Flag: United States
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: September 26, 2024 at 2:04 PM
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am i stupid? i see it

posted 4 months ago

if it's cuz of the roster:
you're a believer in underdogs. you're a loyal person irl, and always trust those you're close with

if its cuz of the org:

you hate yourself, your life, and the world. you have serious problems and need a therapist asap

posted 4 months ago

tbh im stumped with this one cuz i know like almost nothing about ts

i'll just say you're a normal person with a life that has their ups and downs

apologies for the bad response

posted 4 months ago

i meant to say "youre NOT cheering" wtf

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

im gonna copy and paste my response to another lev guy

you're happy, have friends(maybe even gf), and you win a lot(be it in sports or wtv)

but you're not an asshole and flaunt all of this. you're humble

posted 4 months ago

ill copy and paste what i said for the other navi fan

you enjoy a good laugh. you're not someone to get angry easily, but if someone disses a person/celebrity that you like(not crush or anything), you get pissed off

posted 4 months ago

ik bro i had school and then swim practice. and ive gotta wait 30 secs before posting again😭

posted 4 months ago

i think that you're gonna have a heart attack watching the kru 100t game if that happens

posted 4 months ago

i didnt wanna say anything about twisten cuz i didn't know if that was something i could mention

but yea thats what i was gonna say

posted 4 months ago

you're loyal to the point it's a bit delulu. you probably have a bit of an ego that you're not able to back up, but you're still a decent person and have friends and shit

posted 4 months ago

you do decently well in life. you might have some notable accomplishments, but not many. not that that's a bad thing, you're just a normal person. you like your life mostly and you probably have lots of people that when someone mentions your name they're like "oh yeah that person. they're cool"

posted 4 months ago

you do well in life, but you never win something. there's always something holding you back
can come off as an asshole but you're really not

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

humble asf. you're like edg fans. you're not a weirdo, and you have an all around happy life. you care about helping others

posted 4 months ago

you're happy, have friends(maybe even gf), and you win a lot(be it in sports or wtv)

but you're not an asshole and flaunt all of this. you're humble

posted 4 months ago


in all seriousness, you're a good person. you believe in supporting people where no one else would. you love watching the underdogs prove people wrong and you have a lot of friends

posted 4 months ago

you do well enough in life but there's always something that's holding you back from being truly happy. it's nothing too big, but there's always that one thing in the back of your mind that leaves you unsatisfied

posted 4 months ago

you were once an eu fpx fan but now you're a cn fpx fan. you love a good laugh and you like seeing people succeed when no one else believed in them

posted 4 months ago

you're not happy with your life. you used to be happy and win in life, but now you're not and you always think you're going to win but are crushed when you dont(basically you thought jdg were gonna be insane but they're the worst team in cn)

posted 4 months ago

you're delulu. you're a decent person irl, but you think that you're always right and that everyone else is wrong

posted 4 months ago

you enjoy a good laugh. you're not someone to get angry easily, but if someone disses a person/celebrity that you like(not crush or anything), you get pissed off

posted 4 months ago

see #14 + you're french so you're probably a hardcore fan. you're passionate and you're happy when your team wins, but you start throwing baguettes everywhere when you lose

posted 4 months ago

see my other post for th fans

posted 4 months ago

ngl, you're humble. yk that you're a good person but you don't go around flaunting it. you like succeeding, but you're cheering for others to succeed(not saying you want others to lose)

posted 4 months ago

brother you have gone through the pits of hell MULTIPLE times if you've been a fan before this year. sen fans have it hard, but you've had it harder. you just want to watch a south american team that's gone through sm fulfill their dream

posted 4 months ago

if you've been a fan before this year, you've got an insanely strong mental. you've gone through the pits of hell and have come out on top. you're not a particularly popular person(if you're still in school), but you've got friends

if you've been a fan starting this year, you're just a basic kid who tries to fit in way too hard

posted 4 months ago

if it's cuz benjy is on the team, you're a fan of fortnite(maybe not currently but you were at one point). you love hanging out with friends and just playing games

if its cuz of the rest of the team, you're probably just a good person. you want to see kids your age excel at their dreams

posted 4 months ago

if you have the flair cuz of the roster themselves, you're probs immature, but chill. you go outside and have somewhat of a life

if it's cuz you like c9 as an org, you probably hate your life and don't care about the bad stuff they've done(yay 💔)

posted 4 months ago

alr i kinda fucked it up, but basically im gonna explain why you have whatever team it is you have for your flair

you probably love vit because of sayf

or you're a fake flag and are actually french

posted 4 months ago


reply and i'll tell you what kinda personality you have based on your FRANCHISED flair

this is all for fun and don't take this seriously

edit: lmk how wrong i am

posted 4 months ago

ALEZ LES BLEU or wtv it is

if you've been a fan before this year, either you loved watching sideshow mald over kc, or you were a scream fan and then you realized that kc is actually good this year

posted 4 months ago

cned fan

icl tho fut looking strong asl

posted 4 months ago

you're an fpx fan. not much to say. you love seeing ardiis beating the world record for number of times someone can fit "bro" in one sentence every time he speaks. you love suygetsu get headshots every time the observer is on him. you love ange1 on omen cuz you believe he's the greatest omen player ever

posted 4 months ago

flair, not flag

posted 4 months ago



also if you have a cn flair that isn't blg, edg, fpx, tec, jdg or wolves, dont expect much cuz idk the cn teams that much

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Number 1 Walt Disney hater

posted 4 months ago
  2. i agree that americas are seriously stacked, but to me, sure geng had an easy GROUP, but they had to play 6 matches with almost no preptime. same as sen. tbh im just mad that loud beat sen in such convincing fashion. eg could be chalked up to eg having more confidence when they started coming back, but still.
posted 4 months ago

alright yeah you're right. tbh looking back the same could be said for people who do well in ranked but not in pro

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

edg vs 100t

this can't be an elim match cuz my heart will be torn between the two cuz i love both teams

but i need edg to beat boostio for the shit he talked last year

posted 4 months ago

im not taking ANYTHING away from sentinels winning madrid. i respect them for that and i liked the storyline of tenz finally winning again and zellsis finally being able to say he's lifted a trophy

this is mainly for the delulu fans who blame it on lack of a break

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

yeah i know. ngl i posted this cuz i just didn't understand how they're consistently radiant but USUALLY go negative in officials. ik igls have a lot more to worry about than aim btw

posted 4 months ago

alr well that's my bad. i dont follow pacific as deeply so i forgot about the rivalry. i just think that geng weren't like crushed that they lost but i don't know the bts

posted 4 months ago

edit: the original reply was about how sen have grinded for 6th months btw. nothing about stronger groups btw

look my gripe is the fact that people are chalking sen's failure to qual being because of the lack of a break

GEN.G had the same record ( their wins came against talon zeta and dfm LOL )
SEN's wins came from(100t, mibr, and furia LOL)

with their only good win in split 1 being against 100t?? and it's not even that 100t are that great of a team(im not convinced yet, and like i've said in other replies, i would like for 100t to do well)

both teams are still good, one just has a better drive

those are the counters to your point

do i agree that sen have lost their drive? no. do i believe that geng going to shanghai instead of taking a break will be detrimental? maybe cuz they'll have less time to prep

posted 4 months ago

oh i love geng(they're my second fav team behind edg), but if they are able to make it decently far at champs imo they've gotta be considered in the top 5 overall. you look at edg who have non stop played matches and you can see the burnout

posted 4 months ago

the fact that you put sen that low is kinda concerning, no? yes americas is a very strong region, but why is the masters madrid winner in 6-9th place?

posted 4 months ago

isnt it rumored that he's not playing?

posted 4 months ago
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