Woot’s performance is also meh compared to him at Shanghai, it’s imposible to maintain that for long
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Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 4:05 PM |
Posts: | 28605 |
Woot’s performance is also meh compared to him at Shanghai, it’s imposible to maintain that for long
Unironically the best part about his Neon was the stun
He did expect it, they have been cooking this comp for a while and were saving it as surprise. It’s not a permaban picked that they just chose whatever
Seems like the best agent in the game to stop and execute you can play it as a hard strong holder. And many teams are already used to attacking without sentinel to cover the back
Being clutch is not a fluke
I hope it can finally go in place of cypher killjoy. The last sentinels have been everything but actual sentinels. We’ve been switching between those 2 since the very first day
I thought it was supposed to be revealed in like 40 min but idfk
Hell yeah they do, G2's got some big bucks
Just throw the fucking bag at Jawgemo there's no way EG can retain him. Matter of fact he's FA if I remember correctly
Ah yes the legendary player mikeshd, never seen a Raze like that one anywhere else
It wouldn't really make sense if they didn't it wouldn't be cohesive for next games, and we would never know which is which looking back in history
Has this updated all of the ratings on all past games?
Hell no Lev are favorites to win rn for sure
Haven't watched a single episode but it must be funny for sure. Too much Americas propaganda for my taste
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Bro’s gonna watch the Babysasuke and Nutable podcast aswell see if he can get some strats
No he’s not he’s absolutely terrible. Has 2 good plays every 5 games and for the rest of the time he legit looks like he doesn’t give a single fuck about anything
Ah yes Kaplan about to watch all of the sideshow analysis to counterstrat Miniboo
Bro I think we've spoken 3 times and the 3 times answering a completely unrelated thing with "KPI dickrider" cause you once said Sayonara was bad and I told you that didn't make any sense. Let go my arm buddy or at least answer what I'm saying tf does KPI have to do every time xDDD
I'm just saying absolutely no one that has been following keloqz for a while things he would be fucking fire in VCT
It's okay you haven't seen him play in a while. I promise you it wouldn't be fucking fire
It all depends on how they apply it not on what it does imo. There's already agents that do that and they're not necessarily broken
No I just disagree, I just think benjy is currently better in every individual regard. Matter of fact he was the best sentinel in the world for a good part of the year. A Split 1 like benjy's I haven't seen by a sentinel in a long long time
Johnqt is amazing, but for an IGL, I don't think it's the same
broken would be fun ngl, specially now that most tournaments are over
Benjy is simply more individually talented, his highs are way higher. And I think the IGL thing is already factored in when you compare each teams IGLing separately
Yeah that's the only thing I disagree with
Fair enough, I do like the trash talking tho, but that one just felt a bit awkward, I'm sure we lack context
Got a bit too overhyped against PRX at Madrid screamed at someone's face. But that's kinda it, he doesn't even trash talk much at all
I would like it to be triggerable like if it was part of sentinel util to stronghold a site if it makes any sense. I think it would be best way to implement it
Sounds like a sentinel for what I've read. Idk if good or bad but all of his abilities look made to stronghold
You sound like you haven't see, here's a good summary https://www.vlr.gg/394959/vyse-abilities
No cause you can activate it not throw it which means you can peek with it
I think a sentinel with flashes is interesting, I like the idea
The other abilities are already leaked tho. I imagine if you assume the ult is true the rest are also true?
Bro acting like there aren't agents that already do that in the game
Well you have to see how that works but it could literally be a worse Killjoy/gekko ult or just be broken
Ok so let me get it straight. You get benched from tier 1, you go to tier 2 and you're terrible, you get picked up back into tier 1 and guess what, you're shit again. How is the conclusion of that, "yes he has earned another chance"? Sure buddy
Look I don't even think you're doing yay a favor. If what lejiga said the other day is true, the last thing he needs rn is the pressure of an NA tier 1 team. Needs to get back in shape in a less pressure environment
First of all Bleed is not a tier 2 team. And second of all that kinda is how it works, why would being trash in tier 2 earn you a spot in tier 1
Why not a tier 2 team?? I actually think it’s very likely a tier 2 team
It aged perfectly fine, Boo was one of if not the worst player in EMEA
He became a great IGL later? Sure but my point here is those mfs kept switching IGL and loosing