Flag: Japan
Registered: March 6, 2021
Last post: October 5, 2022 at 10:43 AM
Posts: 80
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lol bruh get your head out of your ass. Look at like half the CEOs of all your leading industries. Guess where they came from hahahaha

posted about 2 years ago

to go to Canada they literally just need to drive down or take a short flight at best. It's visa-free for the most part for American citizens as well. For an Indonesian going to India, or an Indian going to Singapore (there's no Indonesia server) it's more like an American having to travel to Europe. In fact, it may even be harder because of visa issues.
Kind of doesn't make sense how many NA peeps barely know about anything outside of their own country, it's just the educational system.

posted about 2 years ago

and bruh how are you forgetting the live event at Saitama Super Arena, there were some 13k viewers, and that place can definitely hold like 30k plus
This was only the LCQ as well

posted about 2 years ago

play on Tokyo servers live in Japan, idk I'd consider myself a JP user

posted about 2 years ago

not Japanese but I live here. They've had some LAN events here, I remember in May there was one in Tokyo Garden Theatre. Also been to a tonne of different concerts and stuff in Tokyo Dome, Ultra recently in Odaiba too. I don't see why they can't. It's a big metropolitan like any other there are a tonne of places.

posted about 2 years ago

On the East Asia LCQ she was on the analyst desk, entire chat was down bad but back then she had deleted all socials so no one could find out about her except some LCK interviews on YouTube

posted about 2 years ago

On the East Asia LCQ she was on the analyst desk (Where Edward and BOOM came from)

posted about 2 years ago

Tell me why?
Ain't nothin but a mistake

posted about 2 years ago

Still waiting for vlr to implement a name change feature so I can change to BabyDosa from SubDosa since Roza stopped playing raze

posted about 2 years ago

Oh I played one ranked game with Laz when they were Jupiter and he was playing cypher and broke all his trips with my raze nades when the enemy pushed in

posted about 2 years ago

I created drama between old 100T roster (mainly Hiko) and Kehmicals when he was on Immortals by baiting him into talking shit about them on stream

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #14 1/8

🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩

bruh what

posted about 2 years ago

food was S tier before he changed to Victor

posted about 2 years ago

The casters and hosts have been wearing the same outfits for the last 3 days in EA LCQ. They made(?) the goddess Lee Jeonghyun wear the same clothes everyday as well which is unacceptable.
Conspiracy theory - the games aren't live, they've filmed everything and the casters reactions in one single day and the live claims are just a sham to promote viewership.

posted about 2 years ago

Masala BabyDosa

posted about 2 years ago

my neighbors already complained about the noise of me screeching

posted about 2 years ago

I was just gonna make a post. I won 1500!!! bet 250! guess I can upgrade from my 50fps potato pc and finally cross diamond 3 into ascendant

posted about 2 years ago

zellsis would play raze anyways

posted about 2 years ago

Dosa for sure

posted about 2 years ago

used to have a shitty PC and always loaded in last to agent select. Was forced to fill viper on breeze everytime, you can guess why I dislike it. Now I load in first, and chamber on breeze is pretty fun to play, but I've noticed you'll still almost always lose without a viper.

posted about 2 years ago

S: Ascent, Haven
A: Icebox, Bind
B: Split (defence)
C: Split (attack)
D: Fracture (feel like I haven't figured out what a solid 'default' on this map looks like yet. Is there even one?)
F: Breeze

I consider Breeze F tier because you have no choice but to pick viper to make it playable, not choosing viper, whether a ranked or even pro game makes it such that you've almost already lost. Wish it was more versatile to allow other controllers to fill this role. Too many angles while entering a sight so you basically have to have that viper wall on attack.

posted about 2 years ago

I changed my IGN to BabyDosa wanna change my name to match

posted about 2 years ago

Who was the caster in the TSM 100T game today? Iykyk

posted about 3 years ago

All the best bro, hopefully you can improve your app and it takes off!

posted about 3 years ago

Is the news legit? Nivera tested positive, but will play the tournament anyways, except Liquid won't be playing on the stage?

posted about 3 years ago

The previous game is over so what time will this start now?

posted about 3 years ago

Being a GE supporter myself, I don't get the toxicity GE fans have. We are all gamers, when you lose, especially 13-0. it's just GG go next.
Then again, lots of toxic GE opps as well, idk why some PRX fans have so much pride about taking one map off SMB, that shouldn't be the goal, we all want to push the Asian scene forward, so NA and EU stans can't just dismiss us as 'minor regions.' We need a dubb bad. I'm sure these same GE toxic fans would've been the exact same people supporting PRX with all their heart during Berlin.
Honestly, I feel like that's where a lot of salt from Indian fans comes from. A lot of them feel its unfair that they didn't even have any riot supported events to even have a chance to qualify for masters etc when other much smaller regions (at least viewership and player base wise) like Indonesia, HK, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand all got their own Champions Tour events. Not to mention smaller regions in the EMEA scene.
Even compared to 'larger' Asian regions like JP or Korea I'm pretty sure user base or viewership wise the Indian region is somewhat comparable, although the money from sponsorships etc must not be as significant.
GE had to go through a pretty lengthy tournament including all South Asian regions (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, etc) just to secure a single slot in the last chance qualifier for Champions. They, and all other teams in these regions, didn't even have a chance to qualify for any Masters events.
Everyone just needs to chill. I want all Asian teams to stack dubbs and end NA/ EU supremacy once and for all.

posted about 3 years ago

depends on the map though
Split, Bind, feel like its better if Bunny plays raze

posted about 3 years ago

Delete the profile sir

posted about 3 years ago

Hindi bhi baat kar leta hoon
Bas Japan mein rehta hoon isi liye japani bhi baat karta hoon

posted about 3 years ago

I usually get around 80 ping in SG servers while playing from JP (shows like 78 in the menu, but in game it goes up to 90 or so)

posted about 3 years ago

lmao all the best

posted about 3 years ago

Ah got it. Thanks.

posted about 3 years ago

Sorry if this sounds dumb, but Sentinels still have 1 game remaining against F4Q? How is it already decided they're second seed? If they win against F4Q with a huge margin, does this still mean they'll be second seed? Could someone explain?

Both G2 and Sen would've won 3 and lost 1 if Sen beat F4Q

posted about 3 years ago

Lol I had Munchkin and Neth in my deathmatch, Neth replied to my message (in japanese) but Munchkin didn't and I thought he was ignoring me, but I guess he might not have understood it

posted about 3 years ago

1) nah different, although there are a few words that sound similar
2) they speak in mostly simple japanese. A lot of the callouts used are Japanese or Korean pronunciations of the English words, for example "Saito" for site, "Rafuta" for rafters "Rinku" for link "Raze xxx Katto" for Raze xxx cut (damage) etc
As pro players I'm sure they discuss and practice communication / have agreed upon callouts
I'm not sure about complex stats (maybe they discuss the strat before hand and give each strat or protocol some kind of name) and the banter is probably not always inclusive of all players
3) as these Korean players are on Japanese teams there is probably some expectation to learn some basic Japanese. A lot of my Korean friends here picked up the language faster than I did because of some similarities to their native tongue. Also all Japanese people as well as Koreans are taught English from elementary school, though in reality since they never use or practice it, as well as reservations about sounding dumb and making mistakes, they tend not to use it. But the basic background for simple verbs etc that may be used in comms are still there.

posted about 3 years ago

rn I feel like the regions look like

posted about 3 years ago

today's EU vs SEA was really entertaining and very close

posted about 3 years ago

PRX just took a map- in fact the map pick- of SMB, one of the best teams in the EMEA region.
Even if they go on to lose this series 2-1, no one can deny that they've definitely proven themselves.

posted about 3 years ago

damn, where'd you hear this?

posted about 3 years ago

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY PRX ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ PRX

posted about 3 years ago

Looking at the current regulations it looks like it may be GE stay home like Bren (now Team Secret) did for Berlin, or GE on 60 ping and rest of the teams on 0 ping

posted about 3 years ago

This seems unlikely, there are strict travel restrictions on non-Singaporeans travelling to Singapore

"All long-term pass holders and short-term visitors with travel or transit history to Bangladesh,
India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are still not allowed to enter Singapore, as per
MOH’s press releases on 22 and 30 Apr 2021."

So basically it seems only the Indian Team GE won't be able to go as of now, unless their travel restrictions are updated.
Other regions should be fine as long as players are vaccinated and as long as they quarantine for the prescribed period depending on where they're coming from

posted about 3 years ago

half the roster on every Japanese team is Korean, except for Zeta

posted about 3 years ago

who are you talking about mate

posted about 3 years ago

actually Japan, South Asia (not SEA) have huuuuge viewership as well, even in 3rd party tournaments

posted about 3 years ago

lol you couldn't have been more wrong

posted about 3 years ago

I hope its 1-1 at the very least. Japanese fans need the hopium

posted about 3 years ago
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