I was saying this in sliggy's stream when it was all going down. There was a report on Universo Valorant, a spanish stream with the reporter with Alejandro Gomis(@anonimotum), apparently he is/was(not too sure) a well known league reporter who only reports on stuf that were only 100% true a leak or true, and he joined the call and in spanish basically said that, "hay dos players con los cuales hasta donde yo se, no han estado contentos con el rendimiento. uno ha sido yay y el otro vanity" you can google translate if u want but basically he said, Yay and Vanity have not been with the performance of the team, which already suggested there was internal disagreements. then later on, one of the other people on the show , said that He's known mCe for about 7-8 and talking about how knowing him, he thought that whenever mCe can, "valyn in, vanity out". he used more vulgar words but I'm not to say them here. It was all in spanish, I can show a clip of the first thing he said that I talked about, but I think they deleted the rest of the vod or it just disappeared. But yeh, knowing spanish has an advantage ehehhehe. But on a real note, from this, I kinda already thought that this was the most likely case, Cause vanity salary def couldnt have been THAT high, and after geddess confirming that all the players wanted him to stay, can only leave 1 option.
Also according to that same geddess clip, it seems mCe wanted Yay to stay and the rest, I thought it was a mCe and the team wanted yay to leave but Ig it was all just a money problem and a problem with vanity. Here's the clip for anyone who wants to translate or any spanish speakers.
( https://clips.twitch.tv/SincereKitschyJamPicoMause-Ht5s97K-1_otZueI)