Both, I started supporting SEN because TenZ had moved to the team in 2021, but I still always root for SEN regardless of their current roster. There are also just players I like to root for because I think they're good and deserve to win something.
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Registered: | August 15, 2023 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 5:19 PM |
Posts: | 84 |
Both, I started supporting SEN because TenZ had moved to the team in 2021, but I still always root for SEN regardless of their current roster. There are also just players I like to root for because I think they're good and deserve to win something.
except retard has been used as a regular insult and not directed at the mentally disabled for years until some random group of twitter users decided it was a slur. The only people who genuinely care about its usage are chronically online and need to realize there is much worse things to worry about.
Highkey if EDG don't win this it will cause china to fall back a few steps perception wise
highkey this team without language barriers would fry
clears the path back home, liq0id is going 0-2
Literally happens to every team, your viewing a forum dedicated to an esport, people are gonna act cocky and shit on bad decisions
so many rounds thrown because they have their backs to someone????
I gotta admire the conviction. You're horribly wrong, but hey, I was a delusional SEN fan in the 2022-2023 days so go off.
I don't think they would've been better, they didn't drop a single map at masters that year. As for the next couple years I think the biggest problem was Rawk0s more than anything
Started watching Valorant at Masters 2021 and Tenz being signed to SEN was a big thing at the time. I became a fan when I was watching them play then.
Furia, even MIBR is picking up their slack a little now, but furia has been the same bad team no matter who they sign
KRU highkey cooking rn but MIBR def getting lucky. Getting carried by aspas so hard broπππ
It's literally just every weekend, it's not that bad, even the seperation between regionals and masters is only like a couple weeks
I wouldn't put it past 2G to be the best BR team, LOUD has been alright and MIBR/FURIA have been a joke for the last 2 years.
Honestly that's what I was thinking, I'm just hoping that BR actually puts up a fight in 2025, 2024 was pretty lackluster.
do we think 2G will outpace the other BR teams or will they become another MIBR/FURIA
There might be community tourneys for console but I dont see why Riot or Orgs would invest in valorant console esports when its the same game with very very minor changes. It'd cost too much for something no one would watch
I just want GOATitek to go to a good team, keeping him as a sub is tragic
Even ignoring my hater mentality on EMEA, TH is realistically the only team that performed really well this year, FNATIC/FUT/KC only did good in regional.
MIBR is by far the worst performing team. Yea BLEED did bad but have you seen MIBR's stats?
Chronicle has to be the GOAT in an unironic sense, he's put up numbers consistently for years now and he's a flex player
Its VLR, a team loses one match and they are the worst team in the tournament, doesn't matter what match, doesnt matter what team
Holy yap idk if this is even a copypasta but I aint reading ANY of that
The caster brought up a good point and I've noticed it as well, I see less OPs overall during the games and it seems like with Neon being more in use, duelists choose to use a vandal or phantom more often. Is this the new strat? Thinking at Tenz and Derke using it, both were shut down pretty well by the opposing team.
What is their defense?
They do the same like 3 strats and leave so many openings on the map
Hes going to C9 or EG, maybe surprise crazy turnover and we end up with FUR yay
Id put Zekken above miniboo, Woot above Kicks, and Benjyfishy above Alfajer
the rest is ok
I feel like the SEN and LEV reasons are kinda weak but I get the rest
highkey if Trace made a run it'd be insaneee
I think there should be a relegation system for all bad teams if they really want to keep it,
All horribly performing teams (Looking at you MIBR) get relegated/have to fight for their spot
A nicer option might be an Ascension team stays for however long but if they place high enough in tourneys they get a perma spot. It's kinda messed up that teams that weren't chosen for franchising are just stuck without a permanent spot in franchising forever
y0y gotta be the best one of all time
semen1 is pretty funny tho
Single elim is terrible for a game like Valorant where teams consistently make lower bracket runs
Can't a man make the average VLR thread for fun
Demon1 is def not overrated, his greatness "only lasted 5 seconds" cause he was signed to a mid team in 2024 and then benched after like 2 games
The Haters Guide to Valorant Champions Seoul 2024 by Zeph Valorant
I had this exact same question and a video I watched recently explained it for me
They just play incredibly boring Valorant. They do the fundamentals, default, play retake, and have no crazy super stars on their team. Nothing they do stands out but that translates to winning a lot of the time. They are good just not really interesting.
I wish they would adjust the start times of the matches to line up timezones better. The fact that they HAVE to do every match in the evening means that all Asia and European Tourneys are between 1am-8am :(
Just woke up to DRX 2-0 and TH 2-1
bruh I'm cooked
It makes me so sad that patitek has to sit on the bench when twice now hes proven that he can make the team so much better
Astra: Zombs (mainly because I never see astra played and I dont watch a lot of EMEA)
Breach: Mazino
Brimstone: Demon1
Chamber: yay
Clove: s0m
Cypher: nats
Deadlock: Johnqt
Fade: eeiu
Gekko: Boostio
Harbor: forsaken
Iso: Alfajer
Jett: Aspas
Kayo: Ethan
Killjoy: Zellsis
Neon: miniboo
Omen: Tenz
Phoenix: Food
Raze: Jawgemo
Reyna: something
Sage: ardiis
Skye: davai
Sova: c0m
Viper: Less
Yoru: marteen
Tad bit of bias as I watch mainly Americas with a tad bit of APAC sprinkled in. I only watch a few EMEA games besides the international tournaments.
I want SEN to win, but Id say GENG has the best chance of every team at winning
You say cringe zellsis and a bunch of drones but if you watch the actual videos you can see the vibes they have. Zellsis isnt doing anything more cringe than what 2021 sen was doing back in the day.
As for skill thats not entriely true, id say most of 2022/early 2023 SEN was just an overall downgrade from what they had originally.
By a mile the new team
They have way better chemistry and watchability. They also are just inherently better at the game because theyve been playing for longer. Coaches also add a ton of value to the team that 2021 did not have with only Shazam.
2021 SEN was awesome, they went on a crazy streak and the BM was really entertaining from zombs and dapr but it was infant valorant. The meta was running double duelists and hard rushing sites.
(Btw I started watching during NA Challengers 2021)
Honestly this years champs are hard to predict imo
If I had to take a guess at who wins it would be, in no particular order,
Honorable mention goes to VIT. I feel like they've been doing good but I don't think they'll go anywhere in champs
People always point to zellsis as a problem and i dont really get it. Hes obviously not gonna put out the biggest numbers but hes never necessarily been a detriment either. He plays well and hes been shown to provide a big part of keeping the team moral up significantly.