Flag: Germany
Registered: May 6, 2023
Last post: October 16, 2024 at 8:54 PM
Posts: 675
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Actually I never thought Fnatic would do this 3-0. Leo... I have no words for this dude. How good can a player be?

posted about a year ago

Very tough to make an objective as possible guess when you like both teams. And the fact that you see Demon1 streaming in his Derke jersey and C0M and his dad making photos with Boaster, Boostio playing ping-pong with Boaster and the all around wholesome interactions between both teams doesn't make it easier.

I think... EG 3-2 FNC. Maybe?! Dunno. Their momentum must be over 9000 at this point. Fnatic will have a insanely tough evening when they want to beat them a 2nd time.

posted about a year ago

Haha, that made me think about betting again. xD But I lost a few bucks on MOUZ bad performances at the Play-ins a few days ago, so I guess I should let it be.

posted about a year ago

How? Do you know from where they come? Please look at the Americas league in April and what games they lost then... just 2 months ago. And now they're in the Grand Finals of Masters Tokyo. They have every right to be happy.

posted about a year ago

Congrats to EG, insane team! GG to PRX... playing that good with a sub and without their main duelist is really impressive. Looking forward to see them with their full power at Champions 2023.

FNC vs. EG rematch in GF will be crazy.

posted about a year ago

EG, FNC, every other team in Tokyo: coaches appearing with IGLs, notebook and calculating their stuff and which maps to pick

PRX: Alecks appears alone, hands in his pockets and decides everything by the second

To be honest, I'm really wondering why any team wouldn't ban Fracture against EG. They're owing the map at the moment and playing it to perfection. It's like FNC on Lotus.

I'm pretty sure EG will do this 3-1.

posted about a year ago

FNC vs. EG
One team will win by 3-2. :)

posted about a year ago

It was an answer zu hekzy.

posted about a year ago

Edit: it's been dealt with

posted about a year ago

Yeah, MOUZ has good players but they play so unfocused.

I hope a lot that al0rante is going for a new team again. He deserves better. I think he is really unhappy there.

posted about a year ago

Bro, MOUZ is so dead. I hope so much al0rante searches for a new team again. He deserves better.

posted about a year ago

only 10€ at GG :D

But al0rante is an awesome player, tbh. He played with NRG ardiis at Heretics and there is one famous match of his first team "volvo peek", where they faced FPX (back then one of the best teams worldwide) and he performed so good:

Def. a big, big talent.

posted about a year ago

Respect to Vitality.

Bro, I can't even imagine the next EMEA league without Twisten showing up in a funny costume and cheering everyone up. :( This is still so damn sad.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, after Tokyo I'd change a lot. Players from EG and EDG, Alfajer higher... Leo probably on rank 1 etc.

posted about a year ago

al0rante and Filu, please show what you're made of.

posted about a year ago

He said after the match it's time for him to step up again. He's entries are crazy, but he simply plays too aggressive. Like way too aggressive. It works, since he has Leo, Chronicle and Alfajer on his side, but it's simply a risk. If he'd play a bit more careful... a bit more like Sayf, aspas or Demon1 - like entrying, backing up and then popping off when the time is right - THEN he'd probably be almost unbeatable. His flicks, movement etc. are unmatched.

posted about a year ago

FNC vs. EG again

One team will win by 3-2

posted about a year ago

Leo showed again why he is the best player since 2021. No coincidence that he was VLR rated under the best players for every VCT year until now. Dude is crazy.

But yeah, the match was incredibly close. Both teams won their home maps and then clashed like two titans on Split.

Good advertisement for Valorant.

posted about a year ago

To be honest, TL deserved to fly home. How can you lose a 12-7 lead on the opposites pick? They had it in their hands to send NRG home. And yes, Redgar played not good, but FNS also threw a lot. TL had nAts and soulcas with good performances, Sayf played not very consistent. Liquid def. could be a great team and win tournaments, but they play way too careless when it's about to get your sh*t together.

Potter said it. EU has Fnatic as currently the most insane team together with EG (she even said her players are FNC fans because they do so much pioneering work), but that's it with EU for 2023 so far. Liquid got great players, NAVI got great players, even FUT and Giants got great players... but they are throwing wayyy too much in comparison. NA teams have not the better individual players, they simply do their job better. NRG didn't let their confidence die after 7-12 - they won it. That's the mindset you need. The only Americas team that threw was LOUD. We have to accept the truth and hope EU makes it more exciting with VCT Champions in August. I also hope LOUD will come back stronger.

posted about a year ago

True, but still... Fnatic is too good for them. Even with something I think it was too clear.

posted about a year ago

EG vs. Fnatic will be a BATTLE. Finally Demon1 vs. Derke. I love their pic together... the two GOATs. :)

posted about a year ago

Yep, that's what I've recognized as well. They should think about Twisten when they insult their own idols. aspas, Less etc. deserve better!

posted about a year ago

KangKangs flicks are so quick... bro lives in x2 speed.

posted about a year ago

True. He just got 18, he is one of the best shooters in the world, he is sick with the operator... that dude is simply crazy. Today with Leo my fav. player of Fnatic.

posted about a year ago

Relax, bro. crashies is a great player and also a nice dude.

posted about a year ago

Just wow. Fnatic def. prepared well.

posted about a year ago

Fnatics worst map is Bind, I think NRG will win there and Split will be the deciding map.
*Edit: Okay, one user just posted they have 76% wins on Bind. Didn't check that. I just had that crazy loss on Bind against FUT in my mind.

But for real... Leo is insane. That dudes mechanics and gamesense are so damn good. I know he's the only player that was rated for every VCT year (all tournaments combined) under the best players (#4 in 2021, #2 in 2022 and atm. #1 for 2023), but he's really impressive everytime again.

posted about a year ago

People probably always think the player they're watching the most is the best. 100% objectively said there is no single "BEST" player in the world, since every role has to be played differently and also under the best duelists it's not easy to say that one specific player is "better" than another one, because of the different playstyles, which result in different ACS, K/D etc.

In the end of the day I think it's fair so say that Derke, Sayf, something, aspas, Demon1 and KangKang are the best known professional duelists right now. But as you just saw with Demon1 showing up in april, KangKang showing up now etc., there will be totally different names by the end of the year or next year (maybe Keiko, whzy, Filu etc.)

posted about a year ago

I mean it's insane. From losing to Furia etc. in the beginning of April to smashing LOUD 2-0 in a Major. EG is the incarnation of what confidence, hard work and an dedicated coach can achieve. In the beginning no one thought a Tier 2 / 3 duelist could do that to the current World Champion... but Demon1 tought them something else. It feels like EG is this brotherhood / family from a sports movie that would defeat the much better football teams. :D

posted about a year ago

EG will win Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

7? Including LOCKIN?
VCT 2021 + 2 masters
VCT 2022 + 2 masters
Those are 6. Where is the 7th?

posted about a year ago

When are Europeans get clapped? What is with League? It'a no competitive first-person shooter. CS:GO and Valorant are very similar games.
I don't even have anything against Brazil, you have some great players. Why u so mad?

posted about a year ago

I just used the Liquipedia statistics site.

posted about a year ago

Thanks for being the next dude for my Photoshop comp., with racist people like you, ranting over Valorant regions. Can't wait to post that on Reddit. Will be fun.

posted about a year ago

Game: CS:GO
Major trophies overall: 19
Majors won by region: 11x EU, 5x CIS, 3x NA
Gold medals by region: 66x EU, 15x CIS, 10x BR, 6x NA
Player titles: 65x EU, 15x CIS, 10x BR, 6x NA
MVP players: 13x EU, 3x CIS, 2x BR, 1x NA

Game: Valorant
VCT World Champion trophies: 2
VCT LOCKIN trophies: 1
VCT Masters trophies: 4
Major trophies overall: 7
VCT World Champions by region: 1x EU, 1x BR
Majors won by region: 3x EU, 2x NA, 1x CIS, 1x BR
MVP players: 19x EU, 19x NA, 13x KR, 9x APAC, 8x BR, 8x CIS, 7x LATAM, 6x JP
(some websites and casters say LOCKIN was a major, some people say it was not a major - I rate it separately)

posted about a year ago

East-Germany has a lot in common with Poland, Czech, Estonia etc. and do you know how many German-Russians and Polish-Germans exist? A lot. Of course there are differencies to Spain, France etc. - but Europeans still have a lot in common when it comes to daily life, hobbies etc.

Let me get this clear, now where this senseless thread went for a while: I have nothing against the USA and US-Americans. I have family living in the USA, Australia and Canada. I just got triggered by racist comments about which region is better because of a god damn video game. It doesn't get any more stupid, then coping 24/7 about your region in a damn video game.

Support a team and everything is cool, but those kids forget that that is the highest level of Valorant for now... when one insanely good team wins against another very good team (EG vs. DRX, NRG vs. NAVI), then it doesn't mean the other team is trash. DRX and NAVI would still clear every current Tier 2 teams worldwide. Have a nice day.

Btw.: FPX was a European team, look it up. HQ was in Europe and it was under EU flag and played in EU region league, not CIS.

posted about a year ago

Yes, Canadian. Not US-American. Canadians are damn awesome, educated and nice people. Spent their already 3 holidays...insane country. I'm talking about FaZe being an US-American team while no US-Americans play there. Carried by Europeans and a Canadian. And rest of CS:GO is basically Europe + a few great Russian players.

But hey... one day you hate Canadians, but when it fits they're your homies. Like with Americas league and Brazilians. They literally have nothing in common weith you, but when it helps arguing about a stupid video game, LOUD is an "Americas" team. xD


posted about a year ago

LOUD never beat Fnatic yet brother, but that doesn't matter. Anyone knows that LOUD is better than all the NA teams. aspas alone would 13-0 NRG.

posted about a year ago

Seems it works to provoke you with that, because you get angry. I just laugh my ass off while having dinner... far away from being mad. You guys try so hard to make this a region war without a reason because it's a damn video game. Do you know how cringe that is? Starting discussions about god damn video game and arguing which region is better... brother... WTF?! xD

posted about a year ago

Are you serious? Native Americans have nothing to do with White Americans.
Germans make 16% of the US population, English the same percentage. But hey... I mean, you probably never learned anything in school over there.

Without Europeans building up the USA it would still be the home of Native American Indians. ;) Your white ass would not exist.

posted about a year ago

100T are trash, get over it kiddo. They will never win anything.

I don't even care about Valorant, bro. I play mainly CS (the better game), where NA never won anything and gets spanked by EU teams daily (like in Dota 2, LoL etc. - NA is so bad at E-Sports). But still NA won no big Valorant tournament as well... only EU and Brazil.

USA = Created by Europeans. You guys wouldn't even exist without Europe.

posted about a year ago

US kids are the most funny people ever. Delusional drug addicts.

posted about a year ago

Reykjavik was fraud, because all EU and CIS teams had no prac time. You guys sucked at LOCKIN (Fnatic ate your best teams for breakfast) and a bunch of Brazilian players keep destroying you on your homeground in Los Angeles all the time.

World Champions 2021: EU
World Champions 2022: Brazil

And get a history lesson. Europeans built up the USA. You guys are nothing more than a mix out of European races. Hahahahahaha.

posted about a year ago

Valorant doesn't mean sh*t at the moment. The E-Sport in this game is still so young.

In CS:GO (the much harder game) Europe and CIS are owning. NA is the worst region in Counter-Strike (even FaZe only buys European players), in Dota, in LoL... in probably all big E-Sports. But I love how the Americans, who never won a big Valorant tournament (yes, only European and Brazilian teams did) think they're the best. You guys are the most delusional people ever.

EU + BR >>>> NA

posted about a year ago

Never said they were on the same level. I said NRG won deserved. I said on 2 maps they were KINDA on the same level. And to come back and make it a overtime win def. takes skill against the probably 3rd-4th best team in the world right now (would say Fnatic, LOUD, Paper Rex prob. Top 3 atm. - until EG comes xD).

To the age: ANGE1 had issues with performing in the league as well. 3 years ago he was going insane when he was the age of FNS. Dunno if he just had some bad months now or if his level is sinking slowly but surely. He's a legend for sure, I won't doubt that - just like FNS.

posted about a year ago

I said KINDA, not exactly. SUYGETSU and cNed made some crazy plays and it was 13-8... so 5 rounds difference, which is not like insanely much.

posted about a year ago

Check the Riot trailer, they're legit saying that and at the tournament when they got the trophy it also said "LOCKIn World Champions". I did not make it up, guys. Why should I? Furthermore at Masters Tokyo now, they also said "Fnatic LOCKIN World Champions".

Why? Maybe because it was the biggest Valorant tournament yet, with the 32 best teams in the world. But hey... call it whatever you want. LOCKIN Champions, World Champions, LOCKIN winners... I mean who gives a damn?! I think it doesn't even care anymore. Who cares what was won 4 months ago or last year or 2021? Only some fanboys are always pulling out wins from the past, but it has nothing to do with the current form.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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