Didn't think fade needed a nerf, sure I'm not playing against very good players in my gold lobbies, but I never saw anybody use it to the point it was hard to play against
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | March 14, 2022 |
Last post: | February 22, 2025 at 3:42 PM |
Posts: | 1861 |
Didn't think fade needed a nerf, sure I'm not playing against very good players in my gold lobbies, but I never saw anybody use it to the point it was hard to play against
I think if they make a Brazil map they would do a Salvador map, which is were Raze is from. It seems like all the maps are tied in to the storyline somehow.
Bruh all he said amounted to "I don't know much about what NiP did in other games with other teams, all I know is what they did in the CSGO scene" why are you mad about that lol
kbkdark detected, opinion accepted and bump
It's based on firepower, not duelists, pANcada isn't a duelist either, nor is suygetsu, Shao, Tuyz
I wasn't sure about Saya so I put him together with some others
"Pesado" in portuguese means heaviest and is used in the same context as "hardest"
If taking firepower alone:
-mwzera/aspas/Zekken/Tuyz/Heat (STATS)
-Sayaplayer/Lmemore(?)/Skrossi!!!!!!!/Somebody else from DRX probably
Aaaaand I think Americas>Pacific>EMEA with those teams
Biased, but one of the greatest matches of all time was Map 1 (Ascent) of LOUD X OpTic at Champs GF
And now we get early access to tournament mode 🙂
The english-speaking agents names are mostly relatable to their characters:
Other languages:
Sova - Owl in Russian
Reyna - Queen or Empress in Spanish
Yoru - Evening/Night in Japanese (according to Google)
I think that was the point though, to add a level of comedy to the video, I don't think the caster was actually bad, they intended it to come out the way it did
Yes drop the igl they're useless anyway
Surprised nobody said Sinatraa - Oni phantom
KILLDREAM played for Sharks in VCT Stage 1 and Stage 2 Access this year, Ferahgo is of the opinion that he's one of the best controllers in the BR scene, but no news has been received of him in a franchise team afaik
No support from an org, playing tournaments on high ping, and still made it one Bo5 away from Champs
3V, also known as VVV, for the three Victories they had against Sentinels in the 2024 Champions Grand Final, is an Oceania-based organization with a focus on Riot Games' multiplayer shooter game - VALORANT. Previously named "Tu Stultus Es", the organization had players competing in a wide variety of games, including HALO Infinite, Fortnite, Clash of Clans, and League of Legends, but made the decision to drop said teams and creators in ORDER to focus on VALORANT. The team was last said to be made up of big names in the scene, such as:
You must do better with the baits mr Salty! I believe in your potential!
If you want to keep up with rosters FlyNN has a spreadsheet he updates regularly.
Sad, because a team that was actually really decent, was together for a long time separates, but maybe BR now has a chance at breaking the curse.
So that's why you lost your stars
Não é a mesma coisa, mas acho que se a LOUD separar, vai estabelecer um precedente para o Valorant assim como tem no futebol, que o Brasil é grande exportador de jogadores. É uma triste realidade, pq não tem um time que bate de frente com os europeus por exemplo, mas não é a pior coisa
A era do medo foi ano passado, agora pelo menos a gente já viu e tem certeza do que o cenário BR consegue alcançar (embora acho que não temos outros jogadores no nÃvel individual de cada membro da Loud)
Maybe an idea is just take a young T2 prospect and develop them. The merits of subbing out a player depending on maps or whatever hasn't really been shown yet, but maybe that's not what you mean
Sorry Styling
Galera, eu ainda confio que a LOUD pode permanecer como está, mas não tá parecendo bom pra gente a essa altura. Com os times que o NA e LATAM tão construindo, parece que vai tar muito difÃcil pra gente sem nosso supertime, mas vamos confiar no que os times a serem construÃdos em torno do fallout da LOUD podem oferecer 🇧🇷🇧🇷
Let's still hold out hope guys, nothing has been confirmed yet hopium
-Win like 2 series in a year
-Build superteam
-Superteam destroys everyone
-Delete superteam
-Refuse to elaborate