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Registered: July 26, 2023
Last post: March 1, 2025 at 11:17 AM
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Dude it's your 3rd hot take relax 😭 (jk I need something to do iły fnc fan)

Hotness: 7/10
Correctness: 6/10
Lev will def lose to G2, Leviathan look kinda mid this year even with all the talent
I'm not sure about NRG yet, they're very up and down and it'll come down to their form
Definitely possible and unsurprising if comes true

posted 1 month ago

I think they're the most consistent and quite good
I value consistency over peaks so maybe it's just me

posted 1 month ago

Fnatic flair
Fnatic love Icebox historically
In fact I think Fnatic loves all the maps he mentioned

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 7/10
Correctness: 6/10
With how they looked against T1 (before T1 let them back into the game) it could very well happen and I wouldn't be surprised
They'll definitely beat DFM but I don't have as much faith in them if they play DRX or GenG

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 6/10
Correctness: 7/10
How can they play LOUD if they're going out against EG?
In all seriousness, I think that's just a good take if Loud continue their good form and cortezia forgets to plug in his monitor (this is a joke)

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 7/10
Correctness: 6/10
They lost to (what I consider) the best APAC team rn but I still rate them really highly
I can see it happening if they get GenG and PRX but they'll struggle against T1

posted 1 month ago

W analysis, here's to many more

I hope our paths cross and we can have a nice discussion someday

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 10/10
Correctness: -1/10
They lost to DRX

posted 1 month ago

It's good to have hope in your teams and region, but Apeks is taking this home. Their performance is unmatched, showing the highest level of Valorant. No one is topping that.

posted 1 month ago

Appreciate it, GenG believer "neuroniumtwistanium"

posted 1 month ago

uh....someone tell him I don't have the heart

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 4/10
Correctness: 7/10
As a closeted Fnatic supporter I'd hate that, but it might just happen.
Fnatic didn't make enough improvements to their squad (it's hard to replace Derke and Leo after all) while the rest of the field signed cracked players and now FNC don't look as good as they used to anymore
I hate that but what can you do

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 9/10
Correctness: 5/10
kajaak vs one of the GOATS is an interesting matchup in theory, but I don't think the youngling will diff Derke
The more likely outcome is the rest of VIT not stepping up and kajaak doing just enough to secure the dub

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 8/10
Correctness: 4/10
Talon have a better chance but I don't think they'll beat T1 or DRX, the main contenders for the top 2 spots
And as much as I love our lord and savior Meiy I don't think they'll beat PRX
I just don't see it

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 1/10
Correctness: 9/10
I mean....yeah? I don't know what else to say

posted 1 month ago

So? I don't see how that's relevant to the discussion

posted 1 month ago

What is it with Americas and losing big leads

posted 1 month ago

Last one for the day

Hotness: 8/10
Correctness: 5/10
As a DRX believer for kickoff I do think they have the best chance at making it to Bangkok
I can totally see GenG not making it tho, this team lives and dies by Foxy9

posted 1 month ago

Is this guy the real deal?
I don't know much about him but I saw him owning last year and was curious
Tell me how he's looking and what team you'd like to see him on
I'll read up in the morning. Thank you in advance

posted 1 month ago

I agree but all M8 have to do is make the lower final so the upper final result doesn't matter and I have not included it so it's irrelevant to the discussion

Unless you're arguing that M8 are on the level of Fut and Vitality in which case...yeah no

Edit: I didn't mean to come off as rude, so I apologize

posted 1 month ago

I don't know, but I'll pretend I do know

posted 1 month ago

At some point you just have to assume shit and hope it works out

Also it's the most likely outcome and if TH lose then the chances for M80 plummit

(I hope they'll be cured of whatever disease was bothering them in their first match)

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 6/10
Correctness: 6/10
Team Secret played 2 quite strong teams and whilst they dominated on map 1 in both games they ended up losing soundly
At this point you have to ask if it's unlucky or maybe a choking issue?
Anyway they didn't play a weaker team so we might not know, they played teams on their level or higher so in that sense you can say they were unlucky

posted 1 month ago

CanadaMan what would it take for me to become liked by thou
your inputs in all matter of Valorant-related discussions are greatly appreciated and I admire your positivity

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 8/10
Correctness: 5/10
There is certainly a world where they don't make it but I think they have the best shot excluding DRX
Could happen, but probably won't

posted 1 month ago

in seriousned their potential game against FUT/Vitality will make or break their run, with FNC being underdogs imo
Correctness: 7/10, likely but not guaranteed

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 6/10
Correctness: correct

posted 1 month ago

that's just how it's supposed to be. only good teams make it and every game is GAS

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 8/10
Correctness: 7/10
I think Pacific has the highest floor but also the lowest ceiling out of the 4 regions right now
You are forgetting DRX who I think will make it and will at least get a win but overall I agree with you

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 10/10
Correctness: no
no shot. Liquid look so bad in their games there is no way

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 7/10
Correctness 9/10
Lev is 100% not as good as people make them out to be
PRX still have a shot at Bangkok but it's likely they won't make it.
I agree with you a lot

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 9/10
Correctness: 4/10
I love Kru, but they confuse me
They looked lost against LOUD but beat the piss out of 2Glue
It'd be really funny if it happens and I'd love for it to happen, but I don't think it will

posted 1 month ago


but since you seem reasonable I'll do it anyway

Hotness: 9/10
Correctness: 4/10
There are lots of strong teams across the leagues and I don't think Giantx are one of those.
If they are to win they'd have to pull some serious bullshit out of their asses or really improve after kickoff, maybe a roster change or 2
Unlikely but plausible

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 5/10
Correctness: 5/10
I think the Furia roster has potential based on the off-season, but that's only if they all click at the same time
Just give them time they will be the 10th best Americas team

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 7/10
Correctness: 4/10
Unlikely, but very funny if it happens
RIP FNS's last year

posted 1 month ago

I will remember this next time I queue into icebox

posted 1 month ago

I did say Kickoff, meaning ONLY Kickoff and not Bangkok, but since you're here....

Hotness: 10/10
Correctness: idk like a 2/10
As a fellow EDG believer I think they have a legit shot at winning
The second part of your take drags it down overall since I really think G2 are so much better than them

posted 1 month ago

that's an interesting way to look at it, however I don't think any of the americas teams are the type to throw a random weird strat at G2
even if, I think their firepower will bail them out and they'll adapt in 2-4 rounds

posted 1 month ago

hey wait a minute I've seen this somewhere before

posted 1 month ago

surely not

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 9/10
Correctness: 6/10
They have a hard bracket and even if they beat Fnatic I don't think it'd be doable
Fnatic, Fut/Vit, BBL
It would be interesting if that happened tbh, but it's unlikely

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 6/10
Correctness: 8/10
They're definitely top 2, but since we haven't seen much of them or Team Sickretics I can see why you'd think that
FUT are a great team and I hope they get a good result at an international this year

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 7/10
Correctness: 6/10
For the roles to make sense they'd have to drop v1c unless they drop more than 1 player
I can see Clown9 dropping players because fuck you that's why
The bigger issue is I'm not sure if Marved would even want to play for C9

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 9/10
Correctness: 3/10
As much as I'd love for it to happen, it's not going to
the absolute GAUNTLET they'd have to go through will prove too much for the team
I really like EG tho and I wish them lots successes in this year (I hope they make champs and yay proves his doubters wrong)

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 8/10
Correctness: 6/10
It's definitely possible that DRX make Bangkok as they look like the best APAC team rn, cold take

RRQ on the other hand, I don't think they have it in them to make a run like that, especially if xffero is still sick
They'd have to beat NS, Talon/T1, PRX AND the loser of the upper final and I think it might be too hard for them.

If it does happen tho I'll become an RRQ fan on top of many other teams I support

posted 1 month ago

idk you personally but I don't think it's that hot of a take, I think people rate DRG overall

posted 1 month ago

Hotness: 9/10
Correctness: 4/10
I just don't see it, they look so strong that I don't think they won't come at least 2nd
They'll def beat LEV, Sen vs G2 is very winnable for G2 and in fact I favor them in that series
If they do lose however I still think they'd be strong enough to go though lowers

posted 1 month ago

Hotness 5/10
Correctness 8/10

They definitely are in the discussion for top 4 in china since FPX looked so...mid
Right now I'd say it's
and then the rest

posted 1 month ago

Hope we can have a civil and intellectual discussion :3

posted 1 month ago

Drop your hottest Kickoff take and I'll rate it in terms of hotness and correctness

posted 1 month ago
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