Flag: United States
Registered: July 10, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 6:04 PM
Posts: 197
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The best gc team couldn’t even make it through the qualifiers for their regions T2 challengers. Gc and t2 are leagues apart in skill, forget about t1

posted 1 week ago

Tank you bobork 😀😀

posted 1 week ago

5’4 🤣😭🤡

posted 1 week ago

He’s a fucking clown

posted 1 week ago

youve been consistently jerking off to the idea that narrate or verno or whoever tf is joining sen

posted 1 week ago

Sadly they will throw as per usual

posted 1 week ago

Na is feasting well this offseason. All of DZ, OXG, MXS are free agents, plus a plethora of other talent, including either (or both) m80 and tsm players being available for pickup. Literally no reason for Na teams to suck ass in 2025

posted 1 week ago

God knows what Navi are doing

posted 1 week ago

Worst valorant fans:
Sen fans
PRX fans
G2 haters
Edg fans that only supported them after champs and during Tokyo
Fnc fans

Best valorant fans:
C9 fans (haven’t heard from them in a bit I hope they’re alright)
Anyone who supports TS 2GE

posted 1 week ago

iZu 🤡🤡

posted 1 week ago

I liked magnum as an igl, and Enzo is not a bad player. I just think he had a pretty shitty year (like boo last year)

Qrax is also a really good player during league splits, and I think if he played like that in lans, he’d be much better. ATA is also a really solid player who had his ons and offs but seeing how they replaced mojj last year I wouldn’t be surprised or too opposed to see him go

Also what’s wrong with paura? His stats aren’t that bad and it’s not like he played horribly

posted 1 week ago

Only adding players that are RFA, FA, or T2 (that I don’t think are gonna win ascension)

I genuinely don’t know what direction this team is going in by cutting Zyppan and suygetsu, and I don’t know how to even roster build as idk what direction they want to even go in.


Duelist: Purp0
Smokes/Igl: Zeddy
Initi: Cloud
Senti: westside
Flex: fitinho

Essentially keeping it very similar but adding a proper Igl and some more firepower. I don’t think gx is bad they just had a horrible year.


Duelist: Derke
Smokes: Grubinho
Flex: Patitek
Initi/igl: Iluri
Senti: Sheydos

Basically just a high firepower Eastern Europe team.


Duelist: Marteen
Flex/Igl: Magnum
Senti: Tomaszy
Initi/Igl: Enzo
Smokes: Profek

With Narrate prob leaving for an na bag I’m just adding back Enzo to reform the structure they had at the beginning of the year (also he’s French) and profek bc I didn’t see much potential in sh1n.


Duelist: Xues
Initi: Leo
Senti: Alfa
Smokes/igl: Boaster
Flex: Chronicle

Boaster might shoot like a bot but he’s an alright igl. Also rumors or xues so might as well.


Duelist: Qx (not spelling his name)
Senti: Elite
Flashes: Paura
Flex/Igl: Sociablee
Smokes: Brave

Building onto their last year roster bc they could shoot but giving them a proper igl.


Duelist: Keiko
Senti/Igl: Nats
Flex: Zyppan

Rest doesn’t matter because they shid the bed when it matters most anyways.


Duelist: Cned
Flex: Hiro
Initi: Qrax
Smokes: ATA kaptain
Senti: Yetujey

Idk who will Igl maybe the lack of even a little structure is what they really need


Duelist: Scream
Smokes: K4davraa
Initi/igl: Beyaz
Senti: Yotaa
Flex: Natank

I hate the French but this roster could cook


Retain everyone 🤞


Duelist: Sayf
Smokes/Igl: Cender
Initi: Trexx
Flex: ardiis
Senti: Suygetsu

Omg this roster would either go so hard and destroy everyone or go Nrg 2024

posted 1 week ago

This guys pretty insane, no?

KPI imploded so there’s a solid chance he could get picked up. He has a good agent pool (flashes, duelist, sova) and pretty insane stats

Edit: damn, age requirements took another one… hopefully another 1-2 seasons in VCL will make him only better and he becomes the next goat or something

posted 2 weeks ago

Who cooked the narrative that sacy was leaving sen

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

?? What is there to talk about ??

posted 2 weeks ago

Ok Mr intellectual

posted 2 weeks ago

Poles when presented with irony (the joke wasn’t explained to them):

posted 2 weeks ago

This is for the upcoming year! Koi just made franchising, and I am so exited to see their new roster in action

posted 2 weeks ago

Duelist: Fenis 🫦💋
Smokes: JasonR 🐐🐐
Initi: Semon1 💀🤣
Senti: Tuyz 🇩🇿🇩🇿
Flex: D0rke 👩‍🦲🐹

Hc: Thinking man’s valorant


posted 2 weeks ago

Retard detected

posted 2 weeks ago

You fucking bot I made a post about how Sacy shouldn’t be replaced and you were glazing ts out of me.

posted 2 weeks ago

If you guys genuinely think that Sacy should be replaced you guys are braindead. Sen did well this year, and Sacy had his fair share of moments along with tenz and zekken. He carried them through the hell of 2023 sen on sage and omen and other random ass agents. He doesn't deserve to be cut just because he isn't constantly adderall bumping and 180 flick curb stomping kids half his age.

posted 2 weeks ago

Estonian detected opinion rejected

posted 2 weeks ago

Duelist: Derke
Initi/Igl: Iluri
Flex: Jamppi
Senti: Hoody
Smokes: Bonecold

We outaiming everyone with this one

Edit: ok guys i guess bonecold is kinda washed we can switch him out for famsii or polvi

posted 2 weeks ago

Fair enough tbh it would be hype tho you can’t lie

posted 2 weeks ago

0/8 nothing will make me as happy till the day c9 gets obliterated by a 200 ton ICBM

posted 2 weeks ago

Duelist: Alive
Smokes: Bonecold
Flex: Zeek
Senti: Kiles
Initi: Starxo

Now’s a better time then ever

Run this shit back

Kiles and bone cold are orgless

Zeeks gonna lose to apeks

Starxos gonna get cut

Why not run this roster

Trust me bro

Let’s win champs

Make acend decent again

posted 2 weeks ago

Amer: M80 Tsm
Emea: Gonext Apeks
Pissific: Idfc


Learn English buddy

posted 2 weeks ago

China #1 kekw

posted 2 weeks ago

You’re retarded look at crazy guy he looks like a bum no wonder he acts like one. Don’t get me wrong I hate yay as much as the next guy but crazy guy is a retard through and through

posted 2 weeks ago

Average Brazilian when their country does anything

posted 2 weeks ago

Rb looks kinda like a qtip

posted 2 weeks ago

Idk man maybe keep posting another 7k on a valorant esports forum

posted 2 weeks ago

Explain this: how is a team winning champions better than a team winning a masters (considering both are at their tourney winning form) I agree that champs is more important due to the venue, the fact that it’s the big tournament of the year, and the prize money, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any more of a win. Teams play as hard to win during a masters, and just because there aren’t as many rewards shouldn’t discredit their win (only case where you can argue an exception is Madrid, as there were only 8 teams)

I DO believe winning a champions title is more important for a team, as it is the biggest and last tournament of the year, but that doesn’t mean that a team that wins champs is any better than a team winning a masters.

If we’re looking at Edg at their peak (champs) vs suppose Gen G at their peak (Shanghai) the fact that edg won champs doesn’t make them better in any way. Sure, it might make them more important, but it’s not a valid reason to argue that they are better whatsoever

posted 2 weeks ago

“Best year”:

1st place kickoff, split 1+2 in Cn (means nothing bc most of these teams play worse than teams from 2021) all the while losing to some of the worst teams imaginable (Drg, Wolves, etc)

Bombed out of both Shanghai and Madrid with abysmal (to say the least) performances.

Played really well at champs

Ok so they had 1 good international lan

posted 2 weeks ago

Look man, explain one thing to me and I will understand your argument completely without question: How does winning a champions mean you are a better team than winning a masters? Don’t give me any bs about titles, prize money, or whatever riot says. Answer the question fair and square without dodging anything.

posted 2 weeks ago

Where does this logic come from lil bro. How does winning champs mean you are a better team than if you win a masters. They are both international events with large amounts of competitive teams

posted 2 weeks ago

I don’t care about the title!! Call yourself whatever, but how does that make you a better team throughout the ENTIRE year?? If you said the best team at champs, then ok, there is a valid argument to be made, but 1 title doesn’t determine your overall performance throughout a year!

posted 2 weeks ago

I don’t care what riot says, I don’t care about prize money, just explain to me: how does winning champs prove that you’re a better team than winning a masters. Don’t give me bs answers about prize money, titles, hype, venues, or any of that bs. Answer the question straight

posted 2 weeks ago

THIS is a valid take. I would disagree by saying that the amount of top teams that edg had to take down was much less (only Sen, lev, and Th), but I’m not going to deny that they played kino valorant

posted 2 weeks ago

Players play to win to prove that they are the best in the world at that given moment, not for any amount of money. Simple as that. Money is there so there is an objective reward for winning. If I were to have a race at an elementary school for $500,000 prize money but host an Olympics race with $25,000 prize money that doesn’t mean the elementary school race is more important, does it? There can be multiple prizes for winning, but the biggest is the claim for being the best in the world at that given moment, not whatever bs argument that you’re presenting “oh more money won equals team better duhhhhh”

posted 2 weeks ago

Bro thinks the amount of money won = skill. Where do you get this idea?? Explain to me I want to be as enlightened or crack pipe high as you are

posted 2 weeks ago

Buddy china doesn’t count. Fpx/Te were the only competition and the most they’ve ever done is upset like 1 good team. China is literally a 1 team region by definition

posted 2 weeks ago

You aren’t answering the key question: What does money earned have to do with how good a team is?

posted 2 weeks ago

No one said Gen G deserved champs. We said that Edg winning champs (a win they deserved) doesn’t prove that they are the best team of the year. You’re trying to shoot down points that no one provided

posted 2 weeks ago

Why are you so insistent on prize money? It plays no role in how good a team is. If we cared about money TSM would still be the best team in the world. Use your brain before your keyboard

posted 2 weeks ago

I don’t give a shit about map pools or their performance a million months ago.

The fact is this:

Gen G won kickoff fair and square. I’m not going to argue that it was dominant, because they were given tough matches by teams like RRQ and PRX, but nonetheless they won kickoff.

Gen G looked extremely dominant in Madrid, but got barely edged out by Sen, who were also a serious force

They cooled down in split 1, but still were dominant over 90% of pissific, getting 2nd place.

They shit on everyone in Shanghai, havinng a performance rivaling Fnc at Tokyo, despite the fact that they had almost no supporters, barely any teams wanted to scrim with them, and on top of that the team was sick.

Cooled down again split 2, although still looking dominant especially towards the end, getting 1st seed champs

Got grouped in champs to a fully rejuvenated sen roster and an eventual 2nd place TH (Although I will admit their second game against sen didn’t make them look too hot)

Compare this to EDG:

1st place in Kickoff, split 1, and split 2. Sounds insane on paper, and even though it does show that they are clearly the best in the region, their only competition was FPX, which were obviously not a force to be reckoned with. EVEN THOUGH they placed first in split 1+2, they still lost to literal bottom of the barrel teams like DRG and wolves, but hey, it’s league play so I won’t hold it against them.

Grouped in Madrid, initially beating a new PRX, where they did play pretty well, only to get fucking bodied by Loud, in one of the most embarrassing matters in VCT history.

Bombed out in Shanghai, I don’t really remember much of them in that tournament, mostly because they only played 2 games lol, but hey, it happens and I can’t hold 1 bad tournament against them too much

Played out of their minds during champs. I will admit, Edg deserved the trophy. But to be fair, they were riding a hot wave. If during any point Chichoo, smoggy, or kk didn’t go crazy, they would have been eliminated by Sen, Lev, or th. Not to mention they got an extremely easy placement, being drawn into trace r1. Th on the other hand had to go against Fnc, Lev, Drx, and Sen to get to GF. If we were to compare these teams objective skill in champs, and not just Edg players feeling it, teams like Th, lev, or sen played objectively better valorant, they just didn’t have Lady Luck on their sides and had to play much harder teams to get to were they were.

In conclusion: Yes, edg deserved to win champs, part of winning a tournament involves showing up performance wise for the day, and getting good draws, and I can’t hold that against edg. On the other hand, though, other teams were dealt with much worse circumstances and provided better results than edg for most of the tournament (the only time edg played like the best team in the world was in UF and GF) and if we were to run these matches again, or even compare average skill, peak skill, or any metric, edg at most gets to top 3 teams throughout the entire year, and that too is a stretch. Learn the difference between whether a team wins a tournament vs their individual prowess and skill throughout a season.

posted 2 weeks ago

1) I don’t give a fuck about prize money, that doesn’t determine which team is good or not (players play to win, not for prize money)
2) Again, 3/4 of their grand finals were against FPX, a team that literally has no business being considered a good team
3) again, they get champs points from farming shitty Chinese teams that can barely play the game
4) explain to me how a champions win is better than a masters win. Idfc about the money or venue or hype, just explain how it takes more skill and effort to win a champs trophy. “oH iT hAs FoUr MoRe TeAmS” yeah bs teams like kru blg and talon just embarrass themselves by shitting the bed in groups

posted 2 weeks ago

Read the room retard

posted 2 weeks ago
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