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Registered: January 29, 2021
Last post: June 21, 2024 at 1:10 AM
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I am not putting a team that is trotting triple duelist comps outside of the bottom 3

posted about a year ago
  1. Fnatic
  2. DRX
  3. Loud
  4. Furia
  5. NRG
  6. Leviatan
  7. Fut
  8. Navi
  9. GenG
  10. Paper Rex
  11. Secret
  12. 100T
  13. Vitality
  14. Sentinels
  15. Liquid
  16. T1
  17. Giants
  18. C9
  19. Koi
  20. Zeta
  21. Global
  22. mibr
  23. Kru
  24. BBL
  25. EG
  26. Heretics
  27. RRQ
  28. Talon
  29. Karmine Corp
  30. DFM
    Regions averages: mean, median
    Amer: 13.2, 13
    EMEA: 15.9, 16
    APAC: 17.4, 18
    Sub regions: (only the mean if only 2 teams in the region
    NA(5): 14.8, 14
    BR(3): 9.7, 4
    LATAM(2): 14.5
    KR(3): 9, 9
    JP(2): 25
    TR(2): 15.5
    EU(8): 16, 16
posted about a year ago

dephh has the lowest potential peak of any igl in the Americas, they would need to heat up early to have any chance, and they'll be on a 3 game loss streak after week 4 (losing to Lev, Loud, nrg& Mibr is on pace to beat them given how close they played Loud)

posted about a year ago

Sen are going to look worse over time, week 1 is the best they're gonna be, and they barely beat 100t

posted about a year ago

talon are not worse than dfm, look at how hard RRQ beat them

posted about a year ago

if i could post images i'd post images from the actual spreadsheet but nope

posted about a year ago

1st: Fnatic DRX Loud
2nd: Navi GenG NRG
3rd: Fut PRX Furia
4th: Vit Secret Lev
5th: TL T1 100T
6th: Giants Zeta Sen
7th: Koi Global Mibr
8th: BBL RRQ C9
9th: TH Talon EG
10th: KC DFM Kru

posted about a year ago

damn we lost week 1 boohoo

posted about a year ago

the fans were getting clapped? you realize how stupid that sounds? they weren't playing, the players were

posted about a year ago

nah we criticized yall bc there were no crowds for ELIMINATION MATCHES, not for group stage matches that likely wont have any meaning in the end

posted about a year ago

its either they use both or use only imperial lol

posted about a year ago

big difference between an irrelevant group stage match and an elimination match at the equivalent of a Masters, but go off

posted about a year ago

the best major of all time (from an unbiased pov) was literally Boston, majors are had in EMEA bc thats where all the fans are lmao, all the NA fans moved to valorant bc they realize its a better game.

posted about a year ago

no opening year tournaments just dont matter since its the start, 0%, its where you end (at champ, where AMER got top 2)

posted about a year ago

Beat you with a t3 player, didn't care abt lock\in

posted about a year ago

you guys had 1 top 3 placement in all of last year LMFAO

posted about a year ago

gambit went 1-1 vs NA at M3 but go off ig

posted about a year ago

not gonna argue this but there were FUT fans who said FUT would destroy 100t

posted about a year ago

Top 8 at a season-opening tournament is top 8, can't judge stuff since its the start which is why large season-opening tournaments are not good in this system, and why riot is transitioning to 2 masters instead of Lock\in after this year iirc

posted about a year ago

I was already watching Fut vs Liquid lol

posted about a year ago

What does Americas playing or not have to do with anything. You said PRX are and have been an Aim only team, so we have their whole lifetime of matches, in this instance, we are talking about PRX's style, not their power ranking

posted about a year ago

Like dude you are literally drawing random matches to come to a conclusion you have already drawn instead of looking at the available facts & matches and making a conclusion off of them

posted about a year ago

yeah, they looked very flat at Lock\in, so what? Its 1 match.

posted about a year ago

mental doesn't turn a 13-11 or 14-12 to a 13-3, it turns a 13-7 or 13-6 to a 13-3. Lev won the clutches because they were and are better. On the same map, ascent, LEV put 10 rounds up vs Navi with 0 clutches going Lev's way. Outside of clutches, Lev underperformed on Ascent vs Vit, and still won.

posted about a year ago

You are basing their playstyle off of 1 game where they didn't need to do anything different because they were so much above the competition, while I am basing it off of their whole lifetime where they have had matches where they put their whole playbook out there.

posted about a year ago

I didn't know a 2-0 with one of the maps being THIRTEEN TO THREE is considered close or "almost beating"
saying vit almost beat lev when Lev was +12 on rounds, +24 on kills, and +6 on FB is just factually untrue.

posted about a year ago

Vitality is not top 10, there are better teams
Navi, Koi, FNC better from EMEA
NRG, Loud, Lev, 100t, Sen, Furia NA
DRX, PRX, Geng, Secret, maybe talon APAC

posted about a year ago

if you believe that you clearly haven't watched PRX. they have innovated as much or more as any team, They've had Astra-breach work on Breeze, They have used yoru more than any other T1 team and it has worked.

posted about a year ago

These are good changes sure, but they don't change how the map is going to be played at a macro level. It will always be to fight showers/hooka/long or the generic slow/fast hit because there is no mid. Instead of moving the Long Tp closer to showers it should have its own path to site that comes out where bench is or to the left under heaven. The same thing should happen with the A short TP, A short should be its own larger area that can be fought over instead of a small pathway that directly leads to site, and the TP should have its own exit that adds another entry point onto B site.

posted about a year ago

was a Wake Forest LAN

posted about a year ago

I literally went to one and got 3rd.

posted about a year ago

there have been plenty of lans with crowds bruh, not VCT level crowds but the take that there have been NO crowds is unequivocally wrong

posted about a year ago

this take is atrocious. there have been plenty of lans, An offline server isn't what makes a LAN a LAN. Its the environment, the ecosystem and the experience

posted about a year ago

Steel > FNS. FNS has an issue with mid EU teams like Guild, he had 2 of the top 6 players at champs 2021 but couldn't get out of groups, he had the best player of 2022, the best controller, a top 3 initiator, and a great flex and still only won 1 event
are you forgetting Tenz had the highest peak of anyone at M2 Iceland???
Marved Yes
Crashies Yes
Sinatraa didn't have a peak at an international event so he's a ?

posted about a year ago
Who are the other 4?

posted about a year ago

bro,hypothetically, if FNS goes to EU and plays a tier 2 tournament and beats EU teams, that doesn't mean he is good against EU. None of the 3 teams u named has done anything of relevance

posted about a year ago

TL didn't have an actual IGL lmao, you cannot say with a straight face that TL were a threat at champs. Keep looking at the exceptions and not the rules

posted about a year ago

rules are rules

posted about 2 years ago

no they never said anything abt allowing kenny or not, they blocked an illegal loan

posted about 2 years ago

thats just not true as a SEN hater

posted about 2 years ago

thats just not true

posted about 2 years ago

thats L logic, you are only as strong as your weakest link/team

posted about 2 years ago

uhh Brandon, Loud beat Optic in champs grand finals, I dont give a shit about the other matches

posted about 2 years ago

wow a core that has existed for over a year beat 2 newly formed teams! This shows fns supremacy!

posted about 2 years ago

fns can't beat EMEA teams lmfao. Saadhak > fns

posted about 2 years ago

no I think his point is that PRX has more firepower than Geng, that "something" is Forsaken imo

posted about 2 years ago

u said adding something solely makes them a better team and I'm saying its not that simple

posted about 2 years ago

no, it needs to contain gaming or esports in the title

posted about 2 years ago

can you please word the title better than "the gender debate" lmaoooo.

posted about 2 years ago

Idk, peak Leaf >> peak DGzin but current DGzin > current leaf. peak mwerza >>> peak xeppa, current mwerza >= current xeppa, zellsis > any of the remaining 3 players, but vanity =< any of the remaining 3 players

posted about 2 years ago
1 •• 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 •• 158