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Registered: February 21, 2021
Last post: August 24, 2023 at 7:52 PM
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Ascent is insanely T sided. Literally nothing but small chokes and u have to watch like 3 total angles.

posted about a year ago

I told yall Xset would lose this map. They lose way too many rounds to stupid reasons and FPX is better overall. They just gave FPX 7 rounds on attack of ascent. Shit is a wrap.

posted about a year ago

Xset is MEGA trolling. ITs a 5v2 literally just afk on the site and you win the round.

posted about a year ago

they just 1 by 1 peaked random shit and died. classic NA strat

posted about a year ago

boring as gun to see run around on pistols rounds getting 90% of the kills. i agree

posted about a year ago

Not even trying to jinx honestly. I think FPX will win it. FPX is no slouch on ascent and they usually carry through map 3 well

posted about a year ago

FPX takes momentum from map win and wins ascent because its one of their better maps. You heard it here first

posted about a year ago

Bro map isnt even over yet. FPX can still easily win this series

posted about a year ago

ego push by one of the worst performing players in the tournament. Imagine FNS just running down B long swinging LOOOL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Brotha Xset isnt that great at Bind, and ascent could be a toss up, very easily winnable for EU

posted about a year ago

But FPX banned breeze he was saying why let pearl through, but as #2 said FPX breeze is dog

posted about a year ago

His monitor turn off or?

posted about a year ago

EU chose not to practice the map so now its bad. You can clearly tell the NA teams did some crazy work in the lab on the map since all 3 NA teams at the event looked good on the map. P sure they are undefeated on the map except for the xset loss to another NA team.

posted about a year ago

Chamber is just awful design. We didnt like jett get out of jail free card. So they made an agent that has trips, and op ult and sheriff, that can also tp 5 times a round half way across the map. Just to get a chamber to TP away from B long it takes like 2 prowers, 2 astra stars, kayo knife, kayo molly, maybe a flash. That isn't healthy at all that you need to use half of your util just to get 1 guy to move a little bit.

posted about a year ago

I think pearl is fine except B long is stupid. Maybe its just an issue with chamber existing but it shouldnt take 2 prowerls, kayo knife, 2 astra stars, and neon dash to try and get a chamber off of an angle. Half your util gone just to get 1 person to TP away

posted about a year ago

yeah ardiis might have had more kills in the first half but cryo had way more impact on either side compared to him.

posted about a year ago

ardiis defense op merchant cryo betta

posted about a year ago

yeah his first play was nice going through the wall but that jump up was MEGA troll like its exposed to 4 different angles there is 0% chance that ever works

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If Xset wants to win series i think they need to win pearl. I dont see them winning bind

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They had some crazy clutches in masters when they were about to lose to LEV, but now if they dont have numbers advantage they look like its just a loss every time.

posted about a year ago

Most likely going to Bren/sideshow or pansy/hypoc. I would prefer bren/sideshow but my guess is pansy/hypoc cast finals

posted about a year ago

I love when chamber tps from pushed up a main to a link near his spawn! Lots of counterplay!

posted about a year ago

We all complained about jett get out of jail free card then riot gave us chamber with like 5 per round and tp across half the map. Shit is op af and boring to play against.

posted about a year ago

Every time i saw taco play he looked like ass. D tier is fine. One of the worst chambers at the event

posted about a year ago

There were a lot of people saying derke was the best player in the world leading up to the masters because derke was beating up on EU teams. I dont remember who but i know multiple people had him #1 and yay #2 and stuff like that. Total whack imo

posted about a year ago

I understand the point. But league teams have to do the same thing depending on format. They will just slam bo5s day after day. Just a product of double elim system

posted about a year ago

Zombs breathes funny and he has 300 people from brazil commenting on his twitter 💀

posted about a year ago

Its okay FPX freaks will say ardiis > yay when he drops 35 in his one game out of 5 he performs like crazy. When every other game hes mid

posted about a year ago

They had to replace a whole ass pc. Cant really make that very quick

posted about a year ago

The lower finals are Bo5 and of course the grand finals are Bo5 as well. Wouldnt it make sense that the upper finals is Bo5 as well? Seems weird that lowers is Bo5 but upper finals with potentially the 2 best teams is just a Bo3. Thoughts?

posted about a year ago

I know it was a while ago but last time optic and loud played icebox it was 13-11 loud and it took less having the game of his life to win. So it might be closer than we think.

posted about a year ago

Hes not bad. He just does nothing even close to what yay does. People kept saying he was in contention for best player in the world cuz they stomped EU challengers 💀

posted about a year ago

Derke gotta worry about not getting eliminated 💀💀

posted about a year ago

Derke never been that good and ardiis will drop 40 one map then drop 12 the next 2. Yay drop like 20-25+ every time no questions

posted about a year ago

Remember when people said derke and ardiis were better than yay 💀

posted about a year ago

Yeah pretty sure optic perma ban icebox. Unless they cooked up some wicked shit on that map and they hid it this long. So if it does go icebox loud wins tbh

posted about a year ago

Optic will just pick bind no?

posted about a year ago

Loud have to choose one and optic is gonna pick the other. My guess is loud bans pearl and plays on bind. Optic bans breeze or icebox maybe?

posted about a year ago

Idk what to expect because of maps. Last time loud banned haven but looked good against DRX. They almost 100% ban pearl and the rest who knows.

posted about a year ago

I think map veto matters most. If LOUD lets through pearl its a wrap, but optic on breeze is kinda shit. If one team trolls map bans it could be a quick 2-0

posted about a year ago

Im hopium 2-1 optic because i think Loud doesnt have enough map bans to stop optic. But who knows

posted about a year ago

EU fans were pissed at that one wtf lmao

posted about a year ago

Sucks because the map is probably going to be perma ban against optic and xset now. No way a team lets it through except maybe fpx if they have some funky strats

posted about a year ago

Too easy for optic. Best team in the world. Loud better ban pearl or its a free map win

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No matter what region it is if you afk in spawn until 20 seconds that shit boring af and i kinda want them to lose so they cant so it again

posted about a year ago

Most likely scenario. No one but NA has looked good on the map

posted about a year ago
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