Flag: Macao
Registered: January 25, 2022
Last post: January 12, 2024 at 3:11 AM
Posts: 30

rock and stone

posted 10 months ago

felt like his mind was still on ascent when he lost the clutch against low hp ethan with his util out

posted about a year ago

nrg. oh wait.

posted about a year ago

redgar is there for nats to feel home to.

posted about a year ago

s1mple on reyna 1v5s fnatic

posted about a year ago

Can you let the other team get so many defuses off in smoke when you have the ping feature in the game? Everytime they lost a round like that I cringe lol

posted about a year ago

Wdym? He's obviously "jet lagged", also "jett lagged", also accidentally picked neon, and really emotionally unstable because of Kyedae's condition, and he's trying out new agent, he doesn't really care about winning since he's rich, he's IGLing the team instead of dephh, and this is his first game back so he will do much better on his second series.

posted about a year ago

tenz is the shroud of valorant

posted about a year ago

watch less tiktok, might help

posted about a year ago

typical japanese. go learn about ur erased war crimes first before talking

posted about a year ago

nope. Its like the stock market, you can only speculate base on logic and history. My advice is don't be greedy and just sell your shit when you've earned enough.

posted about a year ago

and thanks to sheeples that are buying the katana those bundles are going to cost 8000vp and 9000vp respectively. GJ people. yall got what you deserve.

posted about a year ago

prices will probably peak within the month after offical release so maybe sell then.

posted about a year ago

for doubling my knife price within the last month.

something valorant skins can never do.

posted about a year ago

On god

posted about a year ago

Liquid and choking

posted about a year ago

He's the top g

posted about a year ago

Clown region lmao

posted about a year ago

Fnatic v navi hello?

posted about a year ago

Why is soulcas on sage lol. The guy looks clueless on the agent.

posted about a year ago

and CPU uses less than 10%. I've capped my FPS at 290 but it rarely reaches that number in live game. The game isn't unplayable but I'm just curious why I can't have stable FPS when GPU/CPU usage is so low.

GeForce RTX 3070
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz 3.79 GHz
16GB ram

posted about a year ago

Unpopular opinion on why NA is better than EU currently : Because EU is better in CS so there's less quality players migrating from there to valo.

posted about a year ago

I don't think Indian e sports scene will ever recover from word. Exe. No more foreign support to form Indian teams

posted about 2 years ago