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Registered: | April 23, 2021 |
Last post: | February 25, 2025 at 2:01 PM |
Posts: | 449 |
Bro is ignoring sacys godly performance so far this champs. Bro has some sort of champs buff
I love watching all you dumbasses glaze GenG so hard when both games they've played so far have been way worse than their performance at Shanghai.
Keep talking shit about Sen to fuel the hate boners
Trace just topped
Edit: oh you meant first seeds
As long as they keep throwing then there's a real chance
What more is there to say? We're cooked
They decided to show up 1 event late
If only you won lotus, if only y'all tried a little harder
their performance from 2 weeks ago was top 10, we aint pulling shit out from last century bro
G2 are probably the most drilled and disciplined team we have EVER seen in valorant and that style of play is perfect against most playstyles we see today. Issue is against teams like GenG who have a similar level of teamplay and far higher firepower it just doesnt work so well. Its not a matter of GenG are way better than G2 but the styles just dont match well but then again G2 have adjusted to many different styles to fit their opponents.
Lev in my eyes have a better chance because theyre literally the GenG of Americas with less firepower. I feel like Lev wouldve comfortably won todays series if they played like they did for this entire stage. It just looked to me like they had no real motivation to win a seeding match. Call me crazy all you want be objectively Lev played worse than they have been this past stage and made mistakes a tier 2 team would be making like the excessive amounts of dry peeking in man advantage and equal situations.
If were being realistic tho, GenG are so fucking consistent that i just dont see them losing Champs. Then again apart from SEN in 2021 and Madrid as well as arguably FNC in Tokyo, there have been 0 favourites to win a tournament
It zooms in your game so it's easier to see enemies, it's not a gimmick.
I personally don't think it's worth the input lag in valorant tho
Why does this matter so much to you bro ☠️
Who cares? Anyone with a brain can tell these guys are neck and neck
FNC trophies: Lock//In Trophy, Masters Tokyo
Prx trophies: 🦗
This guy actually told you to grow up and this is the shit he's saying 😭😭😭
I can't dude this is too good. He thinks that he's roasted and toasted you if he can get you to say FNC have won 0 of 2 internationals 🤣
Kind of a dumbass comparison, really doesn't prove anything other than you're butt hurt
Nah loud actually look like they're trying now, though less very well could've locked omen with 0 warning on the team
The only way this is an argument at all is to take into measurement how good the teams were and to compare peaks. In placements it isn't even a question.
Imo Sen would've made it really far in Shanghai cause the competition was straight garbage (somehow worse than Madrid) and if Sen were able to play in a free region like APAC their slump wouldn't be so prominent
While I'd typically agree slightly with that statement, this game looked the closest to a team actively trying to lose and no one looking to actually kill the opponents or play together.
If anything loud want to get this game over with and go home or at the very least that map. Also picking ascent against 100t is suicide and loud aren't a stupid team, they're usually rlly good with vetos so... They likely do want to end this 0-2
Fr, qck stocks rising.
Issue is Brazils tangent pipeline to tier 1 doesn't exist so they can't find any young cracked duelist very easily. You gotta settle with what you have and fix up the strats to accommodate
So now we know why he doesn't wanna play duelist
So you're saying if they had the best support in the game over ardiis who was having a shit year that they'd achieve higher highs?
I never thought about it that way, you're kinda smart, wow
The only thing in someone's head is this guy getting you triggered when he sees your 0/8 bait ☠️
We got rid of the crypto thrower and Nepo daddy, we good now
This guy gets screwed wherever he goes man, even going crazy in this match saadhak is throwing on neon and the rest are mid asf other than caua
This year will be the only champs that's actually significantly higher in level of play compared to the masters of the same year because many teams are actually competing this year and a lot of big name teams didn't end up making it.
This'll be the first 16 team even where it actually gets harder due to having 16 teams attend where there's enough room for all the best teams
The storylines will come up once we're there, right now there are a few like Prx v Sen redemption, likely there'll be China v boostio, and probably TH finally being able to not choke a GF if they end up winning which would be a MASSIVE storyline if it happens
THEY DONT x_x, scream is a flex, keiko is an entry
theyre really bad at ecos so im guessing they wanna try to get a high potential gun that doesnt require a hero buy
the IGL wouldve stopped 100T from winning so many rounds in the first place. The IGL would stop them from overheating. The IGL would call strats that makes it easier for the entries to pop off. The IGL would be sacrificing his stats to boost everyone elses stats
except everyone on GenG is one of the best on the team
Mindfreak has never been the best since copenhagen
PRX fans deserve it for shitting on Monyet when he was literally the only reason they got as far as they did in Madrid
he somehow cursed both teams he had winning
4th as a placement alone isnt bad but you gotta look at the context, fnc were playing like shit, they didnt trade, they had stiff looking execs, their reads were off, placement and timing was bad, individuals were terrible.
They got 4th but they didnt really go against any challenging teams during that run apart from Loud who absolutely tore them apart in both matches
Is this not just proof that Boaster isnt on the same level as Saadhak and FNS. Even Angel hasnt had a falloff this bad other than when cNeds agent pool was their downfall. Boaster has always been a decent IGL but I dont think ive ever seen him as a world class IGL (this is from a FNC fan of 3.5 years btw).
He has players that at their best are on par with everyone at the top of the world rn but they always look abysmall and just rely far too much on heroics. (their split was rlly good tho)
no actually that Bind was a masterclass, they gave absolutely no room for PRX to do anything at all. It looks like they might even beat 100T playing like that (on bind at least)
Most Minnie Mouse tournament ive ever watched in my life
fr Doug is one of the only casters that properly convey hype. Babybay and Doug do stutter a lot but who cares, they breakdown the game and do a good play by play
I do love it when he throws tho.
C0m is literally the worst player on the team and you cant deny it
Replace c0m keep the rest
Like look at this spectacular gameplay. The way they force TH to commit so much util to mid that theyre able to breach ulti into A without having to deal with viper mollies or cypher trips is a masterclass. Its pure beauty out of G2.
They very might well win Shanghai
fns just be suckin vic and crashies too much those 2 were the ones he needed to get rid of
yea but with fns on the line demon1 bout to become demon2