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Registered: April 23, 2021
Last post: February 25, 2025 at 2:01 PM
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lev and g2 aint the best teams in the region

posted 9 months ago

This is standard G2 performance bro what are you on about. The only thing missing was Valyns ridiculous fragging from Americas

posted 9 months ago

I mean T1 have just had problems with their strat book and leadership. You cant have a good team without a good IGL

posted 9 months ago

Yea i havent seen a good post on the platform in years

posted 9 months ago

Theyre gonna be good but they aint placing top 6 in champs imma just say rn, thats IF they even make it.
Getting rid of the best player of last year because Chet was an idiot with FNS and Som is actually a crazy move. FNS will carry the calling but they aint gonna have the fragging power to compete against the top A tier and S tier teams

posted 9 months ago

but you dont need to be the best nor beat the best to qualify for a tournament as shown by T1. Being first seed gives you 0 momentum and so much of the time the first seeds who are better than their opponents lose anyway.
DRX deserved to be at shanghai much more than T1 regardless of it is or isnt cope

posted 9 months ago

its pretty mickey mouse you cant lie. The only real S tier team is PRX and thats if we assume theyll be performing at the level they did in Champs which from their history they probably wont.
Madrid was also mickey mouse asf tho and it produced some banger matches so idk why people are making it seem like shanghai is gonna be a boring tourney

posted 9 months ago

Anyone from Indonesia been having crazy packet loss in game for the past couple of days? Ive been testing online packet loss tests and it seems like my internet is stable again but when i boot up valorant and play deathmatch or ranked my packets loss is constantly above 15% and sometimes reaches 100%. Its almost unplayable

posted 9 months ago

AMD drivers really dont suck anymore its just an age old stereotype thats never been given up by the general community. Its also a lot of confirmation bias. Me personally ive run 2 Nvidia GPUs in valorant and 2 older AMD gpus being the 560 and the 5500 both AMD gpus were completely fine and i never faced any problems. If anything once i switched to my 970 and then 1650 (1650 has less problems) ive been getting a lot of stuttering, crashing (really REALLY bad on the 970), and sometimes even artifacting + invisible characters (tho tbf this only happens when i have ridiculous packet loss)

Both are fine honestly if you buy the newer ones. Valorant is coded well enough to work on both as long as you dont mess with stupid settings that dont need to be touched.

posted 9 months ago

huh? but whats the joke tho?

posted 9 months ago

Deal and I even think theyre gonna win

posted 9 months ago

On paper TH have better players than Lev. None of the Lev players frag other than aspas and all of the TH players frag apart from riens

posted 9 months ago

I don't think the maps should have anything to do with it though. We've seen saadhak and johnqt call some insane back and forths on all those maps, I feel like maybe just the meta doesn't force teams to really switch it up round to round and on top of that the anti that I mentioned forces teams to abandon older strats cause they become really easy to pinpoint mid game (this is the reason benny is always switching up his trips)

posted 9 months ago

It definitely fell hard. Even as a Sen fan I can safely say that Madrid's skill level was ATTROCIOUS and personally other than the GF I don't think Sen played to the peaks they'd shown from pre Madrid.
The games don't feel like there are masterminds at play. The closest we've seen imo is TH v FNC but that game became a battle of individuals after the first 2 maps.
I think it's the insane amount of anti strat rn, it's hard to build your strategy on top of existing ones and so everyone always starts from the ground up every few tournaments

posted 9 months ago

It's only crazy cause his team was hyper dominant (this is coming from a long time chronicle fan, he is not currently better than forsaken)

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

I agree that won't solve their problems and he isn't always the reason for their losses but your deduction that king is is even worse of a conclusion.
Kingg is a good igl tho inconsistent, the problems start arising on the attack side cause they just don't have shooters other than aspas and once in a blue moon mazino

posted 9 months ago

You're clearly out of the loop if you think any relevant teams rn were scrimming the whole off season other than Sen.
Other than challengers teams the only teams that were made during the off season was Kru and G2

posted 9 months ago

Why are you so adamant on that lmao? Do you really need a reason to hate on Sen so much that you're deluded enough to believe they didn't play worse?
Vlr at its finest right here 😂

posted 9 months ago

C0m is just bad bro, he was never made to be on a superteam, it was the biggest mistake Lev made replacing nzr with com

posted 9 months ago

It's so sad to see NRG fans have 0 hope for their team but I assure you it would be a way closer game than you'd think.
G2 are in the best form they've ever seen and it won't be long before they fall off like Kru

posted 9 months ago

Bro changed his comment ☠️

posted 9 months ago

10-2 got nothing to do with Sen, it's got to do with the flukers and chokers at G2

posted 9 months ago

The region is top 2 sure but G2 are by far the most mid team in Americas. They beat C9 and then Kru who were having A HORRENDOUS showing
G2 in playoffs looked no better than Sen or even NRG

posted 9 months ago

If only you knew about "100T BEST TEAM 🔥"
I'm a prophet dawg sit down

posted 9 months ago

Nah bro you thinking bout someone else

posted 9 months ago

For real bro doesn't know about the legendary "100T BEST TEAM 🔥"

posted 9 months ago

Where's your trophy 🧐

posted 9 months ago

Imagine winning double pistol and a streak at the end of defense side only to lose the map ☠️
G2 really got lucky AHH hell qualifying for Shanghai

posted 9 months ago

Zekken is baiting you dumbass ☠️ he's the biggest fucking troll in valorant and you're too stupid to realize???

posted 9 months ago

Did you really get baited by the most obvious troll in the entirety of valorant? That's embarrassing bro

posted 9 months ago

Zekken is the one baiting dumbass ☠️☠️☠️
This guy fr the smartest G2 fan 😂

posted 9 months ago

Was anyone offended by it? In my eyes the whole time it was just bad because of how distasteful of a joke it was coming from an ORGANISATION. like if the players tweeted that then who cares but this is literally the org that got rid of their CEO because he was friends with a controversial personality

posted 9 months ago

Yea but it's just so overblown for so long it genuinely just looks pathetic when you see a diehard Sen hater.

posted 9 months ago

You have no idea what cope means do you? ☠️

posted 9 months ago

That is such a lame system ☠️

posted 9 months ago

Bren be waffling about some BO1 that's gonna be played if G2 and Sen have equal round diff but am I just stupid or is round win/loss not taken into account too as the final tie breaker?
Sen have a 1.15 w:l
G2 have 1.05 w:l
Doesnt that mean Sen go through on tie breaker if round diff is equal?

posted 9 months ago


posted 10 months ago

PRX aren't an outlier though. They've suited a style to not need an igl. They play fast, aggressive, and with insane chemistry. They technically have an igl in davai and forsaken who have proven to be really smart players and davai has been the second caller for Prx since benkai.
Either way though as far as they make it in tournaments you can see that a LOT of games they lose are due to not being able to adapt since they don't have a top IGL. Sometimes they look lost and don't know what to change up and that's why a good igl especially in the current level of valorant is such a necessity

posted 10 months ago

Tf are you on about crashies in hard carrying victors stocks. There's a reason crashies got a ton of offers but didn't want to leave victor and it wasn't the other way around

posted 10 months ago

They have no igl, they could have all 5 of the best players in history and without an igl they wouldn't qualify for a single thing

posted 10 months ago

Built to win majors, playing to not get 13-0ed

posted 10 months ago

Are they still the number 1 Americas team? 🤣

posted 10 months ago

Whos one of the worst teams?

posted 10 months ago

Individual performance
Taking map control on both defense and offense
Adaptation to opponents
Anti strats seem non existent
Set plays are predictable and poorly executed

posted 10 months ago

Ngl this list is pretty accurate as to who was carried to a win but I do agree that everyone on this list (apart from maybe kiles) deserves their win

posted 10 months ago

Tf are you on about. Valorant isn't about politics. If fpx were from any other country and they made it they would've won, that's the fucking point.
No one gives a shit what the reason they couldn't make it was cause the reality is THEY DIDNT MAKE IT ☠️
Dumbasses left and right on vlr istg

posted 10 months ago

Bro didn't watch the DFM match where T1 got fuckin dismantled ☠️

posted 10 months ago

This guy allows the roles to work on bleed but this team doesn't have nearly enough firepower to warrant a fill pick. Get a properly good player regardless of role, sentinel as all the pros agree is the easiest role to learn (also proven by GenG).
This guy is just not good enough for a team that aspires to qualify for any tourney

posted 10 months ago

Well I mean if he eats healthy and has any decent amount of exercise that's more than enough. Losing weight likely wouldn't change that.
It's about how fresh your brain is from engaging it in analytical activity, about how often the body is given a chance to move and increased blood flow, what the diet looks like and if it allows for the appropriate amount of energy, and probably the most important is high quality 8 hours of sleep

posted 10 months ago
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