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Registered: | August 2, 2020 |
Last post: | May 10, 2024 at 7:45 AM |
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They are stuck in the old meta still alot of teams feeling more comfortable in the old meta.. But aslong as they are not losing to much i dont see any reason to change it up yet.
I agree this is very stupid this is my latest game 4 - 12 to 14 - 12
rickrolling is getting old anyways, been around since 2009, and its 2021
I mean its already been leaked soo
FPX old logo
Team Liquid
Absolute Jupiter
Just research a bit bro.. Its all good to have your own opinion but just research it before you create it...
Sorry dude, my bad, was tilted and just took it out over you..
Atleast come up with it yourself...
Well FPX wins majority of those matches so i do agree with FPX being the best team in the world atm
Dude hes a troll dont bother Frenzy with Jett is better then ghost and jett.. Its like you say close ups are better with frenzy
Anyone up for some ranked D1 would like to play full stack try to get my D3 back.. EU
I mean as someone that always think of it from both sides, i will say that 70 procent of these clips are so true... Feelsbadman many bans inc in valorant/csgo
play league of legends only then will you know the importance of pick and bans
Valorant will get a ban system at 30+ Agents have some devs said and others have said its not set in stone.. But hopefully when it gets added there will be enough agents that you wont have to think oh this one has to be banned.
Raka_gg send me your https://tracker.gg/valorant lets see how good you are
Winning one match doesn't make them good Astralis loses matches doesn't make them bad, but they are still the best.. G2 winning a match shows that they are on the right path moving forward..
They probably would have to drop the entire roaster if they want to get "full guys" team If but they 100 can bench one of the girls without backlash 2 would be alot harder.. 3 Would litrally be impossible without backlash
Ive been banned twice aswell from cs does that mean im cheating because both of the VAC bans got revovked, first one took 2 month to get rid the second on took only a week and this was only because i had a application in the background that shouldn't have activated the VAC..
I mean Valve litrally owns steam soo yeah it makes sense that they have the market they have thanks to the "valve games" as Dota2, CSGO and TF2 thanks to these games the steam market has its own currecny combarable to crypto currecny.. and yes there is alot of other games in the market too but with out these valve games no other games would have a steam market value..
Bro you really dont know shit about Riot read some articles and about Riot and start to understand shit..
I mean yes IBP was blown out of proportion it was only such a heavy ban to give an example to other players and it worked... But there is still so much shady shit in csgo's underworld its crazy.. The amount of money laundering happening under our noses is crazy... So it only makes sense not to have tradeable skins or a market in valorant. But i will say that Valorant will 100% introuduce gifting skins like League of legneds.
You are truly stupid... Makes sense tho being a brazilian and all.. :P
And who says that he didn't get a warning but couldn't careless to read or noties it? I mean who the fuck cares about those thing and and if you voicebanned know you cant play ranked so it all makes sense...
Saying that he cheats is like saying that Fallen cheats or Device or litrally any fucking pro player, jesus fucking christ the conspiracy that every pro player cheats is so fucking stupid...
They are exactly as good as they where before maybe a bit better but the rest of the teams have become alot better instead so g2 is just slacking in practices.. Its not necessary the players fault maybe the mangement is have a hard time adjusting to valorant or something.. When they get a plan on how to execute stuff they would probably become a top 3/5 team again.. But who knows i mean G2 in CS isn't doing too good either so something must change they got the firepower and money soo.
Speaking the truth... This will never happen
Thank you.. Give them time and they will do great,, like you said just look at Faze they have litrally turned around in just the last months if that..
Brax is still a kid with no knowledge doesn't matter how good he was in cs hes not as good in valorant both of these things devalues him as a player in valorant while steel's knowledge is already incombarble to others and the aim standard for a pro player in the scene, chaning him out for Brax would be a downgrade..
Guild should really let Bonkar go tho i dont think they should now under masters but after its done.. They should definitely let him go. There are many better options and hes only in the team still because he was one of the main people from the beginning.
Now this i dont believe i need proof for this.. Because if you got 4 aces thats for rounds and 5 quads which would almost always convert to a round especially if its "bots" you're against which will be 9 rounds and if you did this well should you've won the match so much earlyer i mean 65 kills for 12 rounds 120 for a 12 12 and against so called bots aswell yeah i donno.. Not even TenZ have gotten that many kills when smurfing you've must been soo lucky bro Jeez
57 Kills 2Aces, 3Quad Race when ranked first came out first game
Waiting for a nice budle and the Reaver Vandal
If the shit thats about to happen to Sinatraa happens,, Sentinels will probably try and buy him out from C9 but if i know C9 correct it will be a hefty price tag on his head, more then hes worth because thats just how they operate their business.. So the question is if Sentinels are ready to pay the price.
Would love this love laughing about peoples fanboying,, and show where i stand..
what a bs! this game is so trash because of this and the patch problem (pros playing on older patches for a whole week). this guys are pro! they should be able to adapt and its not like they have work hard next to their VAL Pro career. they get paid to learn this stuff and its a shame new agents being banned for events because they are to new. just let the people choose whatever they want and if they cant, its their problem! everyone plays the same game in the end.
Personally i think everyone should have one "fighter" and one "support" agent recommended raze and omen for sure.. When it comes to eco you can always see the other teams money and how much they will have the round you're gonna play so aslong as your team decideds together to what to do it all good.. When its comes to meta it really depends on alot, but keeping it short.. Phantom for shortrange Vandal for longrange,, Spectre/Bulldog forcerounds or balancing out money.. Pistol's depening what utility you need for ex: omen wants his flash every round while raze already have her nades so a Ghost could work with a boombot or a satchel.. 2 rounds is most often a save round but some people buy so make sure to decided it togher like i said prior.. Awping is most of the times not worth it.. expensive and a vandal could do the samething depending on your aim ofcs..
Warmups DM without sounds just rushing everything and jumping in to practice killing bots with strafe on..
Valorants ranking 100 RR = Rankup, Lose/Win can get you 10-50 RR lose or gain min/max... Leaderboard only couts for top 500 for Radiant or immortals but nobody really cares about immortal's..
Only way to get better mechanics in any games is just playing more and notice when your doing stupid thing or unnecessary things and adjusting to make it better.. Crosshairplacement, Calling, Bursting and always trying your best and not giving up until the last round.. Many maps is very much ct sided or t sided so just because your losing 10 - 2 or something doesn't mean the match is over...
G2 never gets hate?
Liquid never gets hate?