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Registered: December 23, 2023
Last post: February 7, 2025 at 6:41 PM
Posts: 73
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they've been cooking a masterclass apparently

posted 3 weeks ago

I think most people don't really care about the early games, plus there was a twitch rivals event happening at the same time

posted 1 month ago

They are obviously just having fun with each other. If anything, Boostio's deleted tweet about bending over Zellsis is just as disrespectful; but if they don't find it offensive, then we don't need to get offended on their behalf

posted 1 month ago

Have you ever thought that maybe the curse came from your dinner?

posted 1 month ago

The problem is that normalized sports that are already at a huge scale not only have the infrastructure, but they also have guaranteed income from things like normalized midroll ads from dedicated television networks, some sort of paid subscription to watch, merchandising, and a form of alternative media (ironically video games). Not to mention the ease of access to learning, the fact that it's something kids can do in school, pro teams having rosters of more than 2-5 players, and having multiple generations of fans being in the same family. Esports is no way near becoming as big and it has way too many problems itself.

posted 3 months ago

I was just saying as a general rule of thumb in terms of understanding. I'm not saying it for me, but for accessibility sake. How is this hard to comprehend?

Saying something like "At Champions, the previous Masters champions, Gen.G" or "Champions 2024 champions, EDG" reads worse than using the word winners.

posted 5 months ago

eliminating defending Masters champions Gen.G

Proposal to change the word from "champions" to "winners" since it's a bit confusing since the name of the tourney is also Champions

posted 5 months ago

Johnqt should absolutely be on this list

posted 6 months ago

I'm pretty sure you're just describing an average Valorant fan lol. This description isn't a Sen fan exclusive

posted 6 months ago

I was really hoping for GenG and Sen to be the survivors of the group. I'm internally conflicted cause I am so ecstatic for the Sen boys while also really sad for them on GenG

posted 6 months ago

Ruination, Sentinels of Light, Arcane Sheriff, and Doodle Buds Ares

posted 6 months ago

League has so many skins that it has multiple skins in Valorant lmfao

posted 6 months ago

This has a good chance of happening, but Trace has absolutely not stolen a spot, they deserve the spot in playoffs after the performance they've put up holy shit

posted 6 months ago

I feel like this is overthinking it. Tarik clearly just watches VCT with friends. It's as simple as that.

posted 6 months ago

smh let me explain. Back in 2018, Optic had a roster in the LCS when it had just become franchised. Their team did terrible and Optic immediately sold their spot to Immortals (aka MiBR). Since Riot was also doing franchising with Valorant, they wanted to find teams that they could trust and have a long lasting partnership with; but because of their history with Optic immediately selling their spot to Immortals instead of committing, they were probably being wary of that. MiBR didn't directly 'steal' Optic's spot, but they were involved with why Optic didn't get a spot

posted 7 months ago

mb maybe clouted isn't the right word, but I meant the reputation they have in esports and with Riot. mibr has a pretty notable team in CS and already had a prior partnership with Riot in the form of Immortals. Fun fact, mibr could probably the reason Optic was rejected.

posted 7 months ago

Riot cares more about how clouted and how much they can support their players rather than performance

posted 7 months ago

Yeah, I think the comparisons of coaches is a weird one and us viewers on the sidelines will never actually know. While coaches have lots of impact, there are lots of on the fly decision making that has to be made by the players themselves and it gets hard to discern what is credited to the coach vs player. On top of that Coaches are still part of team synergy so one coach might work better for one player than another, even if they are 'worse' on paper

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

bro self reported that he has no loyalty damn

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

I actually agree wholeheartedly, but I do think f0rsaken is a real exception. Him being so good on practically any agent lets their team experiment with so much because if they need to fill any hole in their composition or playstyle they just have f0rsaken fill in a role. Him being so flexible allows his team in turn to also be insanely flexible, but he's really the only one in the scene who can do so. Every other flex is only really considered a flex because their roles are map dependent

posted 9 months ago

It's lowkey a jab to say that changing such a integral player isn't a sweeping change. We are talking about Sacy here. He's a whole ass person that contributes not only to game but also the vibes. It isn't as simple as swapping out a gun in a loadout, it would be working an entire new person into a system.

Sentinels this year works large in part thanks to the fact that all of these players instinctually trust each other and are close friends, it isn't as easy as just switching someone out. It would be a huge gamble to replace a player on the team without knowing if that person will vibe with the rest of the team as well as the person you are replacing. These are not light decisions and surely not one to make midseason especially when it's still clear that the team has lots of potential to work and get better

posted 9 months ago

I think they need to keep the team. They have a good thing going fundamentally and this team has the chops to keep getting better. Rob Moore talked about a similar thing when the Zellsis Pancada situation is happening. He said on paper, Pancada is the better player but Zellsis is the better player for the team. Both in game and out of the game, there is a level of synergy that exists that is hard to replace or even find.

The team synergy is so good with this team that I feel like they wouldn't want to lose such an integral part of what has been working for them to risk starting that over again replacing a player.

Plus this judgement is happening way too quickly. I think it would be better to make sweeping roster changes when the season is over and you can really look back at the overall performance of the team. Making mid season changes when the players are still constantly practicing to get better doesn't really capture the full picture of the potential a team has.

posted 9 months ago

They need him on the team so they can yell "GUSTAVO!" into the comms for vibes

posted 10 months ago

I expect to see an "if it ended today" post from you everyday now

posted 10 months ago

I mean... technically he wasn't wrong

posted 10 months ago

This whole thing is actually so fucking stupid. They should just put their egos aside and move on

posted 10 months ago

That is actually so infuriating. Threatening the team to play at a disadvantage and solve their own tech issues instead of helping solve it for them. Wtaf Rito

posted 10 months ago

Yeah, they didn't make it to LA until the night before their match. No time to cook anything new + Jetlag. First game against a mechanically insane + heavy anti strat team that had plenty of time and content to prep while LOUD was in Madrid. Hard to see them winning the matchup no matter how much you wanna root for them. Thankfully now they have lots of time to take rest and practice

posted 10 months ago

idk about exposed. bro was putting in work and ended +32, but better team >>> better player

posted 10 months ago

imo it was less crying and more hyping the game up. I was for sure even more excited in the moment thinking it was his last game. Hindsight not as much, but seeing it live was hype asf

posted 10 months ago

Bro doesn't know how to use context clues to figure out why Singapore is relevant 💀

posted 10 months ago

idk man, its almost like you keep bringing up NRG even when they aren't the topic of discussion. You alone have probably said NRG more times in your lifetime than all the NRG players on the team combined

posted 11 months ago

Anything can be bait atp ong

posted 11 months ago

I think it's too early to say. imo Sentinels are winning thanks to sorting role and player issues pretty early on, built team chemistry very quickly and they got a lot of off season matches to happen, so progress-wise they seem at minimum like a couple of months ahead of other teams. They've clearly practiced a lot, but have lots of kinks they need to work out; but i feel like the skill ceiling for them will only grow more. The win will still be deserved considering the work it still took to get even to this point so far.

That being said, the main reason I say that it's too early is because every team progresses at different rates, we are bound to see different teams do well as they sort out their shit. A good player is only as good as his team allows him to be, so there are many many potential promising talents this season that are going to start popping off once things get refitted.

All in all, I'm hyped for the rest of the season regardless. I'm already consistently pulling all nighters to watch these stupid Masters matches.

posted 11 months ago

You sound like you're on performance enhancing drugs too

posted 11 months ago

tbf "zekken is on some kind of performance enhancing drugs" is a joke that FNS made the entire series of SEN v KC implying that Zekken is insane so you should edit that one out.

posted 11 months ago

Ngo is a common Vietnamese last name

posted 11 months ago

Dapr was let off the starting roster because of the opportunity to get Sacy and Pancada. Dephh left on his own and was replaced by Marved and then Johnqt

posted 11 months ago

Have you seen his mom, she loves valorant and watching the esport as well. Her son isn't even on the team rn and all her twitter is pushing PRX bundles LOL

posted 11 months ago

It's different. In League, teams who win Worlds get a skins for 5 characters (Usually the team comp characters) to commemorate their win that is unique to them. So if Valorant was to do something similar for example, it would be a full bundle of 5 unique weapons designed for/(and kind of) by the winners of Champs, not just the team themed classics.

posted 11 months ago

100% they can, but it comes down to the map vetos and how well SEN can adapt. So far SEN has been really solid, but they make occasional mistakes, so if GenG plays proper anti they could totally punish

posted 11 months ago

Where are you???

posted 11 months ago

You're right, maybe next time Heretics should consider using the attack side kkkk

posted 11 months ago

Bro after seeing one deranged vlr post: "THE WHOLE NA FANBASE"

literal proof that deranged breeds more deranged

posted 11 months ago

Watching the freaking game duh. We don't post on vlr during the match because it deserves the respect of our attention at the very least smh

posted 11 months ago

And then they showed us why omg what a game

posted 11 months ago
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