Flag: South Korea
Registered: April 3, 2021
Last post: August 20, 2023 at 9:09 PM
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Also there's a good chance we get G2 vs SEN and 100T vs Acend before the playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

Can't believe Acend or even a single EU team didn't make the grand finals
Crazy 0_0

posted about 2 years ago

Read something about that before Iceland
That's sick

posted about 2 years ago

Berlin really feels like what we were hoping Iceland would be, it really seems like we have the best of the best this time around.
I mean just look at the teams:

SMB - TR superteam, potentially best team EMEA
Gambit - Best CIS team
Acend - Best EU team along with having #1 Jett EU Cned
G2 - "EU superteam" (they gave themselves that title)

Sentinels - Current #1 team in the world
100 Thieves - NA team pretty much made for LANS
Envy - Has new addition Yay, can only get better with time

Zeta - Beat CR in Bo5, team that dominated ignition series is now going international
CR - New rendition of team coming back with experience from iceland

Vision Strikers - Korean superteam that now has Lakia
F4Q - "content team" with a lot of experienced players from other games

KRU - Consistently the best team in LATAM, now guaranteed champions

Paper Rex - Team with 17 year old prodigy, f0rsakeN
SEA 2: Alter Ego/Bren

Havan Liberty - Insane looking Brazilian team that could do some damage in Berlin, currently destroying the region
BR 2: Vivo Keyd/Vikings/Furia

posted about 2 years ago

How big of a prize pool do you guys think Berlin will have?

Personally I'd guess that it would be around 800k-1M based off of Reykjavik's price pool

posted about 2 years ago

Map 2 is really glitchy looking

posted about 2 years ago

Easily V1 vs Liquid
Hype matchup, especially for NA fans

posted about 2 years ago

Better then before, but single elimination is still pretty scuffed
Respect to Riot tho <3

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think he meant it as all of them in one group, but rather as those being the four 1 seeds and so on
Still bad seeding since it makes no fucking sense to have BR1 being 1 seed and BR2 being a 4 seed

Don't think this person knows much about seeding in general

posted about 2 years ago

OCE doesn't qualify for Berlin...

posted about 2 years ago

Makes me wish the entire Moon Racoon squad was just straight up signed by EG
Team looks pretty good now though

posted about 2 years ago

Congrats to KRU!
They are the 3rd team from Masters 2 to also make Berlin

posted about 2 years ago

Hoping to be wrong about C9 and NRG, but I just think they both look really shaky right now

posted about 2 years ago

Would lose my shit if this was the format, though I doubt Riot would do it for Berlin
Maybe it'll be Champions format

posted about 2 years ago

Hard to fill the shoes of Lakia, wish him the best
Could definitely see Nuturn imploding after LCQ, once Solo and Peri retire

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly can't wait to see Bunny flying with a judge in Berlin

posted about 2 years ago

Luck would have to be on their side, but G2 do have some days where they look unstable af

posted about 2 years ago

Very large egos on the team (xand and qck)

posted about 2 years ago

Definitely better then F4Q (though that's a low bar since they are going for content), but being better then G2 is debatable

Also just wondering, how much Lan experience does this Havan Liberty squad have? Only player that I recognize is krain from Vorax.

posted about 2 years ago

Was a win, win situation.
We either got to see probably the best Brazilian team atm go to Berlin or Xand get shit on in Berlin...

posted about 2 years ago

That'd be too much firepower for one team

posted about 2 years ago

That's true that Futbolist won one regional event
But compare that to FPX who have made all 3 playoffs/regional events and you'll see how unfairly weighted the point system is :/

TR/CIS stage 1 regional masters should've been worth like 75% the amount of points EU's was to avoid this

posted about 2 years ago

OXG deserve their slot, Futbolist do not

posted about 2 years ago

Fair point, didn't want this to come of as a "hate thread" to the Turkish fans, though I do think Fire Flux > Futbolist

posted about 2 years ago

(BTW, this is not a TR hate thread, I'm just mad at the VCT's point system)

How tf does Riot expect us to take their formats seriously when a team like Futbolist is able to qualify for LCQ
They have literally not done anything since flopping in the Stage 2: EMEA playoffs
There are over a dozen teams that deserve the slot more, some of which even come from Turkey (Fire Flux, Digital Athletics)

To add on to this, why isn't the EMEA LCQ (made of 4 regions) not at least 10 teams like NA's

posted about 2 years ago

ikr, insane IGLing + Coaching must've led to SEA teams being so good at fully retaking the wrong site

posted about 2 years ago

Watch him get poached by TSM in a month

posted about 2 years ago

Also this is just a little poke at the fact that EU says "NA <insert bad play here>" whenever someone fucks something up

posted about 2 years ago

I wouldn't go as far as to call Shahzam that, but people do have to remember who he was before he found success

Now watching him on stream and hearing the stuff he says to ranked players, I can only imagine what would happen when he is no longer successful and can't say he is on the "best team in the world" when he doesn't want to take the blame

posted about 2 years ago

Trash talking makes the games more hype

posted about 2 years ago

Cheering for the bald man this weekend :)

posted about 2 years ago

Facts, still amazes me that Cloud9 were going to bench such a talented player with so much potential

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Fr, Flight's has got nothing on Bunny's movement

posted about 2 years ago

Who's better?
Ninim or Wronski

posted about 2 years ago

Interesting, I'll look forward to watching him
Sadly I'll be cheering for Vikings in his upcoming match tho

posted about 2 years ago

The only player in Korea that rivals BuZz's Jett is t3xture (hyeoni needs to get a real team to tell how good he is)
BuZz > Meteor, Allow, Bunny

posted about 2 years ago

Haven't watched much of this guy except for in the Havan Liberty game
Does he tend to awp or is he more of a rifle Jett like ScreaM?

posted about 2 years ago

Both are insane
ScreaM is just goated

posted about 2 years ago

I think there is a 95% chance we see VLT vs GE as the grand finals
If India doesn't take the VCC slot, I think it would be a massive failure for the scene

Also pretty sure I read something that said all games would be played on Mumbai servers (really unfair imo)

posted about 2 years ago

I don't see enough people talking about how good Shao, ScreaM, and BuZz are on Jett

I know they aren't on TenZ/Cned's level, but they deserve some respect

posted about 2 years ago

Idk, autimatic is a good duelist but I don't think he's as strong as Yay/Wardell yet
Also I feel like not putting corey above Yaboidre/leaf is criminal (coming from a C9 fan)

My list would be:
1) TenZ
2) Asuna
3) Yay
4) Corey
5) SicK

posted about 2 years ago

However, I'd argue that China is much further ahead of India in terms of Esports
They already have a large amount of competent esport organizations that aren't looking to scam their players

I also think that Riot are more interested in growing the Chinese scene then the Indian one (not saying it's the right choice)

posted about 2 years ago

FaZe or Rise
They don't care about their brand

posted about 2 years ago

Pretty hard to tell because they are by far the strongest Korean team ever and they are yet to show a lot of their "set plays"
I'd say they should be expected to make top 8 atleast, but here's an overview on why they are so strong:

Don't have a weak link on their six-man roster
Incredibly strong map pool (they play all 6 maps, although they are a little less confident on breeze and split)
Very good coaches, now including glow
The ability to have set plays while being a very reactionary team

posted about 2 years ago

Riot officially released info on the LCQ slots here: https://www.vct.gg/news/132559-epic-fight-for-final-champions-spot-last-chance-qualifier

The info was quickly deleted, but it stated that the LCQ Asia slots would look like this:
-3 SEA
-2 KR
-2 JP
-1 VCC
-2 CN
(10 teams in all)

Wondering why riot would delete this info and whether it is even true at all

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone else get people who are on +200 ping? Like what is even the point of playing...
Had an instalocking Jett on Breeze play with consistent +1050 ping (he went 0-17)

posted about 2 years ago
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