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Last post: July 3, 2024 at 3:34 PM
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for context this is what veyyyyron has said

consent age in brazil is 16, the girl was 16 and the guy had just turned 18. we're not weirdos that lose their virginity at 30 like you do in your country

this is a lie btw, he was 22/23, purposely spreading misinformation to defend a brazilian

that's called culture, it's normal. your country has a different culture, and that's fine, nobody is trying to flex anything you dirty ass 💀

he called "pedophilia" a culture

your culture is sending kids with guns to shoot up schools, obesity, racism, xenophobia, invading other countries to start wars. may i keep going?

pointing the blame to another country instead of staying on topic and focusing on the matter at hand (whataboutism, indirectly defending the culture)

but yet he says

nobody is justifying anything

seems very contradictory to me!

posted 11 months ago

you sent that two mins after my message, nt though
lemme just compile all the shit you said to make sure we're on the same page

consent age in brazil is 16, the girl was 16 and the guy had just turned 18. we're not weirdos that lose their virginity at 30 like you do in your country

this is a lie btw, he was 22/23

that's called culture, it's normal. your country has a different culture, and that's fine, nobody is trying to flex anything you dirty ass 💀

sounds like you're defending the culture here

your culture is sending kids with guns to shoot up schools, obesity, racism, xenophobia, invading other countries to start wars. may i keep going?

pointing the blame to another country instead of staying on topic and focusing on the matter at hand (whataboutism, indirectly defending the culture)

but yet you say

nobody is justifying anything

seems very contradictory

posted 11 months ago

do you see me defending that "culture"? (i wouldn't call it a culture)

a majority of americans dislike everything you just said

posted 11 months ago

bro's blaming the residents of the country for what the country has done

do you blame all russians for the war in ukraine?

posted 11 months ago

"it's our culture!"

the culture in question: sending dick picks to kids 7 years younger than you

posted 11 months ago

"but she was 16, over the age of consent!!!"

he was 23. what the fuck does a 23 year old have in common with a 16 year old? there are some sick freaks on this website justifying it

posted 11 months ago

I think the Union wins this 23-16

posted 11 months ago

kinda weird trying to justify the Union's players' pasts, like even if the shit they did was a few years ago, what they did was fucking crazy

if you like the team, whatever, but jesus christ seeing people be like "it wasn't that bad" and "it was years ago" is sad to see

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

if you posted this 2 months ago people would've downvoted you to hell

posted 11 months ago

i can see prx running her on a map

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

all of emea needs more russians, name a good roster without one

posted 11 months ago

this had to have been the worst trade of all time

posted 11 months ago

bro said NA

posted 11 months ago

you didn't talk about FUT or Navi which proves my point

nt tho

posted about a year ago

i enjoy seeing good valorant being played, and fnatic is the best team atm

that doesn't automatically make emea's 5th seed better than americas' 5th, 6th, 7th, or even 8th seed though

i want to see the best teams playing, not the teams that get fed a spot from their best team in the region just to go out 0-2 in groups

need i remind you 3rd and 4th emea slot got grouped? wtf is the 5th slot gonna do? Giants aint doing shit

posted about a year ago

least obvious fake flagger i've seen in a while

Registered: June 25, 2023
Last post: June 25, 2023 at 4:27 AM
Posts: 1

posted about a year ago

top 5 losers at tokyo maybe

posted about a year ago

emea getting 5 slots is fucking abysmal

anyone in their right minds would rather see SEN or Furia than Giants and KC at Champs

posted about a year ago

i swear you were european like 5 days ago

posted about a year ago

i just call these things international events, cause the cs:go fans are gonna "um, actually" your ass if you call them majors

posted about a year ago

no team, riot is too stupid to have the foresight of a team/org signing dogshit players and not trying hard enough to be competitive in their region (KC, DFM, mibr)
the 10 founding orgs from each region are here to stay

posted about a year ago

why does their country matter

posted about a year ago

sen fan never misses

posted about a year ago

its weird to have the showmatch push the real match back

why not just do the showmatch earlier

posted about a year ago

washed = not placing top 3 at 1 event in years

posted about a year ago

if it’s a pearl and fracture ban, fnatic wins
otherwise, EG has a 30% chance

posted about a year ago

facts leo and chronicle are spent

drop them and pick up Mistic and Doma

posted about a year ago

prx could stomp 39-0 in a GF and people will be like "they just got lucky" or "they're not a real team"

holy shit they got 3rd with a fucking sub

posted about a year ago

please :(((

posted about a year ago

get ready for champs

this roster will be pacific's first win

btw cgrs was 5th to last stats in all of tokyo, it was consistently a 4 and a half vs. 5 and they still got 3rd

posted about a year ago

bro said again, not sure when prx got 0-3’d but i know fnatic did once

only logical to assume he meant fnatic getting 0-3’d

posted about a year ago

didn’t fnatic get shat on 0-3 last time they were at a master’s GF?

posted about a year ago

“get the gang back together”
the gang in question: asuna

posted about a year ago

would’ve been free as fuck if something was here

all good though, everyone on this website will learn what perfect valorant is like when the full prx roster plays at champs

as a fan, i wouldn’t mind if they picked up the tokyo trophy along the way 😀

posted about a year ago

i know. prx will get demolished by EG sadly

posted about a year ago

sadly there is no chance prx can beat the final Americas bastion of hope, EG. PRX is too weak of a team to beat the monster that is EG.

Demon1 will diff forsaken
Ethan will diff cgrs
jawgemo will diff jinggg
c0m will diff davai
boostio will diff mindfreak

there is 0 chance of PRX taking EG to a map 3 and winning in triple OT to land a spot in grand finals.
come back tomorrow when I am proven right.

tl;dr PRX will get demolished by EG

posted about a year ago

they got top 3 with a fucking content creator

fnatic 55/45 prx odds

posted about a year ago

if something was here, this would have been an easy first place

posted about a year ago

ignore this dude, he's a Tier 1 hater

posted about a year ago

hating prx is so weird

they're the most humble people and all the teammates love playing with eachother more than almost any other team

posted about a year ago

damn you've responded to my posts like 10 times in the past 3 days

thanks for being an avid supporter :) i appreciate all my fans

posted about a year ago

4 downvotes for predicting the future LOL

posted about a year ago

idk man

edg didn't throw too many rounds, it felt like prx was the better team

posted about a year ago

it is obvious sarcasm

idk how much more obvious this could be

posted about a year ago

how dare they keep the game entertaining to watch

posted about a year ago

why are some of you shitting on EDG? EDG outperformed all of our expectations. give them credit for their accomplishments, they deserved this 5th/6th place finish.

posted about a year ago


he farmed those chinese frauds

posted about a year ago

if something was here, they would 100% be grand finalists, if not winners, of Tokyo.

at least top 4 with a content creator sub is fucking INSANE. don't discount these boys anymore. they're gonna stomp at champs.

posted about a year ago
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