Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: February 17, 2025 at 4:30 PM
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What is sad is that you use the language as your first weapon to attack people when you don't move a fucking finger to understand other people

Plus literally nothing wrong with my comment. He is saying that people think they know better than teams and I'm saying judging by that comment he is one of those guys

posted about a year ago

You're not getting my point, I don't care if you think the roster is good or not, it's just funny to go "Vlr users think they know better than teams" and then "this team is dogshit"

posted about a year ago

S'aprecia la comprensió

posted about a year ago

Que estoy haciendo que? No, veo que el catalán no lo has pillado asi que haber el español. Hablo ingles de puta madre pero como veo que no me entiendes así que digo voy a probar otra cosa haber si nos entendemos mejor

posted about a year ago

So does that not know you think you know better than the coach who made the roster?

posted about a year ago

Hostia de veritat? No fotis tu, gràcies per l'explicació, la pròxima vegada m'asegur de que ho hagi entès

posted about a year ago

Are you implying that you know more than the NAVI and TL teams?

posted about a year ago

Whatever, he is objectively the best duelist in the world and since he plays a lot if raze that makes him top 3. Is not deeper than that

posted about a year ago

Better than aspas trexx and ardiis at most
Would add Zmjkk on top of him tho, so yes, borderline top 10 maybe. Not anywhere close top 3 or 5 tho

posted about a year ago

Well, as Chronicle's son I could see why you would be biased towards him

posted about a year ago

That's hard cap, Derke literally just won Tokyo playing only Raze

And no, Nukkye hasn't entered a site in his career, I fucking love his Raze but it needs to be put next to an entry, and that just doesn't let me rank him as high as he would otherwise

posted about a year ago

There would be 0 doubt if he was on a better team but it’s still pretty obvious . Jingg and Derke being the other 2

posted about a year ago

You're right, Mwzera would have solo carried from 4-13 to 13-4

posted about a year ago

I call getting ninja defused in a 1 vs 2 to win the game a choke

posted about a year ago

I'm living in 1h ago when they just choked for the 100th time

posted about a year ago

It's never over when you play KRU

posted about a year ago

I still can't figure out if it is Klaus or Melser

posted about a year ago

Times go by but they still don't know how to close a map

posted about a year ago

Being realistic Nagzet is better on bench

posted about a year ago

If you get the chance you split, nothing guarantees you won't choke next year again

posted about a year ago

Wasn't even talking about KOI, it's all the rest, you just left Giants without an IGL, TH literally just as shit, etc...

posted about a year ago

Wtf did I just read

posted about a year ago

Not sick, injured, so no konan is playing. Great player tho not a random sub even tho it is still a disadvantage

posted about a year ago

That's what I thought, big competition for sentinels

posted about a year ago

What, I think you read my post wrong

posted about a year ago

Almost put it, but I already trolled NA, so I didn't wanna get 2 fanbases mad at once

posted about a year ago

Yeah Ik gotaga, I'm informed. Well we'll see the impact on the numbers M8 have, hopefully it's as big as you say

posted about a year ago

It is x10 more beneficial for the league than if Apeks and their 20 viewers made it, no doubts about that

posted about a year ago

Question, who do you pick up Magnum or Monster

posted about a year ago

Exactly my point my friend, I think you got me wrong. I didn't mean that KC fans are the same as M8. I meant that M8 fans already watch the league because they are already represented

posted about a year ago

It does because that was my point. Is this guy saying that all M8 fans do not already watch their country representation in tier 1 at all?

posted about a year ago

Any 2 teams from 1 country is repeating somehow, #22 is a more developed explanation

posted about a year ago

#22 is what I meant

posted about a year ago

Like idk how to explain it but it doesn't exactly work like that in any region, it happens the same here in Spain, let me try and put an example

Imagine only NRG from NA made champs. With 1 team most of NA would be watching, if you also add 100T then yes, there are more viewers, but at the end of the day the jump is not as big, most of those 100T fans were watching the games anyway. Idk if that explains what I meant better

posted about a year ago

Alright not an if anymore

posted about a year ago

Content org said the M8 fan. Koldamenta is better than any French player ever has

Ik you don't like him, no need to tell me everyday xD

posted about a year ago

Yeah still an if, but it's not wrong to expeculate

posted about a year ago

Amazing amount of viewers, KC/BBL/KOI type of org
Apeks players are more likely to get picked up imo
Hopefully Apeks sticks to Polaris, league has 2 orgs and is not in a position to lose one of the 2
We see new players in franchising that we hadn't seen before, unlike Apeks
M8 > M80 EMEA has the better M8

Repeats fanbase with KC
1 nationality teams have a limited talent pool from where to choose when they replace players so more talented players can be left out

posted about a year ago

Well I think KC needs Enzo the most, but I'm afraid Scream will want to IGL again.
Other than that TH could use him but I heard he rejected them at some point (might be wrong tho), so maybe they try again
Vitality tho seems like a logic move now without Bonecold, French org

posted about a year ago

Weird way to spell yes please

posted about a year ago

Weird way to spell Giants

posted about a year ago

Koldamenta literally made that Acend roster, and starxo and Zeek were big callers that’s why it worked out. If it was like you say why did he get benched right after winning champs

Also had to drop the IGL role mid season last year cause it wasn’t working, and now again. Too many times

posted about a year ago

He had an insane firepower when Kolda was Acend IGL

posted about a year ago

He has had to stop IGLing 3 times now, it’ll just not working

posted about a year ago

And BaddyG was the IGL last year and Acend had also IGL issues. He should just focus on the fragging

posted about a year ago

Dang, does not making look good. His IGLing has been questioned before, what if he dropped the IGL role and focus on fragging again?

posted about a year ago

Fair Ig

posted about a year ago

If the Chinese count it’s not only Pacific so something should count too

posted about a year ago

Hell no. He is not better than Sayf Derke cNed qw1 Quitoner Scream. He would be better than Wolfen keloqz and keloqz but not further than Fitinho

posted about a year ago

The core of the roster and the coach still together after so much time it's impressive.
Party Parrots tho...

posted about a year ago
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