Flag: Albania
Registered: August 5, 2021
Last post: June 11, 2023 at 4:33 PM
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I didn't really mind the kayo, they just trolled a few specific rounds that cost them a lot of momentum. Think this series was way more about Fnatic disrupting/modifying the reads VS believed they had, and all those slight tweaks added up to really costing VS multiple key rounds.

posted about 3 years ago

fnatic just had the reads + derke went god mode, a dangerous combination for any team. was a good attempt

posted about 3 years ago

They are playing some insane valorant right now, boaster + their coach deserves so much credit. The way they've been disrupting VS's plans every round just through slight tweaks and nuances shows that not only do they have a read on them, they're manipulating what reads VS have on them. Helps that Derke is going sicko mode too.

Give them the credit they deserve, this series is more about FNC playing amazing rather than VS playing poorly imo

Hope we get to see fracture but I can definitely see them closing out this series 2-0

posted about 3 years ago

they overlooked him because he had a painfully mediocre 4 months of play

definitely activated at LAN though, what a beast

posted about 3 years ago

do you seriously think they believe that

it's clearly just to rile up the audience and make the matchup more entertaining

do you think boaster is getting pissed hearing that when he's literally a showman himself, he probably thinks its hilarious

posted about 3 years ago

i can't believe people like you exist lmfao, they're just making the event entertaining

imagine how piss boring this would be if everyone gave the same milquetoast garbage "haha yeah, i respect everyone and i think anyone can take the win! lets hope for a great game friends :D"

like this and the scream "predictable" line were all to make the tournament more fun, if you can't recognize that why are you even watching esports

posted about 3 years ago

TSM +yay +cned +tenz +seoldam keep wardell

major winning roster

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

idk why every betting site had them so undervalued

+4000 bless up brazil

posted about 3 years ago

better to stay underrated then come out on top :D

posted about 3 years ago

But, have you ever stopped to think if any of these death threats have already had any results or any kind of harm to the threatened people?

look the majority of your post is great and well intentioned but this is an awful support for your argument here. it doesn't matter if nobody has acted upon these types of threats before, if you're not involved in that culture and people are sending you messages saying they're going to kill you in real life it's concerning regardless. especially when the people receiving these threats are young and don't know much about the world or other communities.

for example, how do you think a 16 year old kid that just plays games all day is going to react when hundreds of angry people are suddenly saying they're going to kill him and his family because they think he cheats? i'm sure you know who i'm talking about lol...

things like this shouldn't be excused by "did you really think they would do it lmao", they should be addressed

I get you're not trying to justify it but even attempting to rationalize it though giving context is, in a sense, enabling that type of behavior. The scene would be infinitely better off if people in the community just came out and said, "this shit is wrong, stop saying this garbage. you are not welcome if this is how you treat others"

just my two cents

posted about 3 years ago

fnatic definitely have a shot if they're well prepared. tactically i think they matchup well against VS tbh, only issue is man to man i think they get out skilled. derke is an x factor though, if he has a godmode performance it could definitely swing the series in FNC's favor

definitely think they can take a map at least if they don't underperform

also i bet hella money on VK winning because the odds are absurd, vamos

posted about 3 years ago

manifesting lakia playing tmrw vs fnatic

optimistic he'll get more of a chance this time, scrimbux mentioned him a lot more than at masters 2

posted about 3 years ago

how does he know the reason behind the pause?

posted about 3 years ago

why would yay leave envy when they have a better sova and astra

posted about 3 years ago

i hope they prove the doubters wrong tbh, even the brazilian fans seem to have given up on furia smh

posted about 3 years ago

would love to see seoldam on the newly formed Jadeite, but i'm pretty sure they hit their cap of korean players

posted about 3 years ago

you're overrating how important their coach was for envys results. fns has been a top igl in na for years now, picking up yay was much more relevant for envy than anything their coach brought to the table

think of it this way, if envy actually valued their coach why would they replace him? clearly they felt one way about it

posted about 3 years ago

Before this series I would say easy 2-0 for VS. but FNC look solid right now, they don't seem as shaky as they did online and most importantly Derke is firing on all cylinders. Going to be a close series with VS taking it 2-1 imo.

posted about 3 years ago

well that’s not good. it shouldn’t drastically affect their performance though so hopefully they pull through

posted about 3 years ago

this is going to be so good, hope they play fracture

VS 2-1 FNC

posted about 3 years ago

lets go C9

really happy that their early fracture performance didn’t properly represent their actual form

they look super clean right now and xeppaa is seriously in top form. their game vs vision strikers is gonna be insanely good content, hope we see them run fracture in that series as stax seems confident on it

i was doubting after the icebox loss but they’ve proven me wrong completely

posted about 3 years ago

really happy that their online results didn’t properly represent their actual form

they look super clean right now and derke is seriously in top form. their game vs vision strikers is gonna be insanely good content, hope we see them run fracture in that series as stax seems confident on it

i was doubting after the tenstar loss but they’ve proven me wrong completely

posted about 3 years ago

every community has people like that it’s understandable. mfs are like flat earthers

posted about 3 years ago

i can’t believe a literal child managed to trigger an entire country of people so hard they followed him to a different game

posted about 3 years ago

i doubted them but they're really showing up huge, all the players look revitalized and crisp. hope to see them go far and excited for the game against VS if they win this series. that match is gonna be top content

posted about 3 years ago

do people on this site really think stats are everything

leaf was the highest impact duelist at na lcq by far, he literally single handedly carried c9 through specific maps and was insanely effective at making space for c9's overly aggressive playstyle. not the mention he was doing solo plays most of the time, legit a one man force without the backup of his teammates util

posted about 3 years ago

it's not as if VCT has a limited quota of watch parties, them picking Ludwig has nothing to do with Hiko not getting a spot. they're more likely to give permissions to streamers that have different audiences than the typical valorant viewer so they can introduce a new and larger market share to the game. Just how business goes.

posted about 3 years ago

very underrated player. even if he isn't putting up huge numbers he's very intelligent and his positioning is super meticulous. noticed it back in the game vs gambit, he's great at putting himself in the correct spot and seems to understand how the opponent thinks at a really high level

posted about 3 years ago

do you know who the others are? I don't follow korean streamers so i have no clue LOL

posted about 3 years ago

why would that be cringe LMAO you have no obligation to support teams purely because they're from the same region as you

posted about 3 years ago

looking at numbers and rounds won as a metric without context is meaningless, T1 was one round away from eliminating sentinels from making it to berlin but it's not like that actually means anything

even as an envy fan i can admit that they were totally outclassed despite the scorelines. making haven "close" against gambit when they had basically no preparation for that map was a really bad sign for the entire matchup

posted about 3 years ago

ethan is arguably a top five rifler in na, undeniably a top 10

nivera joined liquid and they won their first event without breaking a sweat

posted about 3 years ago

because if they get to champs the pure distilled content from leaf triggering the entire brazilian scene once more will be revolutionary

posted about 3 years ago

it would be a great underdog story for rise to make it. personally i want c9 to go to champs because the matchup of Leaf and Xeppaa vs Brazil is too hilarious

posted about 3 years ago

doubt it. rise and c9 have improved so much, people are falling back on the b0i situation to ignore how good these teams are

posted about 3 years ago

reread it

posted about 3 years ago

it was more about how stereotyping NA and EU is common and harmless because they're such massive regions and have such varied groups but calling out KR specifically, a tiny ass country, for having a stereotype of being "ignorant" felt way more targeted LOL

posted about 3 years ago

damn bro, you name two entire continents then just add in korea in particular D:

posted about 3 years ago

most players are better off completely unbinding it and just playing like that

the only valuable usage of crouching (besides necessary movement) is crouch peeking and even that isn't some insanely handy tool

this game is about making yourself hard to hit above all other things

posted about 3 years ago

i wonder how many zoomers are gonna have their first foray into the stock market with this garbage lol

posted about 3 years ago

I would love to see them play in NA, i think they would be comparable to XSET atm, around that top 5 team range. but tbh them being in LATAM is very good for the domestic scene. helps the rest of the teams improve and have a goal to aim for, a team to work towards beating

posted about 3 years ago

good for you for trying to get back into reading, it’s super good for you at keeping your mind fresh.

manga def counts, there’s tons of manga with complex writing behind it but it’s always good to stick to a variety of stuff. you should try some light novels if you haven’t, they’re a good halfway point between manga and conventional literature and are made to be easily digestible. some of my favorites are “zaregoto” by nisio isin, and “the empty box and zeroth maria” (hakomari for short) by eiji mikage

posted about 3 years ago

what’s your reading level? so i know what would be appropriate recommendations. personally i read a lot of david mitchell and yukio mishima lately

posted about 3 years ago

I think it's always been trending in the positive direction but a lot of the work gets undone when an international event comes by and people get defensive of their teams, lashing out at each other over petty remarks and posts from people that are obviously typing with the intention to trigger someone.
Idk I think at this point it's best to just accept that during the actual time of competition, there will be hostility that's unavoidable because people here have to pick fights as a way of expressing their nationalism lol. But as long as after the dust settles, if people manage to work things out and get a mutual understanding, well that's the best case scenario.

posted about 3 years ago

ultimately they have to approach balancing jett with a bit of nuance that the other agents don't need because she's become the face of the game, kinda the poster child of valorant

imo they want to avoid a meta where jett is something like phoenix rn, unused and out of place

posted about 3 years ago

Heo "showmaker" Su

posted about 3 years ago

where did this zera suffix start, i had never seen it in esports until cold

posted about 3 years ago
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