Wait are the games gonna be bo1 again???
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 1:07 PM |
Posts: | 28602 |
pero son los terceros turcos, pasaron por puntos solo
Group B is by far the group of death imo I can see absolutely any outcome there
Each league having a different format is so confusing but this one is terrible imo. Having meaningless finals ain't it
This game is completely pointless for Ascension right?
He can't. Matter of fact he won't even be 17 by the start of next season
You're also bringing in their style, last year with their IGL and now with the coach
Plus you're considering kaajak the best duelist available because he is farming a farmer league just like Keiko last year
Idk, it just sounds like a recipe to be top 8 again
Alright yeah that's what I thought. It's just that the replies above all sound like if that means Flashback isn't still accused
That sounds exactly like what they did last year xD
are you okay? who is this and what did you do with cned fan
She's the one who mistranslated tho right? No the original accuser?
Well that is very only very long games. Usually games end earlier than that. At least at a time doable on the weekends and for a games and a half or weekdays for me.
Also I would say next tournament in the US is due in the East Coast
I'm glad no region timezone has that type of schedule for us
I hope so just because of the banger name
Both CIS teams have lost and will meet at the Play in
That is what I mean yeah
Still a fumble if they can't ascend
How does Turkey manage to fumble ascension every year
Does howl go to Play in? Or is it Galakticos?
Well tbh I understand to a certain point. Having sixteen year olds travel and stuff or quit school but yeah it kinda does suck
They better not ascend then lmao
Boo and MiniBoo kinda fit the theme
KOI is not because of the fish tho but yeah it ain’t it
Mad Lions KOI sounds terrible aswell, should have named it MAD Riders
Wait till you find out about Pheonix
Yeah, I also remember rhyme back in the day sure there’s plenty of examples
Going off of his accent I’d say he’s English but I have no fucking clue
How can an agent that you still get surprised when you see overrated tho
Either way what they need to do is nerf Omen so we can actually see other stuff
Clove has been used a lot more than Harbor lately tho
Idk how it came to be but players can ask to change their flags, idk if Benjy did or they just gave him that one
I've done my fair amount of bringing news to vlr myself and I know the feeling. Def no bad intentions, and if he didn't miss translate I don't think he is very responsible for brining the news here, news were already out we deserved to know what was going on. He did have an opinion but I think he did a fair job of never stating Flashback was guilty, at least not that I saw
He did involve himself a lot, he brought it to vlr so probably felt responsible to answer people on here. And then he contacted the girl so probably leaned more towards her side. That is probably why
That being, we will never know if Flashback did what he's accused of or not. You can choose to believe it or not but we'll never really know anyway
If he was mid maybe but he's too good. But considering there is not legal investigation people will probably have forgotten by next week
Tbf I did read him say a thousand times "We don't know yet", "Nothing official", "Signs point at". I never saw him affirm Flashback did it, just that he looked like he was the accused one. But I could be wrong
I'm not applying my law, it being sexual abuse it's completely independent to it being legal or illegal. Something can be illegal somewhere and legal somewhere else but that doesn't change the action
And here you have one of the Spanish Ministers Irene Montero explicitly stating how this is indeed sexual abuse and a crime under our law https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2297132910424119&id=699285113542248&set=a.699902230147203
Ik, it's a quite recent law that includes it, which btw is an absolutely ridiculous law you might wanna check it out if you're interested it's commonly known as the "Solo Si es Si" law.
I also explicitly know it's a crime because an influencer in Spain bragged about doing exactly what flashback is accused of and I believe wasn't prosecuted because the law wasn't passed yet. But here you have the textual words of one of the spanish ministers addressing the situation (You might need to translate)
Quitarse el preservativo o eyacular dentro sin consentimiento es hoy abuso sexual y la Ley #SoloSíesSí lo reconocerá como agresión.
Presumir ante 26 millones de seguidores de algo así refleja la urgencia de poner el consentimiento en el centro. Lo pondremos en conocimiento de Fiscalía.
Let’s be clear for a sec here. He is indeed innocent because he is not being accused of any crime in Korea.
That being said what he is accused of is very wrong but unfortunately it’s absolutely impossible to proof so idk wtf DRX is investigating. So we simply just will never know
Absolutely not it happens every game someone easily killing while stunned
It definitely does not have to be repeated, plenty of types of abuse that don't have to be repeated
she claims to have specifically stated that, which is not ambiguous, what it is, is impossible to proof. That being said, here in Spain for example is indeed a recognized form of rape and sexual abuse
Yes it is, in Spain it is, you're not the center of the world. But that is literally not the point, idc if it's a crime in Kr. It not being a crime doesn't change the action
I'm sorry but you're trying to educate people when you're absolutely clueless yourself, a quick google search will tell you "Abuse is repeated" that it's just not true. Rape is sexual abuse
And call it what you will means idc what name you give it the action is the same one and means the exact same thing you give it the name you give it
"but even then there is enough ambiguity to leave it no merit". No, according to her she stated she was against that before the sex
And this has nothing to do with evidence, I'm arguing what he is being accused of, not if he is guilty, completely different things
Nope, completely different thing. The issue here is not the unprotected sex, they agreed to that part. The issue is ejaculating without consent, an I'm sorry if you don't see anything wrong there idk what to tell you. It's not a crime in Korea, sure, that doesn't change it's name tho
So you once you consent to intercourse you can do whatever tf you want? Ok bro lmao
Ok buddy, whatever you say. What would you call it then
Ejaculating inside someone without permission is indeed, rape
Ik with all the pedo cases lately it seems like all cases are about that but no. The issue here is rape not pedophilia
I think one of the main problems with it is that people already have their crosshair where they want to. Maybe break that preaim making them look at a completely random place of the screen when they get stunned so that they have to recover