Flag: South Korea
Registered: August 13, 2024
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 7:47 PM
Posts: 42

Initiator isn't for an aggressive player, when attacking you're using your util for setting your duelist up not for yourself. If you want to be aggressive play a duelist. If not that then try learning how to lurk as sentinel on attack, it provides the most value for your team on attack since the util isnt meant for taking sites with your team.

posted 1 day ago

I'm more of a "this is what I'm feeling like today" type of guy, I'm flex but not fill

posted 1 day ago

Rather than fill just consider the pros and cons of an agent to a map, for example consider why KJ is the meta in Icebox, her utility covers so much in that map as compared to other sentinels, or why Raze doesn't work in Abyss for your dive duelist compared to a Jett. There's a different agent for each map that really works even outside of pro play.

posted 1 day ago

If you want to climb you should give up the concept of a main

posted 2 days ago

Surprised I had to scroll this far to see enerii mentioned

posted 2 weeks ago

This guy must be loaded

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah, but it still has the value of slowing down a fast execute, which I feel like is what the current ranked meta is.

posted 3 weeks ago

People have been talking about the type of agent she is, but I think she's kinda perfect for what a new agent should do- which is shift the meta a bit.
The wall I think is the real key, because she has a real chance to fight a util dump execute. Wall goes up, she pops flash, fight the entry.
Considering the time it takes for the wall to go up, you can definitely have 2-3 people go on site with the entry duelist if the team is coordinated.
As for her ult I'm assuming it just locks whatever gun you're currently holding, so I assume the counterplay would be to swap to your sidearm as the ult pops and swap back to your primary (I'm just assuming). Of course that leads to gun downtime but it is an ult after all- it should provide a reasonable advantage at least for a moment.

posted 3 weeks ago

I miss Fracture, it had such a different playstyle compared to the more recent newer maps

posted 3 weeks ago

Top 4%, I got worried because after playoffs I got almost nothing except two of the opening games, then I predicted a TH lower final W that got me from 11% to 4%.
I was worried for nothing because other people got it more wrong than I did somehow lmao.

posted 3 weeks ago

How in any way was that a fluke lol

posted 3 weeks ago

aspas top comment lmao

posted 4 weeks ago

The skull is for the server top frag

posted 4 weeks ago

Lots of kofte and adana I'm sure

posted 4 weeks ago

Every pixel of that sentence from sad_gambit_fan was screaming sarcasm and you didn't get it.

posted 4 weeks ago

I'd say it might be that he's too focused on headshots at that point and should just spray bodies sometimes, headshot is high but KD is low- which kinda says he's TOO dialed into headshots and not just getting frags as needed (this is ONLY an assumption, but the stats kinda feel like they're pointed that way). Maybe also pick better fights, positioning and movement are important and if you can't make use of either then even with amazing shooting you're probably going to struggle to climb

posted 4 weeks ago

I feel that TH vs DRX will be a really good game. If DRX manage to eke out the win then their rookies will be on track to perform really well for the remainder of the Championship- considering how well TH play correct Valorant, it'll be a really good measure of the rookies. TH are probably the favorites, and they definitely played well today, but LEV was just... shooting, really well.

FNC vs SEN I think can go either way as well. SEN need to have the energy to perform, while FNC perform extremely well under pressure (probably the most likely of any team to pull their mental together and make a comeback).

posted 4 weeks ago

You're right, I've been rooting for LEV from the start but I'm never sure if they're going to perform, even map 1 for this match wasn't exactly confidence inspiring off the bat.

posted 4 weeks ago

I didn't even criticize her, I just had two people come with me for the play while she and her duo went off somewhere and got 0 value while we won the round, I kept IGLing throughout the game and sometimes she came with, and sometimes it failed because we lost gunfights, but she came at me out of nowhere with see why your plays don't work? This was only one of the times that I've run into her, but in general she always has a way of rubbing me the wrong way.

posted 4 weeks ago

I don't know what her streams are like, but in game she has this ego that she's a better player than anyone else (maybe because she's convinced TenZ made her a perfect player or something?). I peaked 408rr, still IMT3 every season and I make a call and she made a comment about how stupid the play is and refused to play along with it. We ultimately won the game but she bottom fragged, refused to play with the team except her duo (another streamer iirc). I briefly opened her stream after I noticed it was her and her chat was flaming me saying I had a life game (I was never toxic and was calmly comming throughout the game btw).

posted 4 weeks ago

Tarik isn't wrong about his chat though, there are a bunch of kids that just say whatever they want because it's twitch chat.
Kyedae on the other hand I've run into on ranked during the start of three or four seasons and she is insufferable and made it impossible for me to consider watching her or supporting her in any way.

posted 1 month ago

Do you say ITW because they beat SEN? Or do you have another reason?

posted 1 month ago

Is DRX not considered APAC?

posted 1 month ago

Seems like he's just always there when it matters

posted 1 month ago

I don't take it seriously, but I do enjoy browsing the mess while watching VCT
Can easily tell that majority of these people haven't even hit immortal 1 let alone 3

posted 1 month ago

I'm new to the site, but so far all I'm seeing is a cesspool

posted 1 month ago

You can look at the pick'ems from browser and see the leaderboard

posted 1 month ago

Stop bro you murdered him

posted 1 month ago

Honestly, TenZ really has been the only one REALLY shooting back, I'm definitely not a SEN fan and even I can acknowledge that.

posted 1 month ago

What I mean is, if they weren't like 9:4 or whatever it was, and it was maybe something closer like 7:6 then MAYBE it makes sense, but they were so far behind that they NEEDED to at least try to get the round. Denying orbs is fine when it's close and you can risk the lost round.

posted 1 month ago

I think it might make sense if you have a lead or the rounds aren't close, but when you're as far behind as G2 was, it makes absolutely no sense because you need every round you can possibly get

posted 1 month ago

I already stopped using anything from it so, but that's just me.

posted 1 month ago

I agree, people say stuff about people not shooting but it's actually not easy to be making calls and thinking about everything on the map while winning gunfights, while the other players don't have as much of an excuse because they just need to listen to the call and focus on making sure they win the gunfight where they are

posted 1 month ago

I found it crazy that anybody thought G2 was going into uppers to begin with, the delusion that "G2 was saving strats" in the Americas GF was just the biggest cope I've ever even seen.

posted 1 month ago

Derke is Derking

posted 1 month ago

You're so right, my pick 'ems are going so badly and I'm sitting at top 7% somehow. Everyone's so screwed

posted 1 month ago

My flag as in where I'm from? What does that have to do with anything?

posted 1 month ago

Idk I'm inclined to agree with OP, there haven't really been too many exciting moments I think

posted 1 month ago

I'd say high elo starts at 200rr, that's when it starts to group you with low rad

posted 1 month ago

It helps people with minimal experience in FPS gain basic mouse control, beyond that it's just a matter of playing whatever game. I've seen peak Ascendants aim better than me but don't know when to take fights or how to swing correctly in specific situations. (Hardstuck IMT3)

posted 1 month ago

Same can be said about most regions no?

posted 1 month ago