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Last post: July 1, 2024 at 1:51 PM
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i gotta respect pancc though, bro got a combined 16 kills between map 2 and 3

he really loves that number, huh?

posted 11 months ago

just bc he bans a topic in his chat doesn't mean he supports it

but this is coming from an NA Fnatic supporter, i don't expect you to have higher than a 2 digit IQ

posted 11 months ago

link the tweet then

posted 11 months ago

i like clowning on pedophiles, cause it also helps educate people on what theyve done. in my original thread, people asked for context many times so i consider that a net positive.

i joke about pancc a lot but all my jokes are unique in some way

posted 11 months ago

bro's mad whenever people make fun of pancc LOL

posted 11 months ago

ironically this is the age range that pancc is attracted to

posted 11 months ago

oh wait you meant the win streak not the total rounds, aight that was a good catch my bad

posted 11 months ago

thank you for the shoutout

posted 11 months ago

I think Union takes this 2-0. I know I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this one from my fellow NA fans, but hear me out.

The Union simply looks too strong. Plain and simple. Yes, The Guard did beat M80, but they don't look nearly as strong as the Union. Reason being, there's no 16 year old on The Guard, so pancc will be 100% focused this series. Also there's no woman on The Guard, so NTK won't have any urges to stand up from his desk and hit them.

posted 11 months ago

bro said "global progressive left" which insinuates politics... @mods ban this guy

posted 11 months ago

people would rather shit talk by team hopping than take shit from people after their team loses

ex: navi bombed out 0-2 and i saw a bunch of active dickriders switch to fnatic almost INSTANTLY.

posted 11 months ago

if i won this i would have actually killed myself

posted 11 months ago

he doesn't represent NA, i understand most brazilians don't support his actions

posted 11 months ago

i keep hearing mixed things about whether he did or didn't send nudes, it's pretty probable he did cause he hit on a 16 year old anyway

posted 11 months ago

it was 116 where i live around the beginning of covid, i was dying and my brother got heatstroke, take care of yourself bud

posted 11 months ago

maybe i shouldn't use the word "sixteen" and pancc in the same sentence...

posted 11 months ago

anything but this please

posted 11 months ago

Recently, I tried to give another go at playing Ranked but finally decided to put an end to it after a few games. As a sentinel main, you always witness a 5 man hit and none of your team mates will help you (No smokes, No flashes, No nothing) or they are already dead by peaking the enemy team 5 stack. Lurking while attacking is a crime and you are supposed to run in and die with your team. Comming in the game makes people toxic towards you. Nobody will listen to rotate after seeing entire enemy team on the same site. Ranked is basically Team Deathmatch with a rare occurence of good teammates.

posted 11 months ago

2 NA teams in top 4 internationally doesn't seem like "shit on" to me

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

i agree with this

posted 11 months ago

people are kinda fucking stupid tbh, people thought the IDEA of harbor was dogshit until pro teams started using him (i understand he got buffed, but people thought his wall was useless and his cove wasnt good and those mechanically have not changed since release)

people compare her to kj when she shouldn't be compared to another sentinel. her traps aren't for flanks, they're to stop aggressive site takes on offense and defense. the sound trips that people keep calling dogshit work when you put them in chokes people normally shoot in. the wall is mega strong especially bc of the reserve ammo nerf. the ult is like a raze ult tbh, usually secures 1v1s.

the only weak part about her is the nade, it's weak on it's own but would be good combo'd with a raze nade or any molotov/splash damage. riot should either buff the nade removal time or buff her trips, make people have to crouch past it rather than walk past it.

tl;dr don't trust the average player, the general public is normally wrong about new agents.

posted 11 months ago

deadlock will be played at champs

maybe it’s for just 1 map but she will definitely be played and she may or may not be played by prx

posted 11 months ago

franchised player

but yeah pancc has that underage rizz fr🥶

posted 11 months ago

i'm a fan of BR but sadly i don't know the answer to your question

posted 11 months ago

wait for playoffs for Americas, seeding matches do close to nothing

i'm not gonna cope and say M80 saved strats against the union, but they definitely weren't the same team as before in terms of plays and strats, more time on the stage will do them all good

posted 11 months ago

some vlr users have been showing their true colors these past few days

“technically it's not illegal” 🤓👆

posted 11 months ago

Apeks > Fnatic
M80 > EG

posted 11 months ago

pedophiles and domestic abusers deserve to get laughed at

posted 11 months ago

i’m posting a new thread at pancc’s expense every single time the union plays, fuck that dude

posted 11 months ago

the shit talk is on another level, actually so entertaining seeing people talk shit

posted 11 months ago

i thought he was 23, he’s 25 now and put out a twitlonger about the situation 2 years ago

posted 11 months ago

bad take

posted 11 months ago

where is Netero

posted 11 months ago

with a wife beater and a pedophile on the same team, they’re definitely a clinically insane team

posted 11 months ago

map 1 he got 10 kills
map 2 he got 13 kills

i bet he’s very happy he didn’t get over 16 in a map, that number is a bit too high for his liking

posted 11 months ago

NTK situation is weird, but he legally paid for his crimes

pancc however deserves to rot, fucking pedophile weirdo. he didn’t pay for anything, just apologized and got removed from a cs roster for a 2 month period

posted 11 months ago

since episode 2 for me

too many slurs were said between episode 2 to episode 5

posted 11 months ago

his ult used to be .6s to exit, then with the addition of the clone it was boosted to 1.2s, but the community kept finding animation cancels with his ult so they ultimately just lowered the exit to .8s so the community would stop breaking the game

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Title: The Union site takes

"These site takes from the Union are crazy, this is the most aggressive i've seen NTK and most persistent i've ever seen pancc be.

Well, besides the felonies they committed"

posted 11 months ago

good one

posted 11 months ago

pancc sent dick pics to a 16 year old when he was 23

after that, he got taken off the active roster of his cs team for only 2 months, then was put back on the active roster

posted 11 months ago

thank you SEN_FAN335

posted 11 months ago

i don't blame you, some of the people defending him today were fucking weird

cya bro

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

kinda sus bro

posted 11 months ago

if you're not rooting for bonkers then idk what to say

oce representation = 1 dude on the bench of GE

posted 11 months ago

im rooting for 00Nation over The Union i gotchu bro

posted 11 months ago

based and i agree

posted 11 months ago
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