I mean Gen.G and LOUD are definitely closer
Flag: | India |
Registered: | May 11, 2022 |
Last post: | October 11, 2024 at 1:52 PM |
Posts: | 119 |
I mean Gen.G and LOUD are definitely closer
Well I wanted to be nice, but seeing the LOUD flair makes me feel bad for you, cuz you just watching a talented team throw games because they refuse to play any sentinels
I honestly feel bad for GenG cuz they went from almost winning the entire thing to going to map 5. That combined with the narrow losses on split and bind really messed their confidence, and with SEN realizing they have a good shot at winning, they grabbed the opportunity with both hands and ran riot with it
They played well, but just lacked the mental towards the final maps, which was pretty noticeable on icebox, where they just lost all confidence while zellsis was hyping everyone in SEN
Even as a SEN fan I must appreciate GenG for their insane run. They made it very close to winning and lost to a mentality diff only.
The entire team is cracked and Solo is a great coach. Hope they find some international success
How is the GEN.G comp so effective against sen on split?
TenZ sending KC back to 2023
Bad comparison, for starters, SEN played well on split but still lost to loud. But on icebox both teams were average, loud just ended up being slightly better
bro enough, chill. The time for trash talking is over
Cant fully blame him, but yes Chet not having much Strats against SEN were their undoing
AceGamer is kinda childish I agree
for the rest of your points, SEN have been consistent since December, so its a reason to celebrate, especially for a team that hasn't experienced any major success in 2 years
Either SEN 2-1 or TH 2-1.
Banger match tho
NRG lost all the 50-50 duels against sen, and SEN were so drilled on the map that they had an answer to whatever NRG was cooking
The second sentence sums up the entire argument against you
As we all know, the NRG glazer Asunaa_Yuuki, who called NRG the best team in the world with the best players in every role, has vanished from vlr.gg after SEN won against NRG 2-1.
Possibly to rub it in, SEN also went on to win the whole thing by beating LOUD 3-2, further destroying yuuki's validity.
Now the real question is, When do you think he'll be back?
my guess is 4 weeks
I would say zekken top 5, johnqt top 3, and tenz top 3(omen only, not controller)
As a controller tenz doesn't make top 20 due to him only playing omen
I think you're the idiot. You basically dismissed the BLG loss and literally demanded him to stop using logical fallacies(what?)
To your second point, keep coping
IDK bro, as a controller ig hes top5 cuz of his performances against top teams.
Did you just reply with logical fallacy?
Thats the most bulshit I have ever heard.
BLG beat NRG twice to provee they are better. And you not wanting to lose the argument, you asked him to stop being logical.
NRG had 6 games worth of VODS to antistrat SEN, but still got massacred on split
So we not gonna talk about the fact you got banned for 7 months
Here after Tenz diffed demon1 and marved on omen and got 12 first kills with 57 kills.
We may get destroyed tomorrow by LOUD, but we made it there instead of you. Start the copium
Tenz diffing marved and demon1 same game was crazy
Here after the massacre on split
How are NRG this bad? Granted they cant be as good as AsunaYuuki pretends they are, but there's no way they are getting shitted on like this on Split
Bro what chill
The garbage truck has less trash then this post
Wow, you mean that 4 maps against FUR and C9 are the same as 4 Maps against LOUD, LEV, 100T, and G2?
waiting for asunayuuki to pull up and flex his yappology degree
Who in your opinion are the most annoying fans in VLR?
but tbh a duelist should be able to play multiple agents effectively. If Demon1 cannot play raze, then he cannot be as good of a duelist as aspas
I dont think you get it about IGL, rest is your opinion, enjoy it. But a chaotic team like PRX dont really need an IGL, but that is not the case with NRG, whose play style revolves around antistratting. This play style definitely requires an IGL who can also antistrat mid round. Crashies may be a good secondary caller, but FNS was still the IGL who made the antistrats, so I dont really expect NRG to have amazing success unless their play style or team roles change.
Imo a better comparison is
Marved > Tenz
Demon1 > Zekken
Victor < Zellsis ( Its not close, for 2023)
Ethan = Sacy (This is somewhat dubious)
Crashies < Johnqt ( Come on you really think a secondary caller is comparable to a proper IGL?)
Calling Crashes better than c0m in 2023 is the biggest joke I have ever heard
Ok this is just bullshit
homie I wanna give them benefit of doubt but I dont remember the last time a structured antistratting team succeeded without a proper IGL
But no IGL to show for. you have 2 teams that are reliant on an IGL and you mixed them both, thinking that someone who is a secondary caller can help them win