it takes 30-40 seconds for the star to recharge and be reusable.
I think that 30-40 is too short. the grav well is really strong and having multiple is kinda crazy. maybe make it like 60 seconds or something
Make the Fade Eye trail, go directly towards enemy
i like this, but what i was thinking was that the trails show up on the minimap
i feel like the problem with breach is that it's so easy to hit shots when concussed. obv it's not 100% accurate but if you look at flors clip from yesterday she was full stunned and headshotted the raze out of the air
i dont think the wall is the problem. That shit is so fucking annoying to break. buff her other util. i dont like that her trips are easily avoided by just shift walking. make them so that if you pass through it, you get stunned
make the wall do a little bit of damage to enemies, it can be very minimal but i feel like even that will help her
If Iso wins his 1v1, he can Ult again, max 2 times.
I think instead of this, if iso LOSES, he gets to stay alive, kinda like a phoenix ult
make his molly go farther
I think yoru is perfectly balanced rn and should be left alone
besides those things, i agree with everything. viper is interesting