All of the teams are in the same group and are assigned an opponent according to seeding. All eliminatory matches are Bo3 while the rest are Bo1. After that first round, everyone is either 1-0 or 0-1. In the next round, everyone who is 1-0 is matched against someone who is 1-0 and everyone who is 0-1 is matched against someone who is 0-1. This produces three groups: 25% of teams are 2-0, 50% of teams are 1-1, and 25% of teams are 0-2. In a tournament with 16 teams, nobody is yet eliminated. Everyone with a 2-0 record plays someone else with a 2-0 record and the winners have made it out of groups as the top seeds in the tournament. Everyone with an 0-2 record plays someone else with an 0-2 record and the losers of those matches are eliminated from the tournament. This continues through a couple more rounds, and every team that reaches 3 wins qualifies, every team that reaches 3 losses is eliminated. This means that every team that gets eliminated/qualified they lost/won at least 4 maps. At every stage, they're only playing against other teams with the same record they have instead of having a single "Group of Death" where they just have to play the same hard teams again. This produces 8 seeded teams out of 16 which can then start the playoff stage.

posted about 3 years ago

Great list though I think that Sutecas and Jonn should be between Shion and Krain

posted about 3 years ago

Although Xand has a problem with consistency when he's playing well he was a monster and he creates a huge amount of space for his team, so I think it is fair for him to be top 10

posted about 3 years ago

cara, a GL só foi bem na primeira etapa e razoavelmente bem no last chance e o Jonn jogou mal em algumas partidas importantes. Não consigo nem coloca-lo em frente de nenhum jogador mencionado da lista do 11 em diante

posted about 3 years ago

He's a very skilled player, but he is bad at playing a more supportive role to enable heat/murizz. I would guess that this was the reason he left VK because according to GE, he was replaced due to in-game problems

posted about 3 years ago

I feel that this addition to VK is a good one, but we don't know how well do Mwzera will play with Sova/Skye. I think he will play better than NTK, but he may not be as good as he was back in challengers 2

posted about 3 years ago

man, just compare how smaller regions(BR, JP, TUR, LATAM) evolved between Iceland and Berlin. The gap is getting smaller, maybe by 2022 Champions we could have a title contender from every region

posted about 3 years ago

Depends a lot on my mood, but usually revolves around breach,Skye or kayo

posted about 3 years ago

I find it hard to make predictions because there's more than a month for Champions so teams will be very different from what we last saw

posted about 3 years ago

O foda que o Aspas não se provou em LAN e considerando o pouco tempo até o champions, isso pode ser um tiro no pé

posted about 3 years ago

The biggest problem with Aspas right now is his inexperience. This makes him a bad choice for teams that are going to Champions. However, for next year, he certainly will be one of the most wanted players in BR

posted about 3 years ago

se o krain saisse da HL ia ser mt bom. Não aguento mais ver um cara tão bom quanto ele jogando com uma galera q tem um individual tão fraco se comparar com o resto do cenário

posted about 3 years ago

About this Mwzera gossip, maybe they will kick NTK off the roster due to the expose that was released during masters Berlin or maybe he has a problem when he's in a team because this would be his second time being expelled from a team non-relatable with his gameplay

posted about 3 years ago

If what you are talking about is real I would be excited for next year. For me, the biggest problem of BR scene is that we have many "good teams", but none of them is actually tier 1 internationally speaking. The top 7 teams ( FUR, GL, HL, SHK, VKS, SH VK) are all on the same level. If there were a roster shuffle in our region I feel we could have potentially 2 teams that can realistically compete for an international title

posted about 3 years ago

he played sova when Pain went to first strike finals

posted about 3 years ago

The problem was that Riot decided on how many teams from each region would go to champions before even having an international tournament, so they had to make this decision arbitrarily or considering other aspects like viewership

posted about 3 years ago

I relate to this frustration of having 3 BR teams at Champions, but I also understand the reason Riot made that choice. Considering the lack of international competition before VCT 2021 was announced, it would be unfair to determine regions strength solely on the "eye test", so Riot gave the Champions slots considering viewership, historic, investment etc.

posted about 3 years ago

If mwzera come back to play as well as he was playing before challengers 3 finals it would be hella fun

posted about 3 years ago

About SA, I doubt that HL will win because it seems from Berlin that they can't coop with the pressure at LAN

posted about 3 years ago

Dead is a little bit too much. Rn BR doesn't have a really good tier 1 team, but have plenties of tier 2 teams

posted about 3 years ago

that's the reason. So Shaz doesn't get sova diff in a map that sova is so impactful.

posted about 3 years ago

Gambit is CIS and EMEA, not EU.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel that Riot should make more continental tournaments like EMEA playoffs. Perhaps, for America, they should give 1 slot for BR+1 slot for Latam+ 2 slots for NA and make LATAM, BR and NA fight for the last two in a similar fashion to last chance. This would be hella fun to watch

posted about 3 years ago

Mwzera is like Tenz at C9. Insane player, but have a bad team. I've watched almost all of his matches and he only underperformed in the last challenger's finals, though he wasn't that bad. I would say that he's similar to Heat skill-wise and already prove himself at LAN

posted about 3 years ago

One of the biggest companies in Brazil. She has approximately 20 billion dollars of market value

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think that today's game was on him. Acend didn't adapt at all to what VS was doing. Most of Acend rounds was due to individual plays. They got read like a book by VS and still was playing in the same way

posted about 3 years ago

Also the amount of investment that the NA scene is receiving. Only Nitro salary can probably pay the salaries of both Brazilian teams at Berlin

posted about 3 years ago

It is doable, but I find it troublesome to make a comparison like you made where If A beat B and B beat C, so A will beat C because in e-sport, especially in a game like Valorant that has multiple viable playstyles, this does not happen that often. Perhaps 100T slower and more methodical way of playing could be more effective against GMB than SEN style.

posted about 3 years ago

maybe in the future, it will be more viable when there are more characters in the game, but right now it isn't. I've just done the maths and, for average, each player needs to know how to play with 2.4 characters

posted about 3 years ago

This type of play for me is the pressure getting in their heads. When they are in a lesser pressure situation, they play more aggressive and with much bigger confidence, just like EMEA playoffs after they already qualified.

posted about 3 years ago

Indeed, but I feel now it's too late for CR to copy Zeta playstyle

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like the current maps lack depth at least at immortal+ matches. There were too many in-game situations that I had few options and when I watch pros stream I get to the same conclusion sometimes. Also, some of the angles, especially from beta maps, are bad designs. It's annoying when you die from a place that you were going to clear and the player didn't even show on your screen.

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly, after watching some matches I felt also that NA is much ahead of others regions. They might not have the best strats but their fundamentals are on point and after watching plenty of CS GO competitive and almost as much of Valorant I feel like good fundamentals is the best way to consistently wins series, consequently, tournaments.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like they have a pretty good chance to be at the top 4. It depends on how well the "Korean style" play out against other regions because Nuturn was very different than most Koreans team while VS were the ones that created that style and now have mastered it. They are the best by far at "cheesy" plays and utility usage at execs. However, I feel that when they need to play with the flow of the game is where they seem the weakest in comparison to the others regions. Basically, their pre-set stuff is amazing while the in-game decisions are lacklustre. Also, it's safe to consider them the Korean superteam

Personally, I'm confident on their ability to get top 4

posted about 3 years ago

Same thing for BR. CSGO hyped and popularity only skyrocketed after LG/SK era. I guess it will happen the same thing at Valorant

posted about 3 years ago
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