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Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM
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They were already really good and popular along with TSM in the pre-first strike era, and then when they got Tenz all the dickriders made them even more popular, and winning Reykjavik 2021 made them one of the most popular teams in the world, they've just consistently been one of the best teams in NA since the beginning of the game, and when you're good people like you. People also were huge on TSM when they were popping off in the ignition series

posted about 2 years ago

Why is there a TL Brazil, I thought orgs were only allowed 1 team and that's why NIP dropped their EMEA roster and T1 dropped their Korea roster

posted about 2 years ago

Some cracked rifler from CS like twistzz or EligE

posted about 2 years ago

to be fair, recently he has not done well at all against actually good opponents, his stats in this tournament are being carried by the knights and NRG game, against Rise and Optic he played poorly, and in champions was great against Furia and that's kinda it

posted about 2 years ago

the CSGO scene had been going for at least 8 years before the COVID pandemic, I was talking about esports that were just starting

posted about 2 years ago

Imagine in a couple of years looking back at the start of the valorant esports scene with Covid in 2020 and the Russia Ukraine situation in 2022 affecting the game so heavily, that will be crazy. Are there any other games that have been affected by something even close to this at the beginning of their pro scene?

posted about 2 years ago

fr when have SEN ever shown the ability to adapt well

posted about 2 years ago

2-1 XSET, I have 0 trust in 100T rn

posted about 2 years ago

bro just accused him of pedophilia lmaoooo

posted about 3 years ago

Just put Asuna on flex they have got to stop making him play jett

posted about 3 years ago

Asuna is an above average jett at best, he's at his best on raze and reyna

posted about 3 years ago

Think that's just a problem with how he is used to playing, he very much thrives on w keying, and without a coordinated team behind him (like if you get 2 subs in a week before a match is set to be played) they can't capitalize as well on his aggresiveness

posted about 3 years ago

everyone saying Asuna washed clearly didn't watch the game and just looked at the box score

posted about 3 years ago

I can't believe he didn't see TSM win Champions bro fr

posted about 3 years ago

One Piece literally clears Miduto any day clown

posted about 3 years ago

Good move

posted about 3 years ago

yeah maybe they can add a European IGL too like Ec1s

posted about 3 years ago

NY Drill goes brazy

posted about 3 years ago

Vosotros was a really funny word for me when I was a freshman learning spanish, so I made it my username on everything

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe when they take the garbage out that they have under center

posted about 3 years ago

which one?

posted about 3 years ago

I think the problem with 100T is that their two star players play very similar roles so they have no star jett player that other teams have, imagine if there was a cracked jett along with either Asuna or Ethan, easily top 3 NA

posted about 3 years ago

Asuna is not that good of a jett, yet, he's clearly one of the best raze/reyna players in NA but his jett just isn't there yet

posted about 3 years ago

whoops he was actually talking about Astralis haha

posted about 3 years ago

I think he's talking about NaVi, they had S1mple for a long time but until now they were considered behind teams like Liquid, Astralis and Vitality

posted about 3 years ago

it's crazy that just 1 extra chromosome can do this much damage

posted about 3 years ago

the huge amounts of updates and rapid changes combined with the nature of abilities and discovery of new set plays and set ups make sustained success difficult. CS:GO has barely changed since it was released, hence the reason why there were eras of constant dominance at times, like Astralis, NIP, and NaVi and Liquid to a lesser extent. In valorant, the constant meta changes combined with some complacency from those at the top of the game at that time (cough TSM cough) leads to less eras of complete dominance. Sentinels didn't get aim diffed at Champions by KRU, they just got outstratted and couldn't adapt to the meta properly. TSM got lost in the power creep and got caught resting on their laurels as everyone else developed past them. Specifically on the topic of TSM tho, I think their problem is more to do with Wardell, especially before Chamber. When he played Jett, he struggled to find value without the OP bc of his average level of rifling, especially compared to his OPing. Teams could just play around that, now to a lesser extend because of his Chamber play, but it still is there.

posted about 3 years ago

why am I not surprised

posted about 3 years ago

I would say Hiko on OL but he would be terrible in run block bc he's 10 yards behind everyone

posted about 3 years ago

where'd you get this

posted about 3 years ago

omen's ult would be insanely busted with a paranoia across the whole map. At least with his normal ability you can avoid it by moving out of the radius, an omen ult would just ask for baiting a team onto open space and then ult for the site players to completely fuck them.

posted about 3 years ago

in n out double double animal style

posted about 3 years ago

no way you just said TSM did better than C9

posted about 3 years ago

I can't believe that they dropped neptune, asuna, and dicey

posted about 3 years ago

The Guard Tier 1 team?

posted about 3 years ago

Korea is overhyped, they weren't that good, it's not hard to get an 100 game win streak when the region you're in sucks

posted about 3 years ago

I would think they keep seven on jett and make him the dedicated jett/awp player the way yay is for envy

posted about 3 years ago

Gambit was imo the team of the year, they won CIS Masters 1, Masters 3 Berlin, and they were runners up in Champions. Acend had a very up and down path to Champions and only really became the best team in the world after Champions, through the rest of the year it was SEN and GMB that were consistently in the conversation for best in the world

posted about 3 years ago

The Gambit over Acend pick I can see but VK and VKS over all the SEA and NA teams? That Brazil copium must go crazy

posted about 3 years ago
  1. EMEA
  2. NA
  3. LATAM
  4. SEA
  5. KR
  6. BR
  7. JP

I don't know nearly enough about SA and China to make a comment about them

The way I see it, LATAM is a one team region, and while that one team is insane, it doesn't put it over the all around talent that NA has

Korea is mad overrated, they are a one team region

SEA is insane and as the game gets more popular I expect to see them be even better

Now that NIP is in BR, I could see them climbing the rankings but this whole year they have consistently underperformed considering the expectations, but they showed promise in champions

EMEA is really easy to say, been in all Masters Finals, all 4 EMEA teams in Champions playoffs, Champions Grand Finals was all EMEA, semis was 3/4 EMEA, they look far and away the best region in valorant

I trust NA to come back to being a top 2 region, after getting rolled in valorant I expect there to be a new surge of young players getting the chance to shine as teams rebuild in the off-season

Considering how many resources are going into the Japanese valorant scene, their performance at champions was hella disappointing, I think they should just combine regions with KR

posted about 3 years ago

Japan is easily the worst team that was at champs

posted about 3 years ago

I have yet to find any other source of valorant content that has that perfect combination of serious analysis and stupid shitposting that they do, they are insanely underrated especially for the costreams

posted about 3 years ago

if SEN qualifies for a brazil champions there will be riots in the streets and SEN would need to hire the secret service to make sure the players can even make it to the venue

posted about 3 years ago

alright bro calm down, Secret played insanely good, but look at their group, it was Vikings and Crazy Racoons, Vikings may have been decent but they were not anywhere near being the best BR team at the event, and Crazy Racoons was one of the worst if not the worst team at the event. VS got thrown in the group of death with FNATIC and C9, VS may be overrated, but Secret over VS? Secret is at best the 2nd or 3rd best SEA team, PRX and X10 are equal or better than them

posted about 3 years ago

There’s no way you have BR over KR SEA and LATAM after what the SEA and LATAM teams have done in this tournament and how shit BR teams have done this whole year

posted about 3 years ago

KR and JP are already so connected with all the Korean players on JP teams, might as well just combine them and put SEA and SA in their own region

posted about 3 years ago

VS or SEN, both were tournament favorites and then they just drop out of groups, SEN Was more of a disappointment bc VS was in the group of death and SEN just had to beat KRU and Furia

posted about 3 years ago

I actually got a copy of the script, and it looks like Secret will 2-1 Acend and Liquid and KRÜ are going to 2-0 FNATIC and then 2-1 Gambit, trust me guys it's going to happen

posted about 3 years ago

the worst meta of all time was the stinger meta in like February, I remember watching an 100T game and it was just force buy wars the whole time because Stingers were able to compete with rifles and the buy rounds and eco rounds lost all suspense bc they all blended together and were insanely repetitive

posted about 3 years ago

It stopped being banter a long time ago with Brazilian fans, at least the NA vs EU rivalry is a kind of friendly rivalry where both sides respect the players, Brazilian fans send death threats after their fav team loses a game lmao thats just ridiculous

posted about 3 years ago
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