How come EU is so strong in CSGO, winning everything...
But when it comes to valorant, they're arguably the worst region and haven't won anything since FNC 2023?
And why does NA have no presence in CSGO Tier 1?
Historically EMEA has still been pretty good in Valorant though.
EMEA: 5 titles (Gambit, Acend, FPX, Fnatic (x2))
Americas: 5 titles (Sen (x2), Optic, Loud, EG)
Pacific: 2 titles (GenG, T1)
China: 1 title (EDG)
It's not that EMEA is bad, just that the regions are at the most balanced they have been in a while and the EMEA teams have just fallen short at some finals/play offs stages. I mean this last event we had all 4 regions represented in the top 4 and with Vitality and EDG beating T1 and G2 respecitvely earlier on in the tournament (before losing to them in the playoffs) I would say these 4 teams are all very close in skill to eachother.