I like this tbh..
Flag: | Europe |
Registered: | August 2, 2020 |
Last post: | May 10, 2024 at 7:45 AM |
Posts: | 868 |
Why isn't this a place to "self-advertise" on, I mean its in General Discussion about Valorant and a thing he wants to share in a forum? I dont see any problem advertising something that you stand for and think is relevent to the forum you´re in..
Well thats just not true.. Minecraft at 5th place as of Novemeber 2020 and fortnite at 17th place as of may 2020 with a declining playerbase? So i dont get where you're getting your facts from?
nope, league same time 12 teams.. Also a good format valorant 10 bad format..
Actually true big diffrences
LG, 100t, NRG, GEN.G
Agree, But i must say that the turks are growing rapidly in skill and fanbase..
Im not basing it on the amount of people that exist in diffrent countries but on the account that there is more players in EU which is due to the FPS culture.. ex: FPS games in EU compared to Asia is insanely diffrent but when it comes to league of legends their MOBA Culture is also diffrent which creates more players for them then eu.. Even that there is such a big gap of people in both regions.
Its just that if a specific cluture has a bigger population and loves FPS or MOBA ofcs their population will make a diffrence.. Both in playerbase and viewship
And i completly agree with this
"i think the best route would've probably been to have 2 spots for eu, 1 for russia 1 for turkey with 12 teams total. brazil, na and eu each getting 2 would be entirely fine, it's the fact that russia and turkey get lumped in that's the problem especially since the teams from those regions aren't likely to beat out the top of the top of eu, meaning they get no representation at all meanwhile teams from arguably weaker regions get a spot at masters"
So fucking true, i dont understand their thought process
Thank you! 200 milion in BR and 500 milion entire EU, and not to mention that a bigger procentage of gamers is in EU compared to BR
Well your biased and seem to not understand the problem..
So the qualification spots for masters have been set and apparently EMEA or "CIS,EU and TR" will have to share two of the spots while "BR" and "NA" gets two?
Not to mention the "JP, KR, LATAM and SEA" Gets one spot each? I do not understand this.. "EU" should have had 2 spots alone and "CIS and TR" one each.
Just to give this some more infomation..
EMEA have:
EU: 447.7 million
CIS: 239,7 million
TR: 82 million
Which is 769,4 million for some reason were supposed to share 2 spots in this master?
When both NA and BR gets 2 each?
BR: 209,5 million
NA: 368,8 million
This just doesn't seem fair? not to mention the gaming culture in EU compared to BR maybe not as much NA
They will most likey do this in the future but 15 champs is still to little they need atleast enough of the "same" agents that both team will still get the utility needed to win the game.
But turks doesn't exist in pretty much any other games then Valorant, we dont see any turks but here? Is it because these tournaments or what?
This one wont have a real ranking system until they open lans and international play but id say vlr got the edge
Bind jump to alt or caps, I got shooting on capslock ;:D
Oh nooo, why Yacine...
Your post created an actual good team in theory,, With Scream, Meddo, Davidp, Woxic, Jamppi.. 3 riflers and 2 Igl could have worked great
Didn't see this comment glad to see it was a joke lmao :D
No she should be a entry fragger WHAT? She litrally have a full kit for entry frags? Flash to get in, invinsiblity to get out and heal when safe? Shes litrally the perfect entry fragger. Jesus christ.. She even has speed boost as her ult so she always outburst other people...
Its pretty much Bo1 just they want to get in more maps played so they have and extra map to be decided that way both teams will also get the map they want.
Its not really a superteam but its would be a great team..
They dont give out Leagues player charts either tho? But its very clearly that league is the biggest game in the world...
I like it next time you do one use your operator shots as covers for the beats and make a smoother transmission at the benning and dont just start the highlights when the music starts but a bit in to it..
ex: The first pistol kills in the beginning is great but at 10 seconds you should make a transmission to some operators shots.
Just so you know this is great and you should keep it up. Great video!
I dont know about that, but i do understand what you mean with it and in someways its probably easier to accept a betting sponsor in csgo compared to valorant..
Thats not a market man... You cant trade skins it wont be like csgo that what everyone is thinking. But having "betting" will get sponsors like bet365, betway, mrgreen, betsafe and many more and not to mention a big amount of people that will watch the matches because they have bets on diffrent teams.. It will litrally grow thanks to it.
But this is just a matter of time so any arguments against it doesn't really matter.
Thats exactly what you need for a esport to grow
If you really can say that Rouge is a american focused org i mean they are pretty much only in Europe except RL
So anyone gonna post the comment "the younger the better"? cause im not..
Trust me, I'm not stupid.
1 Sage
2 Pheonix
3 Cypher
4 Brimestone
5 Breach
6 Killyoy
7 Skye
8 Sova
9 Jett
10 Raze
11 Viper
12 Yoru
13 Omen
14 Reyna
I dont know about 150 but its probably closer to 120 130 id say then
230+ average, 260+ pulling your weight, 290/300+ really good, 350+ Carry
ADR - 100+ is pretty much what you should have average round.
For sure i played my 5 ranked games on my main got Gold 3 played 5 ranked games on my smurf D1
Deathmatch: No map, lower spawn time, Get 100 hp after kill, 7min of just killing no set goals. Sometimes your just feeling it important not to stop that feeling.
CIS personal servers: The people who wants to talk will use vpn anyways so this just make sense.
Sentinel buff: backtrack last nerf with cypher traps disabling when dead.
Sentinel buff: Sage backtrack heal.. battlesage should be a thing its also very fun to play.
Retakes: I mean they are adding retakes but i needs to be good ex csgo retakes are not as good as the community retakes important to make it good.
Ranked changes: Redo the elo system they said they would still is very bad. A immortal 1 can be as good as a plat 3 sometimes and raidiant as immortal 1 i just doesn't make anysense (Im Immortal 2 probably doesn't deserve it but still)
"Site changes": More hiding spots for attackers when taking a site.. Iceblock is good on A not really B, Heaven bad at all three sites really.
Sprey patterns: I'd love sprey patterns but they said its to late to add and doesn't want to change the game to much. But a random sprey is very stupid never understood why they choose to go with that.. The people testing it but have said something about it.
Yeah true, but Zeek will also be the igl for G2 something that they didn't really have before as mixwell, pyth and davidp did igl for them time to time "davidp as main" they never really did have any structure to the team with Zeek as a new piece they are hopeful to make the team unity and for the first time have some real structure like FPX.
This is also without counting in the newest coach as he will mostly be there to support the igl and the team for the better.
Pretty much everything you said in this message was wrong... Quite amazed tbh. :)
I think i got a stroke reading that.
Did you just edit away everything you wrote?.. It was like 6 paragraphs dude...
maybe because hes the third igl? Hes word doesn't weigh as much as Steel and Nitro
Dont get this decision at all if anyone it would have been shadow i feel like..