W I’ll take it lol
Flag: | India |
Registered: | May 11, 2022 |
Last post: | October 11, 2024 at 1:52 PM |
Posts: | 119 |
I mean for some maps sure, Zekken sova narrate Jett, but what about sunset? If Zekken plays Neon N4RRATE has to play Sova, so might as well have him as sova for all maps no?
He was a flex before converting to smokes on 100T
I mean its N4RRATE logically but would Zekken/Bang be a better choice?
Yeah, they don’t
Nah you're actually gonna get lotta value if used right. Yoru gives you a free pick for 5th agent if paired with a smoke, senti and recon, which is pretty good considering we have agents like deadlock that are great but unneeded in a team comp(yes this is a straight copy from TMV)
Only change would be Yoru S tier, omen A, Jett F, clove D
Pretty fun honestly. The wall is decent for flank watch but imo is best used for postplant to cut up retakes. Best played with another senti, but not the end of the world to play as a solo senti
GMB vs KRU (2021)
FNC vs M3C (idk)
SEN vs GEN.G(Madrid finals)
Bait used to be believable
Thats definitely Neon but dont expect much its just scrims
I'm not a pro at this game so I want your opinions on how TenZ's Gekko and KayO are.
Either SEN 2-1 or DRX 2-1
This is not really the reason. The main reason is SEN dont play to Deadlock's strengths. Deadlock is a stall agent, meant to stall site execs long enough for rotates. But SEN are known to play retake heavy on Defense which is against her strengths. On attack, due to the lack of flashes, you have to play fakes in order to have a good attack, which I dont think SEN did. All this combined with the fact that johnqt has basically no idea how to play her properly leads to SEN losing with deadlock
I feel like Yoru might gel well with Gekko then by combining flash and dizzy
I feel like Yoru Sova Omen Harbor and Cypher can be a meta comp. So how good is Yoru on Abyss?
Im so confused, what is going on? This does not solve any of SEN's issues.
Braindead post, KDB clears pogba, and ozil(full career), but not prime ozil
I mean he can improve, but lets see.
His current raze is average at best, relying on aim more than raze mechanics
I really dont see what any of these facts have to do with the upcoming match
I dont really like these comparisons anymore but imma do it for fun
Demon1 = Zekken (This is if Demon1 finds his form, else zekken clears)
Marved < Tenz (Tenz is just cracked)
Ethan > Zellsis
Crashies = Sacy
Victor < Johnqt
Ethan < Johnqt (as igl)
Chet < Kaplan (While Chet has had more successes, I think Kaplan is better cause of recent successes, able to build a greater team cohesion, and ability to make great decisions and Strats. Also cuz he seems humble and always accepts his mistakes which he made)
Also one more thing I found out while checking this out is that Sacy is only 26, which means he got like 3-4 years left in him at least
Im seeing a lot of Trent and Verno, but I think Trent just plays viper nowadays, and has less experience on agents like Gekko and Skye, meanwhile Verno is too inexperienced imo. A big reason why SEN won Madrid was due to their experience
that is true, but I thought it would be an interesting discussion on the NA initiators
With VLR discussing replacing Sacy right now, even tho I disagree with replacing him, it is an interesting discussion, in your opinion, who can be the sacy replacement in the future?
Said initiator player must have good supportive capabilities, must be able to play all initiators with the exception of maybe breach and Kay/O, he must have a decent amount of experience in both international and domestic stage, and he must have a knack for clutching
I mean thats the point, his contributions aren't quantifiable, but important
Sounds stupid, as Sacy has both supportive capabilities as well as a lot of experience
But yeah his aim needs to improve a bit
I know this is too early to talk but the two main issues with NRG are their synergy and role issues.
While both problems are solvable with innovations and time together, I believe a good way to fix the role issues is to replace Ethan with an IGL who has a similar agent pool to FNS, or FNS himself, which is playing secondary initiator, viper, and sentinel. Off the top of my head, I can only think of FNS, runi and Boostio with this agent pool.
This I believe, fixes a problem NRG face while playing maps like sunset, where due to a lack of a sentinel player, victor is forced to play a sentinel, leading to demon1 playing Jett, which is a suboptimal pick. Having such an IGL will allow victor to play Raze on Sunset with demon1 flexing to smoke or other roles.
TLDR; imo, NRG needs an IGL with FNS's agent pool
I mean half the team has only played after like 3 months, so there's that
Demon1 >= qck (Demon1 is more mechanically skilled, but qck is also a crack aimer and has a better duelist map pool)
Victor <<<<<<<<<<<Less ( If you argue this, no one is gonna take you seriously anymore)
Crashies =< Cauanzin (I really dont know who is better, but based of current form its cauanzin)
Ethan > saadhak (as an initiator)
Ethan <<<<< Saadhak (as an igl, saadhak clears Ethan by miles)
Marved = Tuyz (All time marved is better, but tuyz is putting up better numbers currently)
Chet >> Peu (More titles + coaching experience and success)