Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: March 3, 2025 at 4:05 PM
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It would be so easy to trick people into thinking spanish sources confirm it

posted 6 months ago

It’s a bait my friend xD

KOI has not started signing players, they’re about to sign the coach next week and start tryouts

posted 6 months ago

Atleti scammed them hard

posted 6 months ago

¿con quien hablas también?*

posted 6 months ago

Thankfully it won’t be TH

posted 6 months ago

that doesn't make any sense, but regardless are you even sure? I'm pretty sure pacific has more population than EMEA

posted 6 months ago

Ofc, cned Sova ain't a thing is it xD. But if you have so many good duelists I'm sure many have the capability to reroll

posted 6 months ago

Duelist are very effective on other roles, look at KC this year. That is not a problem at all

posted 6 months ago

no that would be y0y +1 I'm talking y0y to the power of -1

posted 6 months ago

Def not bigger than LOL

posted 6 months ago

Wdym, it's clearly the inverse of y0y

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

There are way more than 1.4 billion potential viewers in APAC, let alone the other 3 regions combined

posted 6 months ago

I imagine someone has posted this already but it's fucking nuts. Mfs have more viewers than every other region combined xD

posted 6 months ago

Maybe the ultimate steals the gun? I don't think so, way too broken

posted 6 months ago

If I had to guess I don't think EMEA teams will have academies either

posted 6 months ago

Boaster on Sova

posted 6 months ago

It would for sure help the viewership issue and I think that's the key step for everything else to fall in place

posted 6 months ago

It could be a similar issue yes, specially for countries that will be having only 1 or 2 spots in tier 2 that have a tier 1 team aswell

posted 6 months ago

TH jersey is a banger

posted 6 months ago

Sure, Ig that depends on how each TO has set up their league. But not many of them have many teams access through premier. They are all forced to let at least 1 team in through Premier I believe, but for example here in Spain that is only 1, all other spots are assigned by LVP, the TO

posted 6 months ago

Yes yes, maybe I explained it wrong. I meant the orgs do not own the spot as in it's not theirs to sell, belongs to the TO. But yes the spot is not owned but does belong to the org not the players, org can kick everyone out and build again, doesn't have to keep a core of players, the spot does not belong to the players

posted 6 months ago

I don't think teams just "chose a region to have an academy". The TO has to let you in and I would assume they wouldn't at least not more than one

posted 6 months ago

Fyi, Barsa coach made a stream yesterday explaining the whole situation, was pretty transparent about it. He basically said he felt really sorry for Kpzet and that this was extremely unfair to him who deserves to be in Ascension. He mentioned they literally just finished tryouts this week

This tells us
1 No bad blood with Kpzet from the coaching staff part he genuinely sounded sorry, but felt like it was the right choice
2 They held tryouts which means they first kicked KP and then signed someone. Meaning they decision of benching Kp came first not the other way around
3 They do not have much ready for Ascension this just happened now

posted 6 months ago

France and Spain have the most in EMEA 3 each (KC, M8, VIT)(KOI, GX, TH), although one of the 3 French ones is an ascension team so I don't think having an academy makes any sense for them, so in this case I would only count 2

But the main reason why I say it this is an issue for leagues like Spain but not idk, Korea for example is because Spain shares league with Portugal and Italy, we only have 4 spots for Spanish orgs, potentially 5. So 3 Academies literally would only leave 1 or 2 Spanish teams that could go to Ascension

posted 6 months ago

Players did not earn that spot for the most part so I don't see how the spot being linked to them makes any sense

posted 6 months ago

Exactly, NA is the only other region in the world that could have a similar issue than Spain in that regard

posted 6 months ago

as far as I understand teams do not own league spots so you can sell the roster but not your spot, so it wouldn't really make sense

posted 6 months ago

I doubt it's the tier 1 teams unless it is in the off season

posted 6 months ago

But if you're a good tier 2 player, do you rather sign for an academy team knowing you are renouncing Ascension but have the chance to get promoted mid season?

posted 6 months ago

Another thing to address is that now franchised teams are allowed to have academies but they cannot take part in Ascension.

Idk if teams will actually want to do that since it feels expensive, but looking at how well rookies work it might be more effective than in other games. It's extremely odd because idk what kind of player accept the fact that he won't be playing Ascension no matter what. And idk how this model compares to affiliated teams.

This is also incredibly odd specifically here in Spain. We currently have 3 franchise orgs, since they left the league has basically lost all its audience but when they competed there it was one of the most watched leagues in the world. But it just so happens that the Spain VCL just merged with Italy and Portugal so there isn't really space for them if they wanted academies. The only way they could let them in is by expanding the total amount of teams. And even then, I'd be worried if 3 of our best teams couldn't go to Ascension

posted 6 months ago

Yeah that would be the ideal scenario. I'm saying what if the tier 2 team never wins

posted 6 months ago

Idk really, a guy was asking this the other day. I'm not 100% positive if both Ascension teams make playoffs they both get to go to Ascension, the one that places worse might get directly relegated idk. And idk if that would be better or worse lmao. In defense of Riot this is hard af

posted 6 months ago

If they get relegated they are not "significantly better than everyone else". And if they get relegated I seriously doubt they manage to keep the players, if I were them I would have clauses on my contract for that

posted 6 months ago

Nah I overall like the changes but that might need some polishing

posted 6 months ago

Yeah a tier 1 team has a big advantage on which players they can sign respect to a tier 2.

If the tier 2 team has to beat G2 to ascend we might never get a new team. Also G2 is good this year but imagine they had to play relegation and their team wasn’t good, I can’t imagine them not spending whatever is necessary to retain that spot

posted 6 months ago

If I understand this properly 8 teams now make playoffs in split 2. Which means the chances of an ascension team to fight for his spot instead of being directly relegated increase quite a lot

I think this is good but it could lead to a block where no team ascends for a while if I’m understanding this correctly

posted 6 months ago

Yeah mb, it’s probably 4 not 2

posted 6 months ago

Probably 2 best teams of last year get a bye or something. It specifically mentions seed when talking about it if I’m not mistaken

posted 6 months ago

What do you think of the roster

posted 6 months ago

I was gonna make a did he pay him 10k to say all that joke but I’ll restrain myself because I do feel bad for him

posted 6 months ago

Oh okay. But they did slightly increase them tho right? I think they said each split will have 8 regular season games instead of 6?

It’s probably still not enough, should probably play the full split against the 11 teams but Ig it’s better than nothing. I’m mostly glad because your season can’t be over after 1 split now which is a significant improvement and because they did add a ton of games to tier 2

posted 6 months ago

As long as it doesn’t spread out through the team they should be fine tho

posted 6 months ago

How is the increase of regional games bad?

posted 6 months ago

Could host it at the Giuseppe Meazza stadium, or even at San Siro if they wanna go crazy

posted 6 months ago


It's not fake fyi

posted 6 months ago

You're late to the party bro

posted 6 months ago

yup, at that time there were 3 leagues and no ascension teams. They invited 2 Chinese teams to make it 32. Now it's 4 leagues with 2 ascended teams each, 48

posted 6 months ago

Will never happen again, way too expensive, and I don't even know if logistically possible. There's 48 Franchised teams now man

posted 6 months ago

Fair enough Kpzet has played bigger tournaments, Jesse has been around longer and had better teamates. I think it is a very 1 for 1 change idk

We'll have to see how they look Ig, they're in the harder group. Can't wait for Ascension tbh

posted 6 months ago
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