Flag: India
Registered: June 3, 2022
Last post: October 22, 2024 at 3:44 PM
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The best thing abt this matchup is that atleast Karam1L backs his words that Skrossi is overrated and diffs him everytime regardless of Rossi being overrated or not.

posted 6 months ago

If the OG top 3 Indian team could be called that then yes

posted 6 months ago

Don't always bet by odds bro.
This is new RGE roster and if you actually follow Indian scene you would know that this OG roster is literally GGEZ roster which is only young blood roster who has always been able to take wins off established Indian teams .

posted 6 months ago

alright guys thank you for conforming so I am buying Forsaken Vandal for now, for OP will make do with ION for now

posted 6 months ago

obvious no its pretty easy to identify fellow countrymen here. He is a newfound RGE fan.
Yoyster, Doc_octavious, Kamisavitar are some other active Indians with fake-flags here

posted 6 months ago

Though I have Prime vandal but I have always wanted Forsaken Vandal/Op. Planning to pick it up for 1100 something, worth it right guys?

posted 6 months ago

anyone who has bad aim won't last in T1. You can improve their util quicker than aim so its better to play with someone like Levi and also his MLT core is good at aiming if you give them a good coach they may just end up cooking

posted 6 months ago

bro doctorr is not a good coach. He brings nothing new to table , OG qualified for ascension due to their aim game and not much else

posted 6 months ago

16:10 res
800 dpi 0.76 sens

posted 6 months ago

GE got selected bcz when Franchising took place they were the only serious Org in Indian Valorant scene. VLT didnt have structure of an org - its more like owner having some of his close people together and playing with them.
Enigma was not strong financially back then neither they are now.
But if Franchising happened now there would be competition- especially from Orangutan and RGE and maybe in few years MLT and Grayfox would be household names too

posted 6 months ago

see it was decent we were clocking around 30k live at peak from our country alone today and during covid on our best days we never crossed 50k peak so expecting more from the team which gets us embarrassed every match day is not fair

posted 6 months ago

yess our aim isn't issue gamesense is thats why 5 Indians will not work- 3 indian aim demons+2 imports preferably duelist and igl(initiator) and trust me we will win a bit.

posted 6 months ago

Wasn't a solo carry though brother he had a great igl who was equally devastating plus 2 japs Also played decently.
But yeah huge potential I remember he straight up aim diffed Azys and Rawfiul on fracture

posted 6 months ago

Let me be very honest I have followed Indian scene for 3 years now and we can't compete with 5 Indians no matter what combination you play so here's a roster with minimum 2 Indians which is more than what we have now-

  1. Duelist - Azys(no explanation needed he does the job and his aim is t1 level)//Garnetsxd(same reason he is great if he can speak English)//JA(Naos man Azys partner in crime equally insane)//Xan( has bigger agent pool + has already played in India)
  2. Initiator flex- Nobody in India is good enough on this role only half decent player is Pakistani k1ng//Tesseract (synergy with fillipino duelist)//Russ(if ge wishes to retain their igl)//Adrnking( good igl ,good util ,frags well)
  3. Sentinel - Definitely an Indian as for choices - Rawfiul( best pure headclicker in India,most consistent across years, already proven he can hang out against the best)//Deathmaker(best rifler in India, very flexible,proven he can hang out with best) // any other young Indian but won't be equal to these 2
  4. Controller- Levi(great aim, great util the standout choice)//Hoax(underrated has been the best controller last 6 months)//Frostmind( one of the best aimer in whole of Apac, synergy with other guys in list, great lurks)
  5. Flex- Skrossi( if he is disciplined he is still great) //Deadly10( inconsistent but when he is on he is great)//Excali(trolls a lot but he is great under pressure) // literally any t2 pro around the world who has a decent pool but has great aim bcz we are looking for raw aim demons here
posted 6 months ago

April fool baiting going on there dont fall for it.

posted 6 months ago

sometimes I feel VLT may have been better choice in terms of financial power ....
But I do feel in future we will have another Indian org in Franchise maybe Orangutan or even Soul will be willing for franchise spot tbh but yeah I think Riot would expect them to represent more than South Asia i.e. even Oceania and others

posted 6 months ago

This I second they all have aim to hang out with the best. Infact take Tess, Frostmind,Azys , Rawfiul and a good IGL(plz suggest ) and they will definitely be very strong upper half team if coached and igl'd well.

posted 6 months ago

talon's duelist GarnetS ??

posted 8 months ago

idk how you came to that conclusion, to me this clearly looked a better game atleast aim wise there is a huge gap in skill levels of GENG and RRQ players than what T1 and Bleed put on display

posted 8 months ago

bcz Head 2 head is first criteria and OG beat MLT 2-0.

posted 8 months ago

official rulebook-
In case of 3 way tie First H2H will be checked
if all teams are 1-1(i.e. every team beat one of other 2 but lost to other)- which is true here then we move to-
map differential- MDL - +3(3rd position), TR-+2 (4th) and RGE-+1(unfortunately eliminated)
if even maps were equal we would have gone to round differential

posted 8 months ago

i think they just need TR to lose bcz then they will be better than TR in h2h and map differential.
Unless round diff is first tie breaker criteria Mdl still has best shot at making playoffs amongst the 3

posted 8 months ago

i am looking at other scenario here .... What if True Rippers lose tmrw to Revenant? Then Medal qualifies right bcz then TR would finish with worse map differential than Mdl right ?

posted 8 months ago

nah brother I am not new to the scene , it's just I don't see any point or profit of me hating on people better than me at something.
started watching back in 2020 covid time when everyone supported GE and VLT and we had 10k+ watching constantly(I chose underdogs Enigma Gaming)
That support is why I rock this Mlt banner as Rawfiul and Anti are still from original core so yess I hv my feelings involved with them. Would wish the best for the team whether it comes with Anti as Igl or otherwise

posted 8 months ago

it isn't possible mid season now team will explode. Most teams have good SEA igl, it's upto Antidote to prove his igling is equal to them, He has 2 more tourneys this season to do so.
If he doesn't then I think he needs to respectfully hang his boots and be a coach/manager

posted 8 months ago

nothing just shows how shallow they are in strat dept bcz due to ping difference their aim isn't being automatically better.
idk atleast till Azys makes it to Dubai at minimum, Rawfiul could have played duelist but nvm it's gg for split 1.
hopefully sense prevails now Antidote gets a proper 5th like Strixx for next cup and they all come to India and get rid of this Visa issue for Azys nd all so they can dominate on aim again

posted 8 months ago

He is still learning I am not even judging him for that RN bcz both DM and Rawfiul are not that good with support utils despite switching few months back.
The OG GE squad was really good with util usage all of them but unfortunately they lacked aim , now we hv great aimers but not so good gamesense in players

posted 8 months ago

the more i see more I realize this man is talented but his playstyle becomes problem in Apac.
He is hyper aggressive always takes off angles , fights head on and disrespects opponents and utilities which work when you are better than your opponents(always) but doesn't against better or more disciplined opponents leading to him getting punished----- losing his confidence and repeat.
His best performance came today against the weakest team aim wise in tourney and you can see the inverse relationships between his ops difficulty and his performance even in this tourney

posted 8 months ago

I would add Levi, Strixx and Rawfiul.

posted 8 months ago

that was a LAN event bro and this MLT is all aim less strat team and now they all are playing on ping disadvantage which is nerfing the very basis on which they win

posted 8 months ago

90 ping duelist won't work in pro tourneys he needs to atleast come to dubai soon tbh Mlt needs to come back to India and stop experimenting so much with roles and players

posted 8 months ago

Rawfiul back on duelist today let's go ..

posted 8 months ago

Seeing them play 1st map I hv genuinely started believing they throw bcz they hv some bet to win 2-1 or smthing bcz how do players like Azys, Rawfiul and Frostmind forget to aim and then suddenly get their aim back 2nd map.
Maybe no warmup idk but it's weird

posted 8 months ago

You need to wake up bro this is last moment put together.
Furthermore Frostmind joined few months back you are confusing him with tesseract who played split and ascension last year.
Whimp doesn't hv the aim anymore they need a better 5th but since they were last team to be formed every good intiator was already signed.
Idk if they are inconsistent then who is consistent? Ever since Enigma times Top 2 team in India 2 series lost in last 2 years. Rawfiul is top 5 in stats on whatever event (Indian) he has played since he switched to valorant from CS, Azys has been top rated both splits and currently he is on 90 ping.
Frostmind killed in manilla lan 2 months back and Anti has won as igl wherever he has played.
We need to stop overreacting they are still one of the best just wait nd watch for a bit.

posted 8 months ago

Ngl felt very weird like no warmup or actual throwing.
Rawfiul kept emptying magazine without connecting open shots multiple times...

posted 8 months ago

For those who are unaware these are Azys stats on 90 ping playing from PH

posted 8 months ago

You are in luck then old OG returns as MLT tmrw against this destructive RGE only no.5 would be new for them rest 4 core is same.

posted 8 months ago

This isn't match nor time to bet . Let all teams play it out once first .
Still if you want to bet , bet in the later match of the day
Medal should easily win against Orangutan.
Also tmrw evening TR against Carnival is 99% free money.

posted 8 months ago

Bruh i didn't say that I was trynaa help you a bit.
Plz read properly I reasoned few things...

posted 8 months ago

bro lot of these Indian players don't use team tag, ig some of these N/A teams are them.
Like Rawfiul uses Mlt but Frostmind,Azys and even ig Antidote hvnt updated but they all belong to Mlt.
So like if you keep track of rosters lot of these N/A can be removed

posted 8 months ago

They asked players to take 50% cut in salaries since they felt salaries are inflated and they are burning lot of money.
Players collectively refused so they mutually parted ways with team prob believing nobody would give that amount and pick them up and well MLT decided to not only pick all of them up but also their manager+coach xd

posted 8 months ago

Who is actually left to be signed brother??

posted 9 months ago

Bruh vlr ratings,acs,kd,clutch% he is no. 1 sova, chamber and kj and that's all he plays nowadays....
Which parameter should i judge him on then??

posted 10 months ago

Anyone who doesn't have any of skrossi, DM or Rawfiul in all Indian team tbh has no idea abt Indian scene

posted 10 months ago

Umm kindly check who is top rated senti,intiator and duelist at the moment before these kind of statements

posted 10 months ago

Best player in India in 6 diff need to get watch sa valorant a bit or atleast check the stats on vlr...

posted 10 months ago

Just putting in a name former Tln duelist GarnetS afaik is still LFT and atleast in ranked he clears them regularly

posted 10 months ago

I think we just need to wait till next month since you cant play international matches everyday so obv you judge from what you can see but next month he plays predator lan where ascension contenders are there which should give us a good idea abt his flex capacity

posted 10 months ago

tbh if you saw their team they never really set him up yess and he does tend to choke a bit or rather overtry and mess up in big events(fellow Indian choking blood afterall xd).
But now he is flexing and still looking dominant as senti/initiator both in indian tourney and ranks so we can hope for better and anyways he is best we have by quite a margin with only Deathmaker close to him currently so its not like we have too amny options

posted 10 months ago
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