Flag: Chile
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: February 20, 2024 at 9:38 PM
Posts: 382
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another bad take andy

posted about 2 years ago

petition to ban him also, baits, brings false info and calls for hate, also bat takes all over, a despicable human

posted about 2 years ago

nagz on kru, nzr on furia, sadhaak on loud

posted about 2 years ago

I've only heard good things about Kru work ethic, they practice in a daily basis, from what i recall on keznit stream. But lately keznit said he was unmotivated to play before iceland quals started, so he is not practicing by his own that much but playing scrims alot.

posted about 2 years ago

common trembo L ona + ur takes are always bad (except MIBR)

posted about 2 years ago

did not play Iceland tho, was a sub cuz of injury

posted about 2 years ago

trembo L ona

posted about 2 years ago

Just ban trembolona already, some of the most braindead takes

posted about 2 years ago

Patch favours KRU, as delk1k is a great omen/brim player, as well as the team plays in a fast pace, that favours the meta. 2-1 depending on map picks.

posted about 2 years ago

TREMBO L ONA. Ignorance is free.

posted about 2 years ago

wrong, it is decided by round+/- not matchups

posted about 2 years ago

C9, guard, v1, LG, XSET and sentinels are confirmed. Rise plays NRG, and both are really inconsistant, but in my opinion Rise has better strats (if supamen plays well this game is gg). Knights plays Optic, and thats a no chance for the OCEAN boys imo. i see no chance Optic gets eliminated cuz the tie is broken not by matchups, but round +/- and they have the best out of the three contenders

posted about 2 years ago

excellent player but his lineups and utility usage is kinda lackluster

posted about 2 years ago

late to the game cuz internet went off on his house. Had to drive to Leviatan's team house. No punishment involved.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
  1. Marved
  2. Supamen
  3. Vanity
  4. Dephh
  5. Zombs
  6. Zander
  7. Skuba
  8. Valyn
  9. TiGG
  10. hazed
  11. pho
    i'll explain. Marved has shown to be top 3 all year long on 2021, plus he has gotten a 2nd place on a Masters, while being really consistent aim mechanics and lurk. Supamen is considered by many the best controller NA by the community, as his perfomance on Rise has been so good on lcq, but he has not shown it all year so this is personal bias. Vanity follows by being the most succesful of all, by qualifing with 2 different teams, that noone before quals had complety certainty they will qualify besides pro players playing them on scrims. Good mechanics on astra but lacks on aim sometimes, besides that hes also IGL extra points. Dephh since he came to XSET theyve gotten better and better, great IGL, annoying lurker, good utility usage, and consistant aim, but he has not shown it against other regions, as he has only won one time to the top three last year. Zombs top 5 is questionable, but his KAST its really high, but when he has bad games he really underperforms on aim. Top 5 for his winning on Masters 1, but his recent performances and passive ability intensive gameplay does hurt sometimes Sentinels, (plus he "created" or popularized stinger/spectre meta). Zander and Valyn get higher positions on recent bias, as The Guard and V1 have shown to be a menace, both come from teams with not good results, but they thrived. Skuba has potential to be top 5 this year as he has shown to be such an impactful player, but when hes on an off game they crumble sometimes, as he is one of the rocks of Knights with ban. hazed has not shown enough as controller as he was sentinel player for most of 2021, only using viper sometimes i think(?), but he has the aim and thesinergy with his team to contest the top 5, but we''ll see after this masters 1 group stage. pho its in a similar position as he was mainly an flex on sentinel (i think he played lots of sage), and this is masters 1 quals is his first big event to show up, but i dont have big hopes, as they are inconsistent even tho they qualified first for the second open quals (dre and boostio went off most of games). finally Tigg, as Immortals and LG player he has always shown to have so good aim, but also, not a captain, and mostly thrives on early snowballing (as shown in his video on LCQ run), but when hes on a roll they can own everyone, but he need to stay more passive, and commit less mistakes under lategame pressure.
posted about 2 years ago

keznit confirmed delzik is not out on his stream, on the 26th. Only subs vod tho

posted about 2 years ago

False info. All players did it for troll.

posted about 2 years ago

duelist - yay
flex - keznit
initiator - chronicle
smokes - Avova
sentinel - Nats

posted about 2 years ago

prediction all good so far

posted about 2 years ago

Australs will own everyone, quote me on this

posted about 2 years ago

pessi pog

posted about 2 years ago
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