Knowing that in about 2 years that Riot will have to evaluate all the partnered teams and decide who stays and who goes, if this contract jail stuff is true with EG and they really aren't letting their players go because they want them to stay on with pay cuts, along with all this other stuff is slowly coming out about them, I could see Riot not wanting to give them another contract. Even despite the fact that they won champions, Riot have proven that just because you've had a good performance, it doesn't guarantee you a spot in franchising (e.g teams like The Guard, Xerxia and EMEA FPX not being picked up for the first season of franchising, though I might be wrong about FPX because I dont quite remember whether they planned the Chinese region swap before or after franchising EDIT: How the hell did I also forget about Optic). Not to mention they dropped G2 last minute at the start of last season because of the Tate incident, so Riot is also not scared to drop teams if they have bad PR or are just doing some questionable moves.