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Registered: April 10, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2022 at 2:36 PM
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ya unlucky but they'll be alright

posted about 3 years ago

Article on HLTV reports that Nitr0 to Liquid is almost a done deal.

posted about 3 years ago

This is the only correct answer

posted about 3 years ago

"scream FNS" as in utilizing his vocal cords in a manner to produce a loud vocalization that one might compare to a war cry, when his fav video game player makes a stupefying play

posted about 3 years ago

its situational imo. If an enemy catches you off guard its good to keep strafing while adjusting your crosshair (gives you slightly extra time while also making you harder to hit). Hopefully enemy misses his first shots and has to commit to spray, or wait for recoil reset, by the time you have your crosshair positioned on their head

posted about 3 years ago

I think they have the least chance out of the 3 NA teams.

posted about 3 years ago

I said the same thing when there was post about that guy. I said if you want to play the villain be prepared for the hate, but people were personally attacking him which is pathetic. Either way Sen has a new social media guy now

posted about 3 years ago

What do you expect......last time everyone took their twitter seriously and were personally coming at the social media guy. Everyones soft af.

posted about 3 years ago

Gotcha, Ive only been seeing things about them tightening restrictions for unvaccinated people, but know little to nothing about how countries in Europe have handled Covid.

posted about 3 years ago

Do you guys think the surge of Covid in Germany is gonna affect champs at all? Any Germans on this forum have any input on what they think?

posted about 3 years ago

Do you guys think the increase of Covid in Germany is gonna affect champs at all?

posted about 3 years ago

I know right LOL, I do think they are a top 4-5 pick for Berlin tho I was just tryna point out how flawed his logic is.

posted about 3 years ago

What has Liquid done against teams outside their region?

posted about 3 years ago

Dont ask stupid questions

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

spoke slightly too soon lol

reply to #6 LOL

posted about 3 years ago

Only NRG could pull off something so remarkable

posted about 3 years ago

LOL TRUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

I agree with you. According to everyone else, every map will look like the underside of a bridge by next year

posted about 3 years ago

yea that works too

posted about 3 years ago

ahhaha ok you dnt gotta take the advice

posted about 3 years ago

Get a punching bag as a short term solution. Long term solution is to work on your tilting/anger. Deep breathing and meditation will help. The more you tilt, the worse you perform, the more you tilt. Its an infinite loop. When you get tilted work on resisting that immediate urge to throw something. The urge is overwhelmingly strong at first but diminishes rather quickly. Also just take a break from the game, it doesn't sound like your having fun.

posted about 3 years ago

1st time seeing this nd idk.................. Im fuckin speechless

posted about 3 years ago

ahahah right!!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

its part of the meme lol

posted about 3 years ago

what an ending to the ever giving meme of Sen and their couch

posted about 3 years ago

see I feel the complete opposite. To me a group stage/swiss format into a single elim playoff is the most exciting. Teams battle it out for playoffs and than its do or die. But I feel ya, since 100T not in it, it doesn't make a huge difference to me just wanna watch some good games.

posted about 3 years ago

Thats the worst format imo, i'm praying they change tht shit

posted about 3 years ago

Sen was the first team, of the 16, to qualify lol

posted about 3 years ago

fax this shits unreal

posted about 3 years ago

What tournament had 1 mil prize pool?

posted about 3 years ago

Yea for RedBull Homegrounds I agree, but if you think Sen was saving strats in Berlin your just fucking stupid

posted about 3 years ago

bruh its obvious, he has literally said all year they're looking for a coach. They are literally the only team that has struggled so hard to find a coach. Hes just either a control freak or looking for the absolute perfect match, which isn't out there. All you need is a good coach, someone to help shaz with the massive workload he has put on himself. There's also no excuse not to be able to find an analyst, someone to watch vods for you while your streaming and shit, and help you develop strats and build on the strats you already have. You can't honestly believe that he's been looking tirelessly and just hasn't found anyone thats at at a minimum useful.

posted about 3 years ago

hes been saying that all year, shaz is a control freak and doesnt want help

posted about 3 years ago

Yea reading it back i can see how it could be perceived that way. I do give props to RedBull for organizing an event cuz 3rd party tournys are def needed for the scene. If the leaks about next year vct are true, were there are only 2 masters and champions is held in September, than maybe the last 3 months would be for 3rd party tournys.

posted about 3 years ago

Why does everyone think im mad? LOL. Im just calling how I see it. I never said it was Redbulls fault, it has nothing to do with them. Its just awful timing. And for whatever reason you think I'm shitiing on EU lol. Its great theyre having an offline event. Like I said I just think the timing is absolutely awful and makes it less exciting. The timing has to due with the way vct was set up, has nothing to do with redbull

posted about 3 years ago

whatever you say man, I'm just calling it how I see it. It doesn't matter if bootcamps haven't started yet, they are still preparing. Why you think Ascend is trolling? Cuz this tourny means nothing and it would be foolish for them to give their opponents unnecessary vods. It would be different if it was before a masters, but its before champs, the tournament these pros have been qualifying for all year. All Im was saying is that its very bad timing due to numerous factors.

posted about 3 years ago

They literally picked the worst possible time to have a tournament like this. Got 4 teams who are playing in Champs in a month, not gonna show anything new. Than they got 2 teams that basically already disbanded and being forced to play. This tournament is a joke. Val needs more third party tournies but not like this.

posted about 3 years ago

At least half of the teams in NA LCQ are better than 2/3rds of the teams that G2 beat in Berlin (F4Q and Kru). G2s Berlin run was literally handed to them and they couldn't beat their first real competition which was Gambit. Yea they beat Sen, in a double round robin format, who didn't prepare due to their arrogance in just thinking they'll win. If you think G2s performance in Berlin is more impressive than making it to champs your simply delusional. I would understand if they weren't in a 3 man group that they were guaranteed to get out of and than didn't face Kru in quarters but they literally had the easiest run in Berlin, nothing to be proud of, which the org also thinks which is why theyre making changes.

posted about 3 years ago

yea here in America he would most likely be fined, since it looks like he was barely involved and maybe even unintentionally involved. In America they would fine him plus make him pay restitution, they would focus on the bigger people. I see some poeple wanting him to be perma banned or some shit, which theyre prolly trolling. People need to understand that everyone makes mistakes. Now obvi the people more involved and actually run the scamming organization should be severely punished but i do believe that some of these streamer are victims too, even if they should have known better

posted about 3 years ago

yea having any family member as your manager is always a risk. Its natural to wanna look out for your family when your on the come up but when it backfires its gonna hurt. But yea after this he better find some new management lol and I hope he can come back from this

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

yea i saw that earlier and its a very weird situation. Either way, by the leaks, it only looks like he was involved for 1 month. Imo, everyone involved should face some sort of punishment, on a case by case basis depending on the severity of involvement. It would really suck for cNed if he was influenced by his brother, who already admitted talking to the bit guy, iirc.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea that may be the case. It all depends what you consider tier 1 talent, is it regional or world class? World class talent is always sparse, in esports and even traditional sports. Than theres a decent gap between world class talent and great talent. But I do agree, now that I think about it, that there will be alot of exceptional young talent being discovered in the next 1-3 years, that were developed within Val.

posted about 3 years ago

And all the pros complain about how oversaturated the scene is. Riot needs to find a happy middle ground.

posted about 3 years ago

It would start with the group stage. 2 groups of 8 (double elim), 3 teams move on from groups. Top seed of each group goes straight to semis

posted about 3 years ago
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