Flag: India
Registered: December 30, 2021
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 9:12 AM
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That has nothing to do with skill

posted about a year ago

Go look at the PRX vs C9 vod

After ur done go look at PRX Copenhagen run

The difference on coordination and just fundamentals is actually day and night

posted about a year ago

Oh yeah, don't worry one day APAC will get better, especially in a game as truly global as valorant, it's the 1st PC game to become popular pan-asia and when we decide to take things seriously ..... Well we all know what happened in LOL and OW

Edit add FGC to that list

posted about a year ago

Derke bald buff

posted about a year ago

A little bit of both, but considering how PRX played last year it definitely fealt like PRX didn't have their typically cordinated aggression, it was more like a bunch of cracked radiants in a ranked game as they kept peaking and dieing one by one and to add to that we didn't get to see anything new from them

posted about a year ago

Honestly , i was expecting some wacky harbour stuff, it was a little risky ig, but considering how PRX typically play i would have preferred to see that

posted about a year ago

Ok boomer (i love how u still think "minor region" is a thing, especially after loud won champions and there was an apac team in the top 3 every lan last year)

posted about a year ago

Oh yes , how ironic that NA fans need to feel so entitled

posted about a year ago

Most APAC teams have weaker fundamentals compared to western teams (yes even PRX), APAC teams are mostly obsessed with cool looking strats and flashly execs but don't have the fundamentals that NA-EMEA teams do, That has to change if APAC is to assert itself on the world stage, There's a reason why the most consistent teams in APAC history is the one with the best fundamentals.

posted about a year ago

Hu APAC Friendly fire , rly??

posted about a year ago

It's cause na fans are a bunch of insecure manchild losers

posted about a year ago

They'll be back, and then they'll smoke C9 in Tokyo, C9 are just a bunch of inconsistent (except yay) lossers.

Anyways looking forward to DXR vs C9, I'm gonna enjoy watching DRX rip C9 Apart

posted about a year ago

Na fans, being NA fans, how refreshing

I'm going enjoy watching DRX rip C9 to shreds

posted about a year ago

Doesn't matter whether he's got a cs background or not, the analysis is good, and hes got a way with stats, and he has a background in football coaching, where the concept of space is very similar

posted about a year ago

I'ma punt on this, I'm still rooting for drx tho

posted about a year ago

Than argh argh que???

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Man needs to step up, he's not playing well at all, also DFM pls make sure to not be this simple with the calling NXT time

posted about a year ago

The calls are sooo basic, there's no way they can win with this kind of calling

And seoldam needs to pickup otherwise DFM are in big trouble

posted about a year ago

TF script writers???, Getting lazy already?????

The literal same map vetos , back to back???

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah that strip gum thingy lol, makes me nostalgic abt pogo

posted about a year ago

If i were giants owner i would just pass up on the money rather than wear that jersey, the only reason I'm rooting against giants rn is that fking jersey, i don't wanna see it for the rest of the tournament

posted about a year ago

TF is this Subway staff ass shirt

I need to bleach my eyes after this,

posted about a year ago

He's no marved, but he outperformed expectations and proved that he can keep up with the big guns

Good job sam, he's finally fullfilling the potential he had all these yrs

posted about a year ago

But we were expecting it to be closeer, 3 maps potentially, and Haven wasn't as close as the score board suggested

posted about a year ago

Their mental is weaker than me on jett bro , for a franchise team they should have had a better mental

straxo rly is a double edged sword isn't he

posted about a year ago

Considering how PPL have like 8-10 APAC teams going out 1st round, feels good to see this

posted about a year ago

I don't agree with this, but that was smooth

posted about a year ago

Ah another APAC hater, how fking refreshing bro

posted about a year ago

Bro prime xzi was insane, but he's got the same problem as pair(his body is made of glass)

posted about a year ago

Sadge, he's a rly good player, guess the coaching staff couldn't find a place for him, ESP since he arrived at bootcamp pretty late

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Lock downs ended right as i joined (talk abt timing)

posted about a year ago

They didn't kick him out, he left cause of contract reasons (loud didn't want to pay his Higher market value cause everyone on loud became more expensive, same for sacy and pancada actually)

posted about a year ago

If zeta wins against Leviàtan, I'll put a zeta flair and change my IGN to LAZsimp

posted about a year ago

U did it bruv, DRX are done for now, u rly had to curse them didn't u?

posted about a year ago

More like my college management being a bunch of D's , but yes habibi we stay stronk

posted about a year ago

Every single time there has been a VCT lan since i joined college, i have had an exam at the literal same time


posted about a year ago

Idk what what visons he's had, but man need to get of the cult meditation he's doing, CAUSE ITS MELTING HIS FKING MIND

(jokes aside atleast he's got spice)


posted about a year ago

TF, stop necroposting!!!!!!!!

posted about a year ago

Screw Delhi
Screw Mumbai
Screw Bangalore
Screw Hyderabad

Chennai is the best place for Indian eSports, everyone knows English, valorant has a big and most importantly competitive Tamil fanbase, the living standards(traffic, pollution, hospitality etc) are the best, and Chennai is the biggest major urban centre close to Singapore and Hong Kong servers, allowing indian team's to scrim against SEA and even Korean/Japanese teams(or even the franchise teams if they can)

Also dosa for life

posted about a year ago

Idk bbl, fut, fantic and Navi would

posted about a year ago

What if 20,000 PPL died on the other side instead??, The estimates go upto 25000 at a conservative estimate in turkey, entire cities like hatay have literally stopped existing bro, imagine if the entirety of LA, San fran and Seattle were wiped

posted about a year ago

The entire point is dog, but even from this insane perspective, alfajer is from southern Turkey, this City was in one of the Hardest hit cities, oh and on top HIS OWN CLOSE FAMILY IS IN THE RUBEL BRO

posted about a year ago

Been on therapy for 69 yrs bruv

posted about a year ago

Alright then where am I supposed to post my non valo related opinions???...... Fking vlr mate??????

I'm not going to attack PPL who want to play HP legacy, nither am i attacking the devs, the farthest i will go is to advise against playing the game but that's it, if u like to play it go ahead

I would definitely leave Twitter if there was an alternative, but there isn't.....

posted about a year ago

Welcome back, looking forward to more shitbating and me raging comrade

posted about a year ago

Cause brawk and aproto

posted about a year ago

He seems pretty effected (emotionally) by the quakes in southern Turkey,and to add to that.. his close family seems to have been hit hard

This doesn't just apply for alfajer, could we expect most Turkish players (especially eastern Turkish players) to underperform due to the current situation


posted about a year ago
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