Flag: Portugal
Registered: January 21, 2024
Last post: November 15, 2024 at 8:56 AM
Posts: 94
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That's what OPs friend did, he was onto somethin.

posted 3 months ago

dunno why you're surprised this is my whole thing

posted 3 months ago

pot pregonopao for portugal don't ask many questions as to why them it makes sense

posted 3 months ago

If game changers is just for women, is riot saying women are biologically and genetically inferior to men in esports???!

This is what I imagine would go down in the head of these people like idk I can't comprehend irrational though with rational thought, at some point after seeing so much of this your brain turns into mush, goop, its just the glorpverse in there all timelines leading to VLR bigotry some way or another.

The glorpverse is just so extensive you cannot comprehend it it's just too large the glorpillion ways they find to do this is mind-boggling they still have not found a singular way to open their window blinds for some fresh air my brain rotting rotting rotting.

"Liberals can't answer this simple question!" I'm sorry I just thought this post resembled that. Anyways, good night, surely more schitzo posting is due for tommorow.

posted 3 months ago

TL:DR (conclusion ish) You make good points about adding rewards and all that and storylines+a bunch of other stuff I go on about. However. GC does have its very unique charm that T2 cannot compare with just because of the format, in the end its all about entertainment. Suzu clears.

I'd say its because of totally new faces, a bunch of T2 are indeed up incoming, but its not as unpredictable, its not as easy to shift places in T2.

In GC it is literally just new faces, xipto, zeta 2 fan favorite teams tell me how many of these players did you know in 2023? Not that many, because you didn't know any of them at all probably. These are also more engaging orgs than like turtle troop. Its also not just a regional tournament we actually have a championship, T2 is stuck being a regional format forever.

Adding onto that, it just feels like GC T1, whoever wins is the best GC team, I feel like I'm watching the best that these players have to offer, in T2 its just T1 but watered down, GC is a whole different world. I am slandering T2 a bit, so just in case you think I actually hate T2, no, I still fw it.

T2 is a means to an end like cool I don't wanna watch a T2 vs T2 can I just go back to watch T1 please Its litteraly T2 but better, but if i'm being real what's GC but better? Like at some point you gotta stop making these comparisons as if they're in the same line, GC is not part of the T4-T3-T2-T1 ladder its outside of it, at its own pace, and that's kinda the point.

It's also filling the gap after VCT like unless you just hate GC for some reason watching it isn't digging into VCT hours.

All of this is irrelevant compared to the fact that suzu just clears.


posted 3 months ago

Comments like this are crazy like bro if someone somehow faked psychologists and professionals into thinking they are NB just to get into gc, and then are found out it is OVER for them.

And if you don't quite understand just how bad this would be, like it would be crazy if that player were prime TenZ for them to be signed to not even T1, just on a T2 team.

Nobody wants such a player, like yeah convince your boss that even though this player will help you win you need 4 other degenerates.
Would it be funny? Yes it would be funny to have a supervillain team in tier 2 that is just bad people because of the story lines but my point is not any different.

posted 3 months ago

For the love of god do not ask in VLR you will see some little demons on your shoulder telling you to k*** trans people the next day I think they spread some transphobic virus in here.

There's actually a lot of resources straight up on youtube if you look it up even for ADHDheads there's something that will work, you can just look up a long podcast about it and put it in the background for 1:30 hours and you will be more knowledgeable than 99% of VLR. Of course you will still only have 1% of the whole picture and should still be open to more.

Now if you have VLR in your hears for one and a half hours you will learn nothing and become brainrotted. However you will be put onto some great GC players like suzu (SUZU OWNS THE WORLD)

posted 3 months ago

I mean I would actually say T2 is way less entertaining than GC

posted 3 months ago

No this guy is actually spitting, like maybe it sounded bad, but I get it, I'm a yapper and paragraphing is extremely helpful otherwise people just won't read it

WHY AM I GETTING DOWNVOTED YOU DON'T LIKE TO READ BIG BLOBS AS WELL. Just paragraph sentence by sentence or point by point it doesn't need to make sense if it looks like a big blob ppl skip it did we not take like 9th grader or something level english imma need to see your report cards share it with the class.

posted 3 months ago

that's not sad that is magnificent news flor is cooking so hard leaving social media is actually the best transition she's made since- nevermind it isn't that funny my fault.

posted 3 months ago

we're delusion min-maxing here this is some next level shit you just can't understand the depths we on.

posted 3 months ago

There's a way to glaze suzu somewhere in here I just can't quite find it

posted 3 months ago

can we add suzu to that?

posted 3 months ago

Doesn't sound like suzu to me, L take.

posted 3 months ago

Didn't read.
Suzu clears. Much love <3

posted 3 months ago

Darwin was right, evolution is real 🙏

posted 3 months ago

Didn't read the post, I saw zeta win. OP Based asl


posted 3 months ago

That's 1..'re 1/4 based, good enough.

posted 3 months ago

Uncle Ben🙏

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago


More specifically I'd say my top 5 is like:
1- suzu
2- suzu
3- suzu
4- suzu
5- suzu

posted 3 months ago

That definition of marginalised is so ass like damn can't believe meL got rejected by a few teams because she's a woman and they see her as insignificant like how does that make sense? By that definition Men would be less marginalised than women in valorant, men are just as significant as any other player, women are just very hated.

Also "I literally praised Flor" is absolutely CRAZY, calling a trans person a man does more harm than basically any insult modern English has to offer like imagine calling a black person the hard r while saying they pretending to be black because they wanna be a minority and then being like "how am I marginalising him are you dumb?".

I'm gonna be a POS for the next paragraph and I'm warning you just because I'm not 100% the comment you made was in bad faith so mb just in case I'm bound to crashout after the 92nd hard transphobic comment of the day.

"trans people are far from being the marginalized if compared to what cis-women face in ranked everyday because of even speaking in the match." Just end my life big man what do you mean "in ranked" HOW IS MARGINALISED IN RANKED MATTER? Like yeah no women are in tier 1 valorant, because they get sexism in voice chat, just rip my eyes out so I can never read anything again PLEASE.
Like brother they get that shit IRL too every day of their life and its way worse.
And Imagine how trans people feel then they're own parents desert them in many cases just for them being them, and sounding like a man in valorant voice chat makes you less marginalised and therefore you are competing in GC because you want to farm lower skill players and not because YOU MEET YOUR ACTUAL TEAM IRL AND NOT IN GAME CHAT so if teams don't wanna play with a woman imagine with a trans woman how bad it is, like yeah I'd want to make it to tier one with SR the whole way too because they don't hate the very essence of who I am with a burning passion.
How terminally online must you be for how marginalised a gender is to be determined by their voice in valorant game chat😭😭

posted 3 months ago

W patriotism?

posted 3 months ago

Are they an ally or not I don't get it someone help me here.

posted 3 months ago

Yes I am, are you trying to insinuate I'm hiding it? ARE YOU SAYING I AM NOT PROUD OF MY MAGNIFICENT REPUBLIC?!

posted 3 months ago

Adobe Acrobat?

posted 3 months ago

You just have to be patient on this one if it troubles you, not everyone has English as their first language, nor do they have English as a second language either, many people learn very basic English through the internet because they might not have it in school or as an option.

I don't think its necessarily that deep, no one is making a typo out of ill will, though some people just troll to make fun of it I guess? Icl it is kinda funny sometimes nobody can deny that,

Its better to try to get used to it and accept it as it is, if you still care you can try to nicely correct it when you see it, which is actually helpful if the person actually doesn't mind learning that. Its hard to permanently stop this too since new people will always join. Maybe it seems hard to overlook? But most people really don't care about it.

posted 3 months ago

The glorious Chinese Communist Party lead by our supreme leader Xi Jinping!!

posted 3 months ago

I am a very rich man, I have actually 32€ of disposable income on me as we speak and I will give it all to you if you can tell me what GC is without contradicting anything about that statement (It's impossible)

posted 3 months ago

Official CCP Representative approves of the first reply in this thread

posted 3 months ago

I forgot to say this but this was meant to be like a weird piece of bait? I wanted to see if like the transphobia and sexism in VLR would come out unprovoked or if they need to be hidden amongst other similar comments to then come out like a little rat.

Among other things I just wanted to see what it was, like Transphobic Lion or Transphobic Rat I was just curious so I came up with this not very smart idea. So yeah mb for bringing it up again but I kinda got to see a few results at least.

posted 3 months ago

First of all the end goal isn't for the to get picked up in T2 or T1, that's definitely one of them, but I don't think GC has such a simple end goal.

Among a LOT of other things, GC was made because of an issues with people from marginalised genders not being given the same chances others were given, IRL and In game, which led to them not only missing out on actually playing in the normal circuit, but also from improving in general even in the ranked ladder, which means they not have some catching up to do In general compared to the unironically 100% male VCT.

This is a complicated issue as we both know so its better to oversimplify slightly.

But the main point is just that getting picked up is cool and all, but if lets say one woman gets picked up, she can win and now it means she gets carried, if she loses, now it means she's a burden and was only picked up because she's a woman. This is the internet people have no shame they're here for a reason this is the reception that they'll get. This is just one of the many issues

In general what I think is the that part of the end goal which you can disagree with on just fine, is that marginalised genders will first of all have a platform to grow and show their skills, and second, there gets to be teams like SR that can improve and improve and if one day they get to tier one they will do it legit and it will basically be undeniable, and you can't deny that GC teams have been improving.
It is also helpful that it lets people get used to this and familiarise themselves of having literally any diversity whatsoever in valorant and in esports, its learning and being around queer people that makes most people accept them and actually know/understand even a singular thing about them, kinda like how the most racist people live in rural areas because that means they barely see any people of colour in their lives.

It's a really interesting topic to learn about i'd encourage everyone to go down their own little rabbit hole about this.
PS: I am not a certified source I probably got some things wrong and didn't include sumn I should've it happens. Also sorry for yapping so much it just happens, its a chronic illness.

posted 3 months ago

What's wrong with femboylover?

posted 3 months ago

me when I missclick

posted 3 months ago

Unceben did indeed put this shit to bed. Magnificent Work.

posted 3 months ago

We should gather all the people that have bad enough reading comprehension and are not willing to learn anything in some hostile island to live by themselves on some attack on titan shit. /s

posted 3 months ago

Probably because of how they're talking about GC, people forget that GC was made to solve a problem, which was not at all involved with the level of skill or tier of competition.
And so when they refer to this situation as they did, basically, it's saying "she gets hate because people think XYZ is true" but not saying that if XYZ was true it would still not be a reason to hate, nor reason to say anything at all, so it comes across like they're hating, but I do hope, and of course believe that they're not actually hating at all.
Also its just how its said, like "There's people who unironically call her same level as top VCT duelists for dominating in GC that is equilevant to tier 3 on highest. " is such a weird way to phrase it, again saying that GC is T3 at highest is not relevant to the point I would hope they're trying to make, and therefore it just sounds like they're silently hating because, again, its weird to mention that if there's no reason to since it doesn't make the point any clearer unless the point you want to make is secretly that you think GC is inferior.
And I need to say this again to not come across in the exact way I'm "denouncing" lmao, I mean the only reason I can know about this is because it used to be me, but yeah again I believe they're not hating this is all about the optics of it and reasoning that can be extrapolated from that text regardless of any context.
Sorry for essaying but it may be helpful in the future to understand why this happens in other situations.

posted 3 months ago

Its so true, it's not only a name that makes sense and integrates well, hearing its not like this is taking over and is hidden in every nook and cranny while it also doesn't fit in in every instance.

They were chosen solely because they could be fit in a place like this without taking much effort and not impacting the game at all, which makes them a win-win, this is like the one of the only ways to implement sponsors that's actually heat.

posted 3 months ago

What are your opinions on her? From my POV I'd say she's one of the faces of GC, especially considering how successful she's been. But what is weird is the public opinion of Flor, it seems to me at least that there's like a million Flor haters for no particular reason, I do understand that especially since its the Valorant community there's gonna be an above average % of transphobic people, that's a given, but that wouldn't explain the amount of hate flor gets unless I'm severely underestimating the amount of transphobic people that exist in here.
Does this have to do with just misconceptions of what GC actually is? Do people hate flor personally for some reason? Or is it just a bad place bad time situation where I ended up seeing a disproportionate amount of florescent hate by pure misfortune?

posted 3 months ago

I have never once met a real person that actually cares about something like this.
Like this at a maximum is an issue for 1 in like 40 people and that is the absolute highest I can go. They'll just get used to it and not care after like 10 minutes, the only way their life wouldn't go on unaltered because of this is if they decided to be against it and now they just dislike it, worst part is when people stop hearing it they legit don't even notice it went away or they do and now don't care so they move on.

If the team was just VISAKRÜ no spaces that was just the name of the team, nobody would bat an eye and I have proof! The proof is that every single other team has a name, really sophisticated statistics I had to pull out right here.
I'm still hopeful that in reality I just fell for VLR bait.

posted 3 months ago

Please don't bother guys even if its not bait he's too far gone.

posted 9 months ago

NGL I Thought It Wasn't About Mice For A Second But That's my Bad.

posted 10 months ago

IF EG make it to Shanghai or Champs im going bald and posting the picture on VLR, last year EG was good bc good synergy built over years (well not all the players but you get it) Demon1, and most importantly the 10 man roster that sped up the teams improvement by a lot. This year EG with a miracle could be like Top 5, Multiple Miracles.

posted 10 months ago

There is, Juwon is tripping monkey nuts dw about it.

posted 10 months ago

his jett isn't even bad, like he performed well when he played jett, not like he did on optic ofc but he had a much better set up, chemistry, and better comms, his chamber is just good, no need for me to elaborate, his raze is just shit, HE ISN'T A RAZE PLAYER, His whole legacy was built on his good/great jett play and his absurd chamber, and with all of this said, he plays raze almost every map, you tell me to not blame the coaches or the team, but you let him play raze, forget making him play raze, we're past that, even allowing him to play raze is straight up WICKED. put him under 24/7 surveillance with customized handcuffs that only go on when he tries to pick raze if you need to, riot allows us to watch yay play raze? hello? at least blur it or something holy

posted 10 months ago

can you imagine he actually changes his name to that

posted 10 months ago

English Class 5 Hours is MAD and I can't even deny it, also we don't need to get a raze to mentor yay, its way too much work just put him on jett and chamber and get dereyon to do whatever yay can't or another raze player?

posted 10 months ago

Compared to what he was doing on the other agents you might as well say that

posted 10 months ago

mce did think of it... he put yay on chamber in most games, and it worked.

posted 10 months ago
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