Flag: United States
Registered: February 21, 2021
Last post: August 24, 2023 at 7:52 PM
Posts: 400
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The jett was fine. Rb held his ult for 10 rounds doing nothing when he couldve just won so many rounds with it

posted about a year ago

Dude. Saving ult for next map??? Just use kj ult and get a round holy

posted about a year ago

This either gonna be big brain or big bad

posted about a year ago

Battle of the bums. Gotta be a bet somewhere for lowest acs they are competing for

posted about a year ago

Facts astra meta was giga lame. Wait till 20 secs every round baiting util.

posted about a year ago

Ill take mako over 2 marved currently. Marved aint hittin at all

posted about a year ago

Brotha it aint over yet. Good map 1 from both teams anyone can take it

posted about a year ago

My man playing 5d chess

posted about a year ago

But the 2-4 slots of brazil get grouped every LAN. Im not saying they dont have good players, but you cant pretend they have done anything either by that logic

posted about a year ago

I mean yes technically. But i would assume they have to breach some part of the rulebook. You cant just do that because someone doesnt like them

posted about a year ago

Other than loud has a single BR team made it out of groups at any tournament?

posted about a year ago

I personally think it should be 6-2-2 but it looks like riot is going to 5-3-2. I just feel like the 3rd brazil team if it is only brazil just isnt good enough. Loud is amazing and furia maybe could take some games. But historically brazil has been a 1 team region. 3 slots kinda too many

posted about a year ago

💀 u not serious right?

posted about a year ago

Why. Other than Loud their others teams suck. Its not a flame its just true. Although rumor is they already have 3. Which is kinda whack in my opinion. Other than loud brazil teams just got turbo stomped at international events

posted about a year ago

Yall almost at diazil 😎

posted about a year ago

What is yay supposed to do when its 5v3 every time cuz Fns and marved aint playin with monitors

posted about a year ago

Yay is still playing + best player in the world

posted about a year ago

But its an objective fact fns played like dogshit. Why yall every time loud wins gotta act like 0 people give you credit. Just because someone doesnt slurp them in every post doesnt mean they are diminishing their accomplishments

posted about a year ago

Cant find TL on the schedule, when do they play next? And in all seriousness, it’s banter back and forth. Its not supposed to be taken literally. Every region does it.

posted about a year ago

You can have the best strats of all time. You aint winnin with someone -41 or -20 in 2 maps 💀

posted about a year ago

But you dont have to be “known for fragging”. You just cant be dropping 11 kills in 2 maps with 90 acs. I dont care what role you are thats just dogshit play. And he does it often.

posted about a year ago

Never said loud didnt play well. Fns is dogshit and loud are good. Both can be true

posted about a year ago

-20 in an upper final with 90 acs 💀

posted about a year ago

Ah the classic “well you arent a pro you cant have an opinion” comeback. Ive always said he drags the team down even if they win. Many other good igls frag why cant he?

posted about a year ago

Plenty of people complain about his godshit aim even if they win. Thats just not true. He may be a smart igl but he makes games harder because he cant aim

posted about a year ago

Yeah his strats lookin real good this match 💀💀

posted about a year ago

I dont care how big your brain is. If you constantly bot frag by a mile every time, you arent actually helping the team. FNS currently has 10 kills in 1.5 maps. Most of the time optic loses maps of series are him being so bad that even yay cant carry him. Learn to aim or find a new team

posted about a year ago

Yes we get it xset got hated on for no reason can we move on to talking about how optic is going to beat loud again pr why NA should have 6 slots instead of 5. Anything but this topic

posted about a year ago

Ik it might be out there but maybe something like Smash or another fighting game? Ik those are popular with a different crowd but have some notoriety

posted about a year ago

Its because the game has garbage movement mechanics so oping in any way other than jett or chamber is troll. CS oping is so dynamic because you can run, jump peak, bhop away. All kinds of stuff. This game you take 1 shot get hit in the toe with a classic and cant move your character.

posted about a year ago

They only got hate because the LAN is held in EU. If its held in NA 0 people would be hating. EU crowd got mega salty over saying EU quiet. Like bro thats the most basic of insults same as NA airport.

posted about a year ago

Lets just hope riot grows a pair and gives other regions except EU the masters and champions host. Im tired of EU lans. Put one in Asia and one in NA

posted about a year ago

Cool stuff. I just wish riot wasnt based in LA. Shit city

posted about a year ago

Fok off mate we dont want this. WE want EU v NA raging instead

posted about a year ago

NA is supposedly so garbage and has half of the player base as EU, but 100T were 1 game short of making it to where liquid did, since they just went 0-2 in playoffs. Xset, a team that went 0-2 in masters took #1 seed EU to very close 3 maps and shouldve won if they didnt giga throw a bunch of rounds, and NA #1 looks much better than any EU team and has the potential to already be in GF. FPX and Optic are close in terms of skill level but don't pretend like EU is miles ahead of NA. They are basically the same.

posted about a year ago

All they have to say is GGs and move on, but instead they shit on xset players without any basis. I hope DRX or Loud/Optic fist them in lowers. Time they and their fans get a reality check

posted about a year ago

Optic 2-1
FPX 2-0

posted about a year ago

I prefer barbell rows.

posted about a year ago

just extremely poor taste. even if they delete their tweets i hope either DRX or Loud/OPtic just fists them

posted about a year ago

go ahead and be mad, but degrading and flaming xset players afterwards is poor from professionals. Unironic case of being a sore winner

posted about a year ago

I didn't mind FPX and I didnt care too much if they won or last although i wanted NA to win, now I want them to get turbo shit stomped at some point for just flaming xset players for something they didnt even do.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but trashing the xset players for something they didn't do is a bit cringe. It was riot who made the decision xset was going to move on with the L

posted about a year ago

I want xset to win for the memes but FPX shouldnt have to replay they won

posted about a year ago

But the turret did bug? There is no reason 2 people are walking out tree and a turret is shooting heaven 💀

posted about a year ago

turret trolled them but im pretty sure dephh had knife the entire time, throw that shit somewhere and confirm. He just held it the entire time watching a wall then whiffs anyways

posted about a year ago

Still tryin to find EU teams in uppers?

posted about a year ago

Dude had knife that entire time and just didnt do anything, died first almost every round of attack. Garbage ass calls. Anyone else as IGL game is won for xset.

posted about a year ago

But like who the fuck is making these calls for xset. They just afk until 10 seconds then run into a stack every time like some garbage ass calls. Congrats FPX dephh ran out of strats round 3 of attack

posted about a year ago

You actin like Xset didnt throw like 4 rounds on their defense

posted about a year ago

A team that got turbo shit on last masters is now taking the previous champion to map 3 in a 5th 6th lower bracket game

posted about a year ago
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