Flag: International
Registered: March 22, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 4:27 PM
Posts: 82
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Não assisto o mch desde o início do Vava. Mas pelo menos ele ainda é um streamer "tragável".
Porque puta que pariu, Gaules e Apoka são IMPOSSÍVEIS de assistir por qualquer pessoa que passou pela maturidade mental.
Parece que ambos tão conversando com crianças de 11 anos a live inteira. Apoka principalmente, que maluco insuportável.

posted 11 months ago

Sorry, i don't understand speak dumberino

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Imagine if GenG had a half decent player instead of this garbage. Fastest 3-0 in Valorant history

posted 11 months ago

IF SEN can't beat either of the 2 top teams, they don't deserve top2.
Why should they get an easier draw then LOUD?

posted 11 months ago

It would be much more unfair for LOUD had they got matched against NRG given that they beat SEN (so it would be fair for them to get an easier matchup than SEN).
And NRG can't complain against either option of draw as they didn't have any match against a top team.

posted 11 months ago

Who would want to leave GC and play in T2 when GC is paying $500k ($180k to 1st place) while T2 pay pennies? Also, GC has much more visibility than T2 (with the exception of maybe NA, where T2 actually matter a bit).

posted about a year ago

Saad com a mira piorando a cada dia que passa e um downgrade ABSURDO de Aspas pra Qck.
Fora que o Americas tá mais forte pro ano que vem do que esse ano (Sentinels vindo mais forte, G2 indo pras cabeças, etc).
Reforço, não tem LOUD pra carregar mais o br ano que vem

posted about a year ago

O problema é que não dá pra confiar no Saad.
Se pá esse é o ultimo ano dele jogando e ano que vem vira coach. Mira não tá mais em dia.
Tá virando um FNS 2.0

posted about a year ago

O cara comemorando passar suor pra ganhar de um mix de amigos.
Se tá assim no MEG, fico triste pelo que nos espera no Americas 2024.
E infelizmente esse ano não tem LOUD mais pra carregar o cenário.

posted about a year ago

"aqui não é fim do mundo".
O time da franquia apanhando pra um amontoado de 5 players ganhando 500 pila por mês, realmente não é o fim do mundo.
Essa panelinha da MIBR é ridícula.

posted about a year ago

Unfair advantage? not saying that.
What I said is Tenz was good while almost everyone was bad. But Tenz didn't get any better while everyone kept getting better at the game. Now when everyone is relatively good, there are some that are great.

posted about a year ago

Because the game is New and not everyone is good on a new game. But then (surprise) people develop and get better at the game while others are left behind.
Same reason why 2021 was filled with washed up CSGO/other tac shooters players (people that had advantage from playing smth similar) but they are much more scarce in 2023 when lots of new faces had the time to get good at the game.

posted about a year ago

Being good when everyone is bad at the game is still worse than being great when everyone is good. It's the same case as when people in 2016 would keep claiming that NIP was the GOAT CS:GO team because they stomped everyone in 2012 when they were the only good team that played the game.
There's a reason Yay/Tenz stopped being "insane" when the competition started to level and were fastly outshined by players such as Aspas/Derke.
Demon1 on the other hand has show that he is great even after the step up that Valorant competitive took on 2023.

posted about a year ago

NA won't win Masters until they start using the only thing they know how to use ($$) to buy all good players from others teams. So no point in supporting them. We won't get any more slot from that. Better to support a team we have empathy for.

posted about a year ago

First map wasn't close.
Second map LOUD was 12-8 and trolled twice while on 12-8 and 12-9. Map should've ended much earlier.
Only real close map was the third and it could have gone either way.

So I don't think it was this close and NRG couldn't have won

posted about a year ago
  1. LOUD
  2. FNC
  3. TL
  4. DRX
  5. PRRX
  6. NRG
    7-12 Whatever, they're not getting to semifinals whatsoever.
posted about a year ago

Giving C9 a bye makes the most sense.
However, not defining the tournment format before the teams are set is a big fucking mistake.
Because depending on the format and if someone gets some benefit from it, teams/community may claim that Riot chose that format with the intention of "helping" said team.
Honestly, RIOT has been taking so long to disclose these informations (or even define them) that I wondeer who's getting paid to make this shit job. Probably got a raise

posted about a year ago

bIg BrAiNs, ShUt Up
gReAt AnTi StRaT
0.55K/D lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

As a Brazilian it was always hard for me to understand American culture. What was fascinating for me is that they like bragging about their freedom which was weird for me, because I didn't think that I have any less freedom than them. I always thought 'What is the difference'. However after this game I finally understand it. NA is just so fucking free.

posted about a year ago

6 teams goes to playoff. there are 5 non NA. 1 of them is KRU that is virtually eliminated.
Awesome prediction saying "at least 2 NA teams go to playoff". Visionary. Nobody could've expected that

posted about a year ago

I'd say probably 8. Might drop a game against either NRG or LEV

posted about a year ago

NRG top 3 copium

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No, the guy is trash

posted about a year ago

All the players/orgs were probably already informed about the rules, even when they weren't disclosed to the public yet.
And considering that some games gives 1 map advantage for the team coming from the upper bracket, I think this is a fair advantage.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Time to sell that watch before going starving

posted about 2 years ago
  • G2 beat both Gambit and Fnatic and still got trashed
posted about 2 years ago

Gr8 b8 m8

posted about 2 years ago

Also known for doing the fastest speedrun any% to the closest airport in any event.

posted about 2 years ago

Top 3 this tournment is gonna be DRX, LOUD AND PRX. COPIUM

posted about 2 years ago

Heat - Jett
Aspas - The other Jett
Mwzera - The Flex (the dream)
Sacy - The bald
Pancada - The Big Hit

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD is probably the biggest org in the world in terms of content creation. They're focused on that after being bornt from Free Fire and doing content for teenagers. Some streamers that joined the org got to 1m instagram followers in the next day. Not that it's relevant to anything though.

Now they're trying to join some other esports too, as they started on LoL after buying one franchise slot last year and now are trying to start on Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

Unfortunetely I think MW doesn't fit very well in that team. MW is an awesome Raze, probably top 3 in the world. But you're not gonna play Raze and Jett on the same comp.
He would probably above average as second duelist, but not near as much as he's as first entry

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe Zombs should do less typing and more playing to revert this.

posted about 3 years ago

Breeze was a mess. I don't know how C9 defense got so few points given how FS always waited to start action with 25 seconds on the clock and not forcing any utility to be spent.

posted about 3 years ago

This is the first year, Riot is still testing things out. It'll get better next year.
Maybe something like 4 EU, 3 NA, 2 BR, 2KR, 1 SA, 1SEA, 1JP, 1 Masters, 1 for Riot to throw wherever they feel like.
If Riot wanna stick to the LCQ's, they can even do like 4 EU, 3 NA, 2 BR, 1 KR, 1 SA, 1JP, 1 SEA, 1 Americas, 1 APAC, 1 Masters.

posted about 3 years ago

Full Sense is too slow on their play. They always let to the last 30seconds to start the action without taking out a single utilitary before that. So when they face like a 3 stack in the end of the round they instantly lose because they don't have enough time

posted about 3 years ago

English tweet directed to Zombs
I made my mistakes using social media during the years and tried to grow from it so I will hope you realize one day that using the platform you are crafting with your work/game to spread things like this isn’t worth it. We have the chance to influence people positively.

Translated tweets made made for the br community:

Guys, we need to start change, especially the brazillian gamer community, from threatening and trying to make the person on the other side to feel "afraid" in order to punish something that was done and we didn't like. This doesn't reflect our essence as people in any manner.

As brazilians, for the most part, we are simpathetic and warm people.
We don't need to show a face that doesn't even reflect what we are to protect ourselves.
To defend ourselves we don't need to incite fear, violence or punish the other for being wrong.
We are better than that

posted about 3 years ago

I mean, there's no way starxo and zombs will ever go, as both probably won't have a team to play for next year. And even if starxo still has one, he ACEND is probably not qualifying for any international event anymore given how better EU is getting

posted about 3 years ago

Hard to drop below 1/15

posted about 3 years ago

Carry me please

posted about 3 years ago

The dick pick is a meme on brazilian LoL community, known as "Vampetaço"

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I imagine these people during old cs go times, not being able to handle some small banter

posted about 3 years ago

I didn't know that backpacks had twitter right now

posted about 3 years ago

How does this shot makes any sense? I'd understand if it was through the wall, but there was no icon indicating it. Play on 0,25 to see it more clearly

posted about 3 years ago
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