Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: November 17, 2024 at 1:55 PM
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maior reviravolta do cenário, real

posted about a year ago

né oq
e na moral, cara, bizarra a história desse cara. acusado de cheater por todo mundo, daí vira profissional e logo é campeão do Champions. que filha da puta talentoso do krl

posted about a year ago

totally unnecessary, KR fans are always so polite and nice

posted about a year ago

it's not always, but it's part of his aiming mechanic. sometimes people literally can't hit him with any bullet because of his movement while aiming

posted about a year ago

your country is literally an extension of a Brazilian state lmao stfu

posted about a year ago

bro. stop.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

FURIA's molly was made on A when T1 did a 5 man B rush. it didn't influence the round either

posted about a year ago

não investiguei a fundo, mas a justificativa era que isso não constava no livro de regras da riot

posted about a year ago

they are choking rn actually. mental and momentum fucked.

posted about a year ago

quebra de momentum e de mental, porque eles sabem que isso repercute mal e estão nervosos agora

posted about a year ago

especialmente quando já fomos punidos severamente por causa disso. não tem desculpa.

posted about a year ago

almost. but no they didn't.

posted about a year ago

easy against washed up teams
fnatic is the real deal. let's see.

posted about a year ago

oh no people are really falling for that bait

posted about a year ago

kkkkkk traumatizado?

posted about a year ago

they still need to adjust a lot but they are definitely potential contenders. and we all knew it was a matter of time (for all regions)

posted about a year ago

vlr boiling that they can't disagree with trembo rn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

first BR neon doing well ever

what a play btw

posted about a year ago

hard underrated? THEY ARE LITERALLY THE SECOND. did you want everyone to put NRG first when they've lost?
oh god north americans are funny

posted about a year ago

é pick da T1, seu animal

posted about a year ago

fut is one of the valorant teams in history

posted about a year ago

he did well on Champions 2021 while having to play in a different role. he was main duelist and he had to be the initiator on VK. i shouldn't remind you VK defeated Acend which basically won Champions 2021, right?

posted about a year ago

pancada will certainly be insecure while having to communicate in english, so he won't be the same. SEN will probably lack chemistry. FNATIC will probably take them home 2-0

posted about a year ago

literally first international event, everything was new, it was a clash of different playstyles. NA was a privileged server in a lot of senses. besides, SEN fell off right after this event

posted about a year ago

agreed, but i would look biased so i rather not to mention them xD

posted about a year ago

i literally can't recall his name lmao, i remember it was complicated, thats all

posted about a year ago

saadhak literally wanted mwzera on LOUD. he couldn't get him. i wasn't THAT confident on mwzera, but i 100% trust saadhak.

posted about a year ago

tenz, that EDG guy, skrossi.........
so many overhyped dudes who were just average players. i was sure this skrossi would have the same fate, and yeah i was right once again...

posted about a year ago

trembo sendo fofo, registro de milhões

posted about a year ago

angry upvote

posted about a year ago

he became a meme because of his aim and matches he bottom fragged. but everyone knows he's good and respect him for it, but it doesn't mean there won't be banters, since there is a rivalry.

a lot of dudes were even commenting he improved his aim and this meant we were fucked since he could already win against LOUD in his old form

posted about a year ago

we don't hate him. a lot of CSGO fans might, but most of BR Valorant scene recognizes FNS as a top tier IGL. we just like to make fun of things, and yk, his aim isn't the best

posted about a year ago

seriously, this is not even a discussion anymore. aspas is better than TenZ and only delusional NA fans believe otherwise

posted about a year ago

individually skilled

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i love this guy

posted about a year ago

after mwzera they are now contenders. they had a lot of time of pracc. if they took advantage of that, i am confident they'll do well. but not better than loud imo

posted about a year ago

famous valorant scene independent journalist

posted about a year ago

i saw this post earlier and i thought "no way people will fall for this bait. no way. they are smarter than this". and then i ignored it. but here we are.

posted about a year ago

"mlk" is kinda like dude/bro in this context
but the rest of the translation is actually okay. but you could maybe say he was like an "enraged dog"

posted about a year ago

during post-match interview he said crashies was a very good player and he admired him tho

posted about a year ago

idc what happened, i just hope both sides do well. but i rather LOUD to the the champions for sure

posted about a year ago

feels good to be a LOUD fan ngl

posted about a year ago

that's just a lot for a completely new roster. Talon was definitely unexpectedly too good

posted about a year ago

exactly. and it's true muzera didn't win any international event, but it's incontestable that he is a beast and possible the most mechanically gifted player in the world (C9 players said this themselves)

posted about a year ago

lol this is actually sad, as a brazilian.
I'm gonna bet most of the people there were crazy LOUD fans. LOUD fans don't care about any eSports game or anything, they just care about the org. so game ended, they left. they bought their ticket specifically for that

posted about a year ago

it's like picking haven against loud

posted about a year ago
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